Chapter 34: It's Been A While

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A week had passed as the morning of the second week of school started. The fall months had fallen on the city, leaves littered the ground as Brett sat on the railing of the bus stop with his backpack over his one shoulder.

A week into his final year, and it had become so lonely. The Republic was gone, Emma was no where to be seen, and Bailey had just disappeared. It was him versus the world. That's what he thought at least until Cam walked up to the bus stop. It wasn't very often that the boys would see each other in the morning usually Cam would drive but at this point Brett had no routine, like an old friend once told him. Tomorrow's a different day. Cam leaned up against the railing well aware of all of Brett's tricks the two just stared at the station.

"What's up Cam?"

"Same old, same old."

"Fair enough, kinda crazy to already be back. This is when all the real work begin."

The second week was always the most stressful, the fun and games of week one stopped and they quickly learned what they were in store for as soon as the second week hit. Brett looked down the road for a bus. Cam noticed Brett move his head and started looking as well.

"Yep, so how are you and that girl?"

"Well she hasn't been to class for the last week so I don't know."

The buses were now on their way and pulled up in front of them. The boys leave the railing and walk to the second bus.

"Well guess that just means more bro time at lunch, since all your friends graduated last year."

"Y'know it, there's nothing like playing chess at lunch."

Something about Cam, brought out Brett's inner sarcasm. It was probably their friendship that extended over the years, practically making the boys brothers at this point. They had grown up together and understood each other better then anyone.


Before long the bus pulled up to the mandatory hell. The building awaited them, looking to take them in and hold them prisoner for eight hours. Brett and Cam had both walked into the school as the bell went off, they parted ways. Brett was still a little hesitant on where to go as he double checked his schedule. He had psychology first thing in the morning, sure he had been there a couple times already but he was still adjusting to being back in school.

It was on the second floor, he walked up the stairs amongst the crowd until breaking away from it and turned the corner into the science wing of the school. However while he turned Brett wasn't paying attention and felt someone's body connect with his. All the force transferred into Brett as he fell back onto the floor. The person's paper's exploded in the air. Brushing off the fall he looked at the person trying to gather all of the loose sheets, when his eyes lit up.


Emma's books were scattered across the floor, she didn't pay any mind to Brett. He had to do the right thing, as he quickly sat up and retrieved all of the remaining textbooks and pieces of paper.

"It's been a while, Emma."

She continued to stay quiet, not interested in talking to the boy who emotionally destroyed her the year before. Brett held all of her books in his arms as he stared at the now shy girl. Her body was shaking as she was trying to hold something back.

"Look, I'm sorry about last semester but you were right. Tomorrow's a different day, and that day is today."

Brett smiled at the girl as he handed over her books. Leaning forward she took her books and quickly pulled them to herself as a tear formed in her eye. She had been waiting so long for Brett to say that to her. She couldn't help but weakly grin as Brett recited the last text message that she had ever sent him, to her it showed he cared.

"I'm sorry I've been distant Brett, but I assumed Mike told you and you just didn't care or feel the same way."

"Told me what?"

Her shy eyes grew wide as she adjusted the books in her arms, she attempted to change the subject. Realizing that Brett still had no idea that she actually loved him.

"Uh nothing, I gotta go to class."

The awkwardness was starting to settle in as she tried to get around Brett. Little did she know that Brett had also been waiting for this day, he grabbed her free hand forcing her to look back at him.

"What class do you have right now?"

"I just transferred into Psych, apparently It's right down this hallway."

Brett had the smuggest grin on his face as he looked at Emma.

"I have Psych right now to, we might as well go together."

Accepting his offer Emma walks beside Brett as they continued to hold each other's hands. It didn't take them long to get to the psychology room door at the end of the hall, they were unaware that they had been holding hands the whole way and neither of them had said anything as if it was normal.


"It's okay."

Brett released Emma's hand before they walked into the classroom together. At the back of the room was three desk sitting empty most of the other students were already there. Immediately the two sat down at the tables. Emma flopped her book on to the middle desk while Brett threw his backpack against the wall, since he took the right most desk, placing his zipped up binder on the table.

"So why Psychology?"

"I don't know, I started to get into writing this summer and I just felt this would help me develop emotions in my characters."

Emma had turned to face Brett as he shrugged at the admission and unzipped his binder.

"Seriously, because I started writing a little bit too. We should share stories or something sometime."

"Yea sure that sounds awesome."

Brett couldn't help but look at the girl. He loved the reassuring tone in her angelic voice, he didn't realize it till now but he craved the sound of it. The emotions came rushing back and with Bailey no where around it made things even harder for Brett to not think about this girl as his girlfriend.

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