Chapter 15: Alone at Last

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Looking back at the girl that he had been getting mixed signals from, Brett looked into Bailey's eyes. They were scared and shy, but the grasp on his arm was tight, there was something she needed to say, and she couldn't let Brett get away.

Behind him, Emma stood by the door waiting for Brett as she watched the interaction play out, the hopeless smile on Emma's face disappeared replaced with one of content as she hoped Brett would do the right thing.

    "What's up?"

Bailey continued to avoid eye contact with Brett.

    "Um...what are you doing at lunch today?"

    "Probably just walking around."

Clearly she wasn't expecting that answer. She believed he would have been hanging out with friends or something, not just walking around. Feeling a little more comfortable with the situation she raised her head and looked at him. She could see that Brett was hers now as they locked eyes.

    "Do you think it'd be okay if," Bailey hesitated for a second before stuttering out her remaining words. "If I, uh, if I joined you."

Brett was a little surprised by the question, taking the thought into consideration. It was clear to him that Bailey and Emma were battling out some kind of war, and the pictures may have been fuelled with alcoholic intent but something captivated him about the girl, he was unable to determine if it was lust or love but something told him he should accept the offer.

He glanced back at the door seeing Emma still waiting for him. He knew that Emma still considered herself a close friend of his. But Brett had already made so much progress with Bailey up to this point, that a relationship almost seemed practical. He turned back to Bailey only to be treated by one of the most dastardly skills a women has in her arsenal. Puppy dog eyes, which just so happened to be Brett's biggest weakness. Don't screw this up. He thought as he looked at the whimpering girl.

    "How could I say no."

The nervous look on Bailey's face disappeared as it lit up with Joy. She was ecstatic, quickly packing her bag and standing up to accompany Brett. Mrs. Conrad had watched it all play out, realizing that the two of them were starting to develop a close bond.

They went for the door as Emma cut them off right before the threshold. Her eyes away from Brett, as her hair draped over to cover her face, her body convulsed almost as if she was crying. That's when he saw the tear fall from her face. Bailey knew she had broken the girl down, she looked at Brett and then back at Emma.

    "Excuse us Emma, you're in our way."

The shrill tone of Bailey's voice drove Emma up the wall. Her hands balled up into fists as she tried to fight the anger. Brett had never seen her like this as she finally lost control.


Emma's words were heavily muffled as Brett didn't hear them before his face whipped to the side. Bailey looked in shock at the girl as she walked out the door. She then turned to Brett the pink outline of a hand was across his cheek. Mrs. Conrad watched but pretended not to see anything happen.

    "Brett are you okay? Do you want me to hit her back?"

    "No it's fine. I deserved it."

He was still rubbing the mark as Bailey placed her hand on it. She wasn't sure how she felt about it, only that Brett and her were finally alone together. Quickly getting back to a healthy state of mind Brett offered an arm to bailey as she wrapped her arm through the hole and left the classroom.

The two of them walk through the hallway getting stared at from either side of the corridor as if they were the new IT couple. Bailey couldn't help but smile as she felt more powerful then any of the other students, the red mark still prominent on Brett's cheek though. Eventually making their way through the cafeteria, Brett looked over at the Republic as Bailey and him passed by.

Mike looked over his shoulder at the perfect time to see Brett, but clearly sees him with a girl that isn't Emma. He knew that she must have been the one that he had been keeping a secret, honestly he saw nothing special about the girl as he was sure Emma would have been more to his liking, but it wasn't his call as he turned his back to Brett, returning to the Republic as Brett continued walking.

    "Oh looks like Brett's got himself a lady friend now."

It became apparent that Mike wasn't the only one that had witnessed the oddity as Nielsen watched Brett walk away as well.

    "Yea it looks that way eh."

    "Don't worry Mike. You'll always be my babe."

The group began to laugh at the usual joke. Nielsen was truly the saviour of all those at the table as they returned to the regular days when Brett wasn't a part of the group or even in the school. However trying to block out as much of the truth as he could, Mike was dragged back in when Emma walked up behind him.

    "Um. Mike."

Out of her comfort zone she approached the Republic, Avoiding Nielsen's recruiting gaze as Mike turned around to look at her. As long as he'd known Brett he was always aware of Emma, passing her occasionally when the boys would walk around the hood, yet the two had never said more then three words to each other since being acquainted through their mutual friend.


Mike to was shocked as he never expected to be having a one on one conversation with the girl, Nielsen sat across the table watching with intent. Like a movie he leaned back and put his arms behind his head.

    "Ooh get me some popcorn."

    "Not now man," Emma was clearly concerned with something, giving Mike a bad feeling. Like everyone else at the table they all mentally concluded that the sole reason she was there was because of Brett. "What's up?"

    "We need to talk about Brett, and I'm only doing this because I know the two of you are close."

She grabbed onto her arm and looked off into the distance not sure what to do as she waited for mikes response, as the other four boys were eyeing her up, making her uncomfortable.

    "Okay, do you want to go for a walk?"

Emma nodded accepting Mike's offer.


The girl was frantic as Mike got up from the chair and grabbed his bag before joining her. They were both concerned about there friend, but Mike knew that Emma had answers he didn't causing him to join her without hesitation. They walked away from the group, as Nielsen made sure to get the last word in.

    "Bye babe."

Mike gave him a subtle wave before turning the corner with Emma right beside him. Why was she worried, what had Brett done. Mike looked at the girl her eyes were red, presumably from crying and Brett was likely the reason.

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