Chapter 37: We'll Never Be Even

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Brett would be lying if he said that he was happy that Emma, was coming to his computer science class with him, but he did have one concern. Emma was like an 'A' list celebrity and they were going to the nerd paradise of the school. He knew the second that her foot crossed the threshold, their jaws would drop at the sight of this goddess.

They get to the third floor running a little bit late, as Brett pointed to the room. Emma was slightly ahead and began to walk into the room, but Brett caught her beforehand and pulled her back into the hallway. Emma looked at him with confusion. He wasn't making any sense.

"What's up, don't want me to come now?"

"No. You see the class is filled with like a bunch of nerdy guys, and I'm nervous that when a beautiful girl such as yourself walks in, the class will be in an uproar."

She loved hearing Brett call her beautiful, she didn't have much of an ego. However the way he said it though just made it feel like raw passion and she loved it.

"Okay, so what do we?"

"We have to make you nerdier, here take these."

Removing his glasses he handed them to Emma and put them on her face. He took a step back from her doing the little hand thing photographers do when lining up a subject.


Emma could only smile, she was having way to much fun as she followed Brett into the lair of the nerds. Immediately Brett headed over to Mrs. Hart who was updating her D&D character sheet, and casually interrupted.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Hart is it okay if my friend Emma, sits in on the class today?"

Mrs. Hart looked over her shoulder at the little heartbreaker, and gave her a big smile. The smile was mostly generated at the fact that there would actually be a second girl in the class, and a potential recruit for Mrs. Hart's all girl D&D league.

"Of course she can Brett, I'm always saying we need more women in this class."

Appreciative of Mrs. Hart's gesture, Brett motioned for Emma to step out of the shadows and into the afternoon sun that lit up the dark classroom. While coming into view, it was like the other students were bloodhounds they all whipped there heads around to see Emma.

The boys were all in awe at the sight, you could hear them internally saying I'm not worthy. While Brett's ego sky rocketed through he roof as he took a seat next Cam, the only guy who wasn't looking at Emma. She sat down beside Brett almost in the aisle of the classroom. Cam sensed the oddity as he looked past Brett and directly at Emma.

"Hey Emma, It's been a while."

"So you do remember Emma."

"Yea absolutely, she was part of our main click back in the day, when all of us would have died for each other."

They had both forgotten the middle school pact they had made when they were ten. Cam stirred up the pot as they both thought about it. The ceremony had ended and the others went to play while Brett stayed behind with Emma, and looked her in the eyes.

"I will never hurt you Emma, I promise."

Brett felt a little guilty as he thought about that promise, but it seemed like things were turning around for him.

"So are you to finally a thing now?"

The young lovebirds look at each other, before Brett turns to look at Cam. His face was so content, like he didn't even care. It was all small talk to him after all.

"Shut up Cam."

"What does he mean finally?"

Brett quickly became defensive as he glared at Cam, who got the hint and turned back to the computer. Beside him though Emma was confused, blushing because she connected the dots but was still confused.

"I'll tell you later...maybe."

He avoided the question or so he thought, but the damage was already done and Emma couldn't stop smiling because of it.

As the class started Emma began to realize that the computer room was one of the hottest rooms in the school. Starting to break a sweat, she began to remove the hoodie. That was a mistake. To any normal human being, who had an interaction with a girl wouldn't have been phased, but to these boys they were complete dogs.

To them Emma was being stared at as if she was taking more then just the hoodie off, and the light glisten of sweat didn't help. It was pretty much their collective fantasy as she managed to get the jacket off and hang it on the chair, she then took the glasses off and handed them to Brett. That's when she realized she was being watched, she had full control over the room that even Mrs. Hart was impressed.

"Wow you were serious."

"Yep welcome to the male class of the school."

"Pretty much."

Emma was actually a little shocked by the response of the class, while Brett and Cam confirm her fear. These boys were wild and Brett knew it so he slid closer to Emma keeping her close. He was the Alpha and the rest of the class were going to respect that.

"Here I'll teach you some coding. Then you can really impress these nerds."

Emma grinned and leaned against Brett and watched what he was doing. The three of them all started working, Brett taught Emma some of the basic stuff, while Cam chuckled at the hilarity of the two of them working together. The class finished up and Cam fist bumped the both of them before heading out. Logging off the computer Brett looked at Emma.


She nodded, her purse already over her shoulder and they both exited the class. Together, Walking to the fleet of bus, Brett was excited to sit next to her on their way home where they could mock everyone else but as they walk to the fleet Emma stopped a few Buses back and looks at Brett.

"Aren't you taking the bus?"

"Yea but not our bus, I have a partner assignment with Rebecca, that we're doing for English. We're working on it together tonight so I'm taking this one," She pointed at the bus beside them, then looked at Brett. "So I'll see you tomorrow if that's cool."

Brett nodded a lot of thoughts going through his head. He couldn't make sense of it all as Emma goes to hug him. He hugged her back and she pulled away, with the most angelic smile he had ever seen on her face. That's all it took to trigger him. She was still holding onto his hands, when out of nowhere Brett pulled her in close and kissed her.

At first Emma was shocked, but she gave in to the romantic moment. The world stopped around them. They were the only ones that existed in that moment. Both of them were craving each other's lips, until Brett pulled away, Emma's eyes still filled with ecstasy as she wondered what just happened. A strand of saliva still connected them as Brett put his forehead against Emma's.

"Umm what was that for?"

She was still in complete shock but she was smiling stupidly from the emotion she just experienced.

"Sorry, spur of the moment, I guess. That makes us even though for last year."
"Don't be sorry, I liked it."

He continued to hold Emma, never wanting to let go as she listened to the words, and realized with their foreheads together she had the perfect opportunity. She quickly tipped her head up to reach Brett's lips and kissed him again, then quickly pulled away from him breaking the embrace.

"Except you will never be even with me, if I can help it."

With a flirtatious grin and a wink of an eye, she made her way onto the bus to join her friend, and Brett was left their so far gone in the love he felt for her.

"See you tomorrow."

She called as she disappeared on the bus, while Brett watched her disappear from his sight.

"Yea, tomorrow."

He mumbled before getting on the other bus.

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