Chapter 10: The Choice

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The night dragged on as Brett's mind raced in between the different girls, finally he woke up as Tori stomped on the ground to summon him. He was relieved as the three pounding noises settled and he quickly rolled out of bed excited.

He ran up the stairs unable to wait to see his two love interests. Tori and the cat where sitting at the kitchen table as Brett practically flew up the stairs to start his day.

"Wow you're excited this morning."

"Why do you say that?"

"You're smiling."

She was right Brett didn't realize it himself but he indeed was smiling which was such an oddity for him.

"I guess I am."

"It's good to see son."

Brett simply smiled at her as he fell back into his everyday routine. Tori left giving him her last few words of advice usually along the lines of stay positive or have a good day. After that he went and followed the same routine before finally leaving the house and out into the snowy streets.

This morning was different as the snow beneath his feet crunched but it didn't bother him. Whether it was the feeling of euphoria running through his body or the adrenaline driving him forward he made it to the train station with time to spare.

The train ride was like usual, as Brett took his usual spot scanning up and down the train car for any sign of Emma. Nothing, he was by himself this morning as the train came to a gentle stop at the train station he normally got off at.

Still no sign of Emma or Pigeon. As happy as the day was suppose to be it was a fairly lonely morning as Brett got on the first bus that came to the station, not even bothering to look to see if a second bus was on its way.

He was to excited as he took the closest seat to the front of the bus, his foot constantly tapping on the floor as he looked out the front window waiting to see the school come into view. The bus filled with students and people waiting to reach their part time jobs was oddly quiet, as the twenty minute ride came to an end and the stop came into view.

Brett was the first one off the bus and hurried to the school. Getting to his locker before anyone else was even in the hallway, and gathered all his things. He shut the locker door and looked back at the cafeteria, thinking about going to hang out with the Republic, he turned the other way and headed straight to his english class.

The classroom door was open as Brett entered. He was the first one there, Mrs. Conrad no where to be seen. This was a rarity as he wasn't sure what to do. He looked up at the clock he still had five minutes till the class actually started and he saw no other option but to go and sit at his usual desk that would soon be accompanied by Trent and Jake.

He put the backpack beside him as he patiently stared at the door to see the girl he always dreamed of, walk through it. Looking back and forth at the clock and the door he watched as each minute ticked away until the minute hand approached the twelve at the top.

He see's something move in the threshold as he started to get excited hoping that it was Emma, only to see that it was Mrs. Conrad staring down at her notes, and must have felt Brett's presence as her head turned to face him almost immediately as she crossed the threshold.

"Good morning young man. It's not everyday I'm beaten to class."

It was the first time that Brett had ever seen Mrs. Conrad smile, it was a warm smile but it wasn't one that would stay.

"Good morning, Mrs. Conrad."

She turned back to her notes and placed them on her desk, as the bell finally rang and all the other students started to pool into the room around Brett. Surprisingly Brett didn't have to wait long to see Emma as she was one of the first students to enter the classroom.

Looking around the room, Brett knew she was looking for him as he stood up and immediately locked eyes with her. She smiled as she walked over to him, her binders were clutched to her chest and her bag over one of her shoulders. Brett pulled the chair out for her seeing as her hands were full, watching as she smiled at him her eyes struggling to look into his as she took the seat, while Brett returned to his.

"Well thank you good sir. Why are you here so early?"

"Y'know I didn't want to see you here by yourself first thing in the morning."

Brett's tone was mildly flirtatious now as Emma placed all her books on the desk and turned to face him.

"Ahh, well aren't you a sweet heart.

"I try."

The two of them laugh at little at the back and forth as Brett looks up and see's Bailey enter the room. Her eyes locked with his as she started to walk over to him, However as she got through the crowed she saw Emma sitting beside him.



Brett smiled at Bailey, as her smile was quivering, Emma looked back and forth between the two. Bailey's eyes immediately relocated and targeted Emma. She looked up at Bailey meeting her eyes that are on full attack trying to glare her down.

"Hi, I'm Emma."

Emma wasn't one to back down through measly intimidation tactics as she tried to break the ice between herself and her competitor.


Not even flinching Bailey turned back to Brett as Emma retracted her ignored hand.

"Mind if I sit here today?"

He didn't even have to answer as she already had the chair pulled out and was sitting down.

"Uh yea sure go ahead I guess."

Clearly to late to respond Brett turned back to look through his work with the other two half heartedly taking shots at each other with their eyes until Emma finally nudged the side of Brett's foot with hers. He looked up at her as he saw her gesture toward Bailey, and started to question the poor girl.

"So do you normally sit here Bailey?"

"No, but I'm making an exception for Brett today since Trent and Jake aren't here, which by the way. Brett can you join me over at that empty table over there, I like the light better."

Her sentence ended as she looked back over at the table group they had been sitting at the day before. Brett hesitated as his mind raced a thousand miles an hour analyzing the situation, until finally turning to Bailey.

"Um yea okay."

Bailey smiled at Brett's acceptance of her offer turning to Emma giving her a He's mine now look, and began to walk to the other table. Brett leaned over and grabbed his bag before sitting back up, before quickly leaning over to Emma.

"I'm sorry, I owe you one."

Brett stood up from the desk as Emma's soft grasp wrapped around his wrist.

"Yea you do, now go deal with your situation I'll be here...alone."

Again in English class someone had said something that cut into him like a knife as he looked down at Emma, a tear was swelling up in the corner of her eye as her hand let go of his wrist. Was this really the way it had to be? He thought as he left Emma to join Bailey.

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