Chapter 28: You Are My Hero

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Tom approached the counter first, while Brett and Mike waited in line. They both continued to sip on the slush before Mike finally turned to Brett.

"Don't worry man, there's always more fish in the sea. Look when you turn eighteen well go find us some girls."

"We were never dating."

Brett's voice was filled with content, as he fought the urge to think about Bailey. In front of them Tom had finished paying and Mike went up next leaving Brett alone in the line. He couldn't resist, he needed to check. He pulled out the phone and saw that there was still no reply from Bailey.


The cashier shouted to the distracted Brett as he slid the phone into his pocket and walked up to the front counter.


"Dollar eighty."

The cashier stood there with his hand extended, he appeared to not be interested in Brett's small talk as he was focused on receiving the money. Sliding out a two dollar coin he handed it over to the cashier. Now getting slightly annoyed at the man Brett looked at him as he popped open the cash registrar.


"Please come again."

The cashier was already gesturing to the next person in line, as Brett slid the drink off the table. He returned to his friends and the group all headed back outside to their next objective, which was simple. Go back to Tom's.

Tom rarely left the house to go long distances or anything, which made the convenience store the perfect distance for him. As they walked they reformed the triangle with Brett and Tom beside each other.

"Dude, let me just say I'm proud of you. You were the first of the three of us to ever have a girlfriend."

"Yea you have the most experience out of all of us."

Brett looked at Tom confused then behind him toward Mike as he chimed in.

"Yea and hell even if you weren't dating it sounds like you guys got pretty close, by the stories Mike has told me."

Brett continued to look at Mike while Mike's eyes looked off to the distance as he sucked on the crystal liquid. Then back at Tom who was as content as before then back at Mike with a sarcastic really look.

"What has he told you exactly, Tom?"

"Just y'know that you to were making out heavily on the bleachers."

Mike was looking at Brett's death glare now, while Tom didn't even seem phased by his friends glaring each other down.


The boys turned the corner as the orientation of the triangle rotated as Mike took Brett's spot beside Tom, and Brett moved to the back. While the two switched spots Brett bopped Mike on the back of his head and caused him to cough up some of the slush drink. It was a playful hit as they all sorta laughed it off but Brett was third wheeling now and he still had a burning phone addiction. Sliding the phone out only about half way out of his pocket this time, to his surprise their was a message from Bailey.

Brett came to a complete stop as the other two continued to walk forward a little bit before realizing that Brett was gone. Tom was the first to turn around.

"Man, c'mon I just made a bet with Mike that I could beat him at chess."

"Hold on I just got a text from one of the girls."

"Ooo what does it say?"

The phone now had everyone's attention in both a positive and negative connotation. Mike was also now intrigued while Tom rolled his eyes and started to drink the slush heavily, seemingly trying to initiate a brain freeze.

OMG you are my hero, my phone just came back to life thank you so much. Brett skimmed the message before looking back up at Mike and Tom.

"It's nothing, it's just a casual Hey."

"Alright cool, now let's go."

Tom didn't even hesitate to turn around before he continued to walk again. Mike quickly joined back up with him, while Brett stupidly smiled at the device before putting it back into his pocket, Before starting to walk and rejoin the others.


The rest of Brett's summer went past quickly. He found himself hanging out with Mike and Tom or each of them individually. He also partook in the odd adventure with Cam and Pigeon ultimately just getting lost together until they found their way home.

However through all of these scenarios, Brett was occasionally occupied by his phone. Hoping to see any form of message from Bailey or Emma, but nothing ever came through. The last week of summer rolled around as Brett stayed in his room watching a movie at two in the morning.

It was almost over when his phone started to vibrate frantically on the table in front of him. Leaning over he picked it up noticing the phone displayed Bailey's name along with a message.

"I have a question to ask you."


He didn't know why he was so invested in her anymore, she was suppose to be gone. Yet something was still calling him toward her.

"What day are you going to register for your classes?"

"Tuesday why?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to hangout after."

Brett smiled at the thought of seeing her again. He hadn't seen her for three months now, and he figured that she was probably just back for a visit he couldn't withhold his excitement.


"Well yea that is if you want to?"

"Of course."

The messages stopped for a little bit, as Brett focused back on the movie. Looking forward to finally getting to sleep, while maintaining a wide grinned smile on his face. When suddenly another message came through from Bailey.

"So what are you doing?"

"Just watching a movie, you?"

"Just taking a bath...and thinking about you."

A little heart followed the text message, as Brett raised his eyebrows. He wasn't sure if it was just the early hour of the night or what but he didn't seem phased by what she said. Instead he got ready for bed and right before he went to sleep he sent Bailey a message. Goodnight.

A moment later the dark room lit up, the source of the light being the phone with a text message from Bailey on the screen. Goodnight. He smirked at it before rolling over and falling asleep.

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