Chapter 24: Last Day

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Tori stood over her son, as he came back into reality. A cold sweat had wrapped itself around him once more. The alarm clock beside him blaring every other second, but it never phased Brett that it was going off. Looking up, his mother gives him a slight grin.

"Are you okay son, you missed your alarm this morning."

Brett looked over at the noise box that was giving him a headache, he didn't even remember setting it the night before.


"It's okay son, but c'mon you don't want to be late now for the last day of school."

Giving her son his privacy Tori stood up and walked out of the room closing the door behind her. Brett laid there silently trying to make sense of the dream but his memory was blurry at what had just happened. Tori was right though he did miss his alarm and now he was running behind. He forced himself out of bed and proceeded into his morning routine.


The final day of school drifted by slowly, as Brett's mind raced with different thought's realizing that he had only a couple more hours with the people around him. He took in his final moments with Bailey in the english class. The two of them were a flirtatious young couple even if they hadn't brought it up and made it official.

They hugged each other as they parted ways. Brett wasn't ready for the separation, he knew deep down he needed to pull the trigger. His mind was occupied with the thought as he walked into his computer class.

Sitting in the usual spot, the group put on the finishing touches on their final project. Brett sat beside them typing up the final essay portion of the assignment. Throwing in a little bit of each of their humour, The guys were cutting it close as they looked up at the clock. Ten minutes left till freedom. Brett managed to finish the essay before the boys were done the project, using the final few minutes to do a final check on their project, Pigeon puts in the last line of code and activated the simulation. Everything ran smoothly as Pigeon sat back and Cam and Brett both leaned up .


Pigeon excitedly threw his hands up in the air, wanting nothing to do with the program anymore. He was finally relieved. Both Brett and Cam high five him as the group submitted the files to Mrs. Hart. As the paper leaves Brett's hands, the boys begin to pack up their stuff.

While in the process of packing up they boys start discussing their winter plans, when Brett's phone vibrates on the desk. All three of them look at it, watching as Brett picked it up. On the screen of the phone is Bailey's name now accompanied by a little heart behind it, it was a personal choice by Brett to put it there.

The message on the screen read meet me at my locker after class. He quickly skimmed the message before putting the phone back down on the table and turning the screen off in the process.

"Who are you texting?"

Cam looked at Brett, breaking away from his celebration with pigeon.

"No one."

"Is it a girl?"

Pigeon had now entered the fray as him and Cam teamed up, in an attempt to get Brett to spill the beans.

"Guys, don't worry about it."

"Is it that girl you hang out with all the time?"

Brett smiled at the thought of his two friends expressing so much interest in him, only to figure out who the girl that he had been texting was. Telling by Brett's face Pigeon was on the right track. His voice raised an octave as he asked the question. Cam whips his head between Pigeon and Brett clearly unaware that there actually was a girl that Brett had been spending time with.

"Wait there's actually a girl," Looking at the kid he's known for years, Cam slapped Brett on the back as a gesture of a way to go dude. "Why didn't you say anything my dude?"

"Okay fine, it is a girl."

Finally the truth was out as Brett smiled at the reveal. Cam seemed to be overjoyed by this while Pigeon returned to celebrating now with a second reason. The boys finished packing up as the bell went off. Signifying that it was that time that everyone loved during the school year where they all departed from one another.

"Anyways congrats man."

"Hey, we'll do something over the break okay."

The boy's comments drifted in one ear and out the other as Brett finished packing his bag and threw it over his shoulder.

"Yea sure, I gotta go now though, I'll see you guys later."

"Peace man."

Fist bumping his boys, Brett streamlined it to the door and heading into the crowded hallway. Bailey's locker was only one floor done from the computer science room and almost took Brett no time to get there.

Swinging open the second floor door, he saw Bailey crouching down in front of her locker. He walked through the threshold and leaned up against the lockers beside her as she pushed a bunch of textbooks into the bag.

"Hey what's going on?"

Immediately Brett gets Bailey's attention.

"Just trying to get all of these into my bag, here hold this."

The girl handed Brett her unzipped backpack and began to aggressively push down all the papers in it, to make room for more of the books. Eventually she got to the point where she is holding down the mess with one of her hands while trying to do up the zipper with the other.

The bag finally closed, when Bailey turns around and made a 'T' pose and looked over her shoulder at Brett.

"Can you put it on my shoulders please."

The bag had gotten significantly heavier as Brett heaved it up and slid a strap on to either side of her body. Bailey teetered on her feet as the initial weight of the bag weighed down her small frame putting her off balance until she finally adjusted.

All seemed good as she turned back around and pulled out a couple more binders from her locker and held them against her chest, before locking it back up.

"So what's up?"

"Oh right I was wondering if you wanted to walk me home again today."

Brett was silent, the gods had gifted him one more chance at pulling the trigger, but his brain was always playing devils advocate as the depression sank in and he began to wonder if Bailey was just using him. Besides the trip home wasn't short if he took her up on the offer.

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