Chapter 9: Hey, you.

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After what seemed like forever, the bus finally pulled up to Brett's stop, not a moment to soon. His bag was already on his shoulder as he waited at the door for the little green circle to light up giving him the chance to leave it all behind him.

The bus ride home was one of the worst things about going to the school. The trip felt like forty minutes of hell, as the dumb punk teenagers would always get rowdy in the bus, while the bus driver would threaten to stop the bus, and actually would on the odd occasion and pull over to the side of the road, pissing off the punk kids even more while everyone else sat there awkwardly.

Now though all of that was behind him he was only a little ways away from home now and he was ready to call it a day. Outside the bus window the stop came into view as a few moments later the little green circle lit up. Brett put his thumb to it as the locks disengaged and he jumped off the bus.

He was almost home, there was just one more obstacle. The street that separated his street from the others. A few others got off with Brett but he didn't take notice to them as they mostly went the opposite way.

Only a few feet away from the four way intersections crosswalk. Brett watched as cars passed going either way on the street. He was familiar with the drivers in his neighbourhood and knew better then to hope that they would stop for him, he was convinced that these people had friends or something working at the registration office and just paid them off to get a license, thats how bad they were.

Finally an small opening seemed to happen as he felt someone brush up beside him grazing his right arm. He didn't pay it much attention as he was to distracted by the street. However something must have frustrated the person beside him as he felt there body push into his, causing his to stumble slightly to his left. Who did this person think they- Before he could finish his thought he looked at the individual, their blonde hair pushed behind their ears as a playful grin was across there face.


Emma said smiling happily at Brett. His mind was still filled with thoughts of Bailey as he stared at the girl. The warm smile igniting something in his heart as he looked at her face. He was sure that Emma could hear his heart beat as he got lost in her eyes.

"Hey. You."

Emma was now staring into his eyes as well while the two little orbs were telling each other their darkest secrets. This is what Bailey made Brett feel like when he looked at her, or was this the way Emma made him feel like when he looked at Bailey.

The cars finally came to a stop as the one other individual who was witnessing this crossed the street, not looking back. Brett and Emma realized this also and crossed the street, Brett led them across the empty road, as Emma stayed closely behind him as he heard the crunching of snow alternate between them.

It didn't take them long to get to the other side and start descending down the hill into their neighbourhood, when Emma walked up beside Brett trying to match his pace.

"So...sorry, I bumped into you this morning on the train, I hope you're okay."

Her eyes were fixed on the snow, clearly she was still embarrassed by the incident.

"It's fine don't worry about stuff like that."

"Well I'm glad, because there was something I wanted to ask you."

She finally managed to look over at Brett, as he was now on the verge of a heart attack. His heart was beating uncontrollably as he had always pictured this moment, maybe not in the snow but like in the rain in all those movies. He was surprised that she was going to make the first move.

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