Chapter 11: Internal debate

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Walking away from Emma, the girl he had shared such an intimate moment with less then a day ago, Brett was looking ahead at his next potential interest. He stared at Bailey as the glow around her restored her angelic appeal as she smiled at him.

Brett looks over his shoulder and saw a couple of other girls from the class come and sit down with Emma starting up a conversation with her, and next thing he knew she was laughing with the others. His heart sank a little, as a small part of him wished he was the one making her laugh but he had to go deal with his problem like Emma put it, that was now in front of him.

Drifting into his mind, he started to debate the situation at hand. His imagination conjured up the most cliche thing it could think of, it created an imaginary angel and devil that floated on either one of his shoulders.

"What are we doing? We can't just leave Emma. She's been the goal since the start, and yesterday-"

The little angel with the likeness of Brett was cut off as the devil intervened.

"Screw Emma. Let's try something new for once, besides its been years since we met Emma and got no emotional feedback till now, it's time to move on. The train has left the station and it's heading straight to Bailey."

"But Emma is the greatest."

The little angel looked back at the happy yet still tearful Emma before looking over at the little devil.

"Exactly Angel, but we've been friend zoned, she had the chance to kiss us last night and didn't take it, so now it's time to move on."

Both the hallucinations vanished as Brett reached the table beside Bailey and puts the bag on the ground. Bailey pushes out the chair for him as he sits down and takes a look back at Emma, a sad expression was back on her face as she sat with the other girls, Brett knew he was the cause of her sorrow.

Knowing there was nothing else he could do he turned to face Bailey, who was right up in his face, her eyes glaring into his but quickly turned to the sweet innocent look she had when Brett first met her.

Before he could even say anything, Bailey took control of the situation.

"Why did you let her sit with you? Are you together? I saw the way you look at her."

The questions just kept coming from Bailey as Brett tried to make sense of the situation and answer them.

"What?, No. We're not together. We just grew up together and have always been close."

A nervous laugh escaped from Brett, as he did his best to diffuse Bailey's interrogation. Thinking he was free from any comment, Bailey bounced back with a wicked retort.

"Well you could do better."

She opened her notebook as Brett took the shot head on, not sure where it came from, as he looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?"

However before Bailey even got a chance to answer, Mrs. Conrad was already approaching the front of the classroom. One of her eyes fired at Brett, as if prompting him to pull out his stuff for the class and be ready for the lesson.

"Alright everyone. Today I'd like to introduce you to our new student who will be joining us," Mrs. Conrad gestured over to Emma, who gave a quick wave to the rest of the class with a fake smile she had forced on her face before turning back to her notebook. "Emma, here will be with us for the rest of the semester, and since she wasn't here yesterday, I'd like her to join a group of two."

She begins to scan the room looking for potential candidates to take Emma on, for a moment her eyes settled on Brett and Bailey. She considered the option and almost chose their group but locked eyes with a wide eyed Brett who looked a little terrified, as he knew they only had one completed assignment between the two of them.

As if having Brett tell her this she continued on finally deciding on another group of girls on the opposite side of the classroom. Emma went and joined them with a genuine smile on her face. Moving on, Mrs. Conrad went back to describing the lesson as Brett felt a light tap on his shoulder.

He looked beside him as Bailey retracted her arm and leaned over to him.

"Can I tell you something."

"Yea for sure."

The two whispered back and forth, Bailey a little hesitant to ask what she wanted. She remained quiet for a moment before looking into Brett's eyes. She wasn't glaring this time instead they were filled with fear.

"Well...I don't really have anyone I can actually call a friend around here."

She became more hesitant by the second before finally sliding a piece of paper over to Brett. Her hand covered half of the piece of paper as the other half disappeared underneath Brett's palm.

"What's this?"

"It's me. Trusting you."

The fear was replaced by a coy shyness as Brett picked up the piece of paper and unfolded it. ten numbers were sprawled across the small little piece of paper. It took him a minute before realizing it was Bailey's phone number, followed by an xoxo and a smiley face.

Immediately under the table trying his best to not let Mrs. Conrad see, he pulled out his phone and began to type her number into his phone before sending her a text message. A second later Bailey pulled out a small magenta flip phone a lot less secretly then Brett and saved his contact.

A day prior when he saw her crack a smile for that brief second he was so happy with himself, But now seeing her with a genuine smile he was ecstatic inside. She finished putting his name in and put the phone away.


The two of them turned back and listened to Mrs. Conrad's speech.

"Alright class you now have some free time to write."

Bailey turned back to her notebook, as Brett looked over at Emma one last time seeing her laughing and chatting with her new friends in their group of three. He turned back to his notebook as well and began to write. Time flied by as Brett indulged in the writing exercises. Not realizing how much time had gone by, Bailey pushed back her chair and looked over.

"I'll be back in a few minutes."

That's all she said as she walked out the door, while Brett turned back to writing. The rest of the class passed by as Bailey eventually returned after what had seemed like half an hour. From then on the two would occasionally glance over at each other smiling until the bell ended the class.

"Alright class that's it for today."

Mrs. Conrad didn't even bother to go to the front of the class as she was swamped with essays. Brett started to pack up, throwing his notebook into his backpack without care and exited the room. The thought of Bailey or Emma never even crossed his mind as he walked toward the exit.

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