Chapter 16: Change Is Good

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Walking through the outcast hallway side by side. Everyone looked at the two of them like they were royalty as they approached the double doors. Brett pushed through the one door, Bailey hesitated for a moment looking over to the side her face was elated as Brett looked back at her.

"You coming?"


Bailey turned and walked through the door that Brett had opened for her. The young couple walked out into the snowy field wandering through it. The sun was out keeping the temperature higher then usual outside, yet the snow still left a chill in the world.

Surprisingly Bailey took it in stride. She only had her mustard yellow hoodie and a pair of yoga pants on, and they had to trek through a good couple inches of snow. She was persistent which was impressive as Brett was sure she would ask him to attempt to carry her or go back in. But she didn't she just followed Brett stepping into each one of his footsteps to keep her legs from getting to covered in snow.

"Thanks for letting me hang out with you."

Brett could feel the girl smiling behind him, it was a warm smile. He looked back at her, she now had her arms crossed. As he expected, Mike and him had done it for so long that they were climatized and didn't get affected but Bailey was new to this.

"Don't worry about it, change is good every once and a while. But if you get cold we can go back in."

"Yea it certainly is colder then I thought."

"Do you want to keep going?"

"Yea, just a little chilled."

"Do you want my hoodie?"

Bailey was surprised by the offer since she was already cold and believed that Brett must have felt the same, but nods anyway accepting Brett's offer while her teeth rapidly click together. In one shift movement he removed the hoodie and gave it to Bailey. Even with her own hoodie, Brett's jacket fit loosely over her like a blanket.

"Thanks are you sure you won't get cold?"

"Yea I'm sure."

Even being reassured by Brett she couldn't help but still feel a little worried about him. He doesn't get phased by it though as he led them to a set of bleachers in the field and climbed up to sit on the top bench board.

Brett leaned against the metal railing, his t-shirt barely able to stand up against the cold infused metal as a chill ran up his spine. Bailey claimed the seat right beside him, her body still slightly shaking from the cold. She was a slim girl, she wasn't extremely skinny but she was lacking some muscle, becoming more affected by the cold the longer she was exposed.

"How are you not cold."

"I don't know. I'm just climatized to this weather I guess. To tell you the truth I do some stupid stuff just to force my body to adapt to situations."

As resilient as Brett seemed to be, Bailey looked confused as he revealed the stupidity of his lifestyle to her, seeing it as self torture.

"Why would you do that."

"Poor life choices really, it wasn't till recently that I knew it was actually called something."

The cold air was starting to get to him now, he was sure his shirt was attached to the steel railing. His hands were slowly starting to freeze forcing him to put them under his arms for warmth, Bailey seemed to understand what Brett was talking about though as she looked at him. Watching as he continued to adjust his arms, Bailey looked at him and then at his struggle.

"Are you cold?"

"No, but I'm feeling that chill now."

Viciously he rubbed his hands together, as Bailey studied the situation. They were a little ways away from the school, but she didn't want their alone time to end.


Brett looked at the girl as she wrapped her hands around his, Brett's muscles loosen to let Bailey do what she wants with them, before guiding them to her legs putting them in between her thighs. At first he thought it would be a waste since she was already shivering to but in fact was probably the warmest his hands had felt since being outside. Brett's eyes lit up as he was not expecting that, with the fact that a thin layer of fabric was the only thing separating his hands from her legs.

"Umm, what are you doing?"

"Warming up your hands silly."

He tried to remain as casual as he could but Bailey was being very forward now as she gave him a flirtatious smile, as if she was in Brett's head.

"Okay, well they are warming up, thanks."

Still not ready to commit to either of the girls, Brett tried to force his hands out from between her legs, only to have Bailey flex her legs locking him in. His hands would be free when she wanted them to be. He began to blush, his hands were starting to warm up to a decent degree.

"Awe you're blushing again, it's cute."

"It's just weird."

Trying his best to laugh it off, Bailey leaned in closer to him whispering in his ear.

"Why? Have you never had your hands between a girls legs before."

The comment drove the final stake into the awkward coffin, making Brett feel really uncomfortable.

"Okay we're done here."

In one quick movement Brett pulled his arms out of Bailey's leg gap taking her by surprise as he put them back underneath his arms. It happened so fast that Bailey wasn't really sure how to read Brett's emotion as she looked at him.

"Sorry, I'm just playing around."

Bailey rests her head on Brett's shoulder. He looks over at her, only seeing the top of her brown hair as a flowery aroma filled the space around them. It was different from Emma's but yet so captivating. There was something mystical about smelling flowers in the middle of a snowy field, yet it was a relaxing vibe that washed over them.

Losing himself in the scent, Brett made a move to rest his head on hers but the bell rang at the last second causing Bailey to spring her head up like a gopher narrowly missing Brett's jaw.

"Well looks like it time to go back."

Standing up she made her way down the bleachers and looked back up at Brett who was still in a slight awe state.

"You coming?"

"Yea, let's go."

Following Bailey, Brett made his way down he bleachers as well. The two of them made there way through the old snowy tracks and back into the school. Smiling as he looked at the playful Bailey. Was he falling for her, or was this just him lusting over her?

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