Chapter 22: After School Is For The Boys

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Ecstasy was running through his veins as the rain began pouring down around him. His hoodie was a goner, it was completely soaked as it drooped lower down on his body adding a decent amount of weight to him.

However he was emotionally unaffected as he headed back to the bus stop. The trip itself might have not been very eventful, he may not have kissed her but they spent time together outside of school. That had to mean she liked him right, no other girl ever did that with him. He was sure she was the one, finally putting Emma in his rearview. Brett was committed to Bailey.

The bus stop came into view not a minute to soon. The torrential downpour had completely covered the streets. Brett couldn't stop smiling as he continued to think about Bailey and how far their relationship had come along. He got to the little glass enclosure, a group of people were already standing inside as he walked up. With no other choice he had to stand out in the rain, the water freezing his skin was nothing when he imagined the warmth of Bailey when he held her.

A sudden vibration went off in his pocket as he reached into the fabric hole and extracted the device, looking at the screen. His eyes lit up as he saw who the message was from. Bailey. Unfortunately due to the rain Brett was unable to actually use his phone, the touchscreen was being affected by the rain not allowing him to do anything. He slid the phone back in his pocket, and savoured this stressless moment.

Only a couple minutes passed until the bus finally pulled up to the stop. Everyone who was in the shelter got on first not caring about the soaked boy that trailed behind them. Brett climbed on and sat in the front most seat staring out the windshield. While he stared out the window a wafting flowery perfume filled the air, replacing the nostalgic smell of rain.

The smell of Bailey's perfume had infused itself with his hoodie, as Brett heart started to beat a little faster, imagining the girl sitting next to him, while he held her close. The last few days had felt like weeks as he reminisced about Bailey.

There was only one thing for certain going on in Brett's mind he was falling for this once mysterious girl, hoping she was doing the same. The bus ride flew past quickly as he eventually hoped on and off different means of transit until finally reaching his stop. With the new bus he was taking it stopped further up the road forcing him to walk a little bit before he got to the hill. While he walked, his pocket vibrated again, he was sure it was Bailey just checking in and pulled out his phone.

After a quick glance he see's two messages. The most recent one is from Bailey, below it was one from Emma. Bailey had sent a simple are you home yet? Message but Brett didn't respond right away waiting until he is out of the rain and can actually use his phone. Sliding the phone back in he continued walking until he finally reached his house. The streets surrounding were completely flooded, the drains on the sidewalk were overflowing now as the water level started to increase around the neighbourhood.

Entering the front door of the house, the heart pumping scent of Bailey was gone. Washed away by the rain. Unzipping the jacket he threw it on the ground on top of a vent to hopefully dry it out, Knowing that there was more important matters to attend to. He pulled out the phone and the conversation with Bailey.

"Don't worry I'm safe and sound."

He hit the send button and began to wait. The cat walked up to him as he crouched down to pet it, his phone in the opposite hand, he couldn't walk away from it until he got a reply. Finally something came through.

"I'm glad thank you again for today."

"No problem."

The message almost instantly puts a smile on Brett's face, before opening the text message that he had gotten from Emma. The little window popped up and the text message awaited him. Meet me at the end of the day. The message ended with the red lipstick emoji followed by one of a women making a kissing face. It was sent three hours prior.


Brett closed the phone, The ecstasy in his veins hit a brick wall. All of his emotions came to a stand still. He had feelings for Bailey, but Emma was now his first kiss. As much as he didn't want to believe it. Brett knew he was the one that was going to end the girl's war. Emma though was to good for him he thought, she shouldn't have to put up with his depression. He was falling for Bailey to save Emma.

Pondering the thought and considering how to proceed he needed someone who would play a devil's advocate. That's when he did something he hadn't done for a while. Text Mike.

His fingers rapidly tapped on the touchscreen of the phone, as he asked his former best friend if he wanted to hang out. Almost as if he was waiting for the message, Mike responded almost instantly accepting Brett's request to meet up at the crossroads at the top of the hill.

Throwing on an old leather jacket, now that his hoodie was out of commission. He threw it on and went back out into the flooding world to rekindle a friendship. Brett approached the top of the hill, across the street he could see Mike walking. There wasn't a single car around, when Brett crossed the street and waited for Mike to join him until practically standing right beside him looking out at the road.

"Hey man, been a while."

"Hey bro, so look I'm sorry about raging out the other week. Emma's made it clear that you aren't together."

"So she talked to you?"

"She did much more then that."

The boy's conversation continued as if they never spent any time apart.

"So you're together now I take it?"

"No man, I'm totally into the other girl now."

Brett was confused by the question, why would him and Emma be together. The Mike and him clearly expected different answers as they stopped to look at each other.

"Oh, so is that where you were after school?"

"Well I was," Brett is cut off by a ring tone coming from his pocket, he pulled the phone out and looked at it."

"Who is it?"


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