Sick! Baby!Zayn

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Zayn headspace of a 2 year old.

Ok this is a ziaanourry age play, mostly ziam. Enjoy loves!!!

The moment Zayn woke up he knew he was ill. His stomach churned, his head was pounding, and he had wet and messed his nappy. To make it all worse he had dropped dummy and his stuffed whale whaley out of his crib at some point during the night. He needed papa. "Pappppaaa!" He said through crying and blubbering. Harry awoke to the crying in the baby monitor. Although all heard was "papa".Harry saw this as his chance to get more sleep!

"Li!! Li get up!" Harry shook the boy next to him. The boy did not move or open his eyes at all. Harry knew exactly what to do. Slowly he reached over Liams back and slowly ran his fingers over his chest and kissed his neck on the sensitive spot. He knew Liam could not resist it. Liam moaned.

"I knew you were awake!!" Harry laughed. "Oh and by the way, go and calm our child down please. He is calling for you."

Liam slowly pulled himself up from the bed leaving a soft kiss on harry's lips, and then walking into the nursury.

When he walked into the nursury he was met with a crying Zayn who looked adorable grasping the bars on the adult size crib.

Liam walked over and slowly lifted zayn by his armpits over the bars an into his arms. Zayn clung to him like a koala. "Hey sweet pea, whats wrong?" Liam asked the crying boy in his arms.

"I-i-i don-n-n fe-e-e-el good. An d-uuu-my an wh-al-lly fe-ll too-o-o." Zayn wailed loudly into Liams shoulder.

Liam reached down and picked up the boy's dummy an stuffed whale. "Here love, ive got your dummy" Liam said softly. Zayn looked up, and Liam wet the dummy briefly with his lips before placing it in the boys mouth. He gently handed the boy his stuffed whale too.

Liam had solved one problem, but now came the hard part. He had to take zayns tempurature. The one time before louis had done it and the scene had not been pretty.

"Hey zee, were gonna go to the bathroom for a sec." Liam whispered in his little koalas ear. Zayn nodded, his head buried in liams neck again.

When they made it to the bathroom, liam set a very sleepy sick zayn on the floor, well he found the medicine and the rectal thermometer. When he had the items he needed he knelt down next to zayn and slowly began to unzip his footie pajamas well the boy was oblivious.

Zayn looked up at Liam confused. "Its ok babes." Liam said running his fingers through the boys hair. Once unzipped he pulled zayns arms out of the sleeves and pulled it down below his knees. He slowly peeled zayns nappy off. Zayn hated getting his nappy changed, so when his little bits were exposed by and to liam he became a little sad and began to cry.

"Oh honey, please dont cry, its ok papas here no need to cry!" Liam cooed gently.

Liam had grabbed a nappy and wipes on the way out so he could change zayn in the bathroom.

He quickly wiped zayn down and was about to put a new nappy on when he remembered that he had to take the boys temperature first. He cringed. "Hey zaynie,babe. Um...i have to take your tempurature."

Zayns eyes widened and he began to scream and cry. Liam hated this. Somehow, through all of Zayns fighting, he managed to flip te boy over on his tummy. Now came the hard part. Liam carefully put some vasaline on the thermometer, and entered it into the boy. He screamed and thrashed around with Liam holding him down the whole three minutes while Zayn screamed "Papa hurts!! Papa!." Finally when it beeped, Liam pulled it out. While still holding zayn down he read the small numbers on the thermometer. It read 101.2.

Liam decided that it would be a great idea to bathe Zayn in cool water to help the fever go down and clean the boy as well. Liam turned on the water and plugged the drain before getting the rest of Zayn's footie pajamas. He lifted the now very sleepy zayn into the bath. Once zayn felt the cold water on his skin he was wide awake and squirming to get out. "S'cold!! S'cold papa!!" Zayn complained trying to escape Liams tight grasp on his waist.

"You have got to stay in honey. It will help your fever down. Only a few more minutes." Zayn soon gave up squirming due to being insanely tired. Liam carefully began washing the boy down. When he was finished he lifted zayn out of the tub. He dried the boy off and then decided he would put the boy's nappy on in the bedroom to make it easier.

Liam carried a now half asleep zayn into his bedroom. He gently removed the towel, which caused zayn to open his eyes, liam quicky comforted him knowing he would probably cry. "Its ok bub. No crying, we have done this a million times." He quickly put a new nappy on knowing that the boy was more sensitive when he was sick. When the nappy had been taped on sufficiently and he had put a new pair of footies on the boy, he carried him down the stairs to the kitchen to fix him a bottle. With one hand he managed to put the pre made bottle into the microwave and start the timer. Well it was running, Liam stood pacing with the smaller lad proped on his hip. When the milk was done Liam removed it from the microwave and carried Zayn to the living room. He sat down on the couch and laid Zayn down so that his head was in the crook of his arm.

When Zayn felt the nipple of the bottle in his mouth he began to suck, but seconds after stopped. "Whats wrong bug!" Liam asked Zayn carefully.

"Papa." Zayn moaned turning over and shoving his face into Liam's chest. Liam held the boy close for about ten minutes, lightly stroking his hair and rubbing his back. That is when Harry came down the stairs. The minute he saw the two together on the couch he could not stop himself from cooeing.

"Whats wrong with Zaynie?" Harry asked Liam.

"He is not feeling well today. He refuses to have a bottle too." Liam responded. He secretively tried to pull Zayn's head out of his armpit. Zayn immediately started to tear up.

"Hey sweetie" Harry said looking tenderly down at the boy. "Can you use you words and tell daddy and papa whats wrong? why wont you have your bottle?" Zayn contemplated his options in his head.

"Tu-mmmy a-an..." He pointed at his head and began to cry. Harry decided that they should get some medicine into him, now. He got up and searched the cupboards until he found the medicine he wanted. He came back to the living room to find that Louis and Niall had come down as well. Although this was good, the scene was horrid. Liam was gonna give Niall a chance to hold the boy, but Zayn just was blubbering and thrashing about. All Zayn ever wanted when he was sick was only one of his daddies, and today it was Liam. And what he meant by all he wanted, he meant literally. The poor boy would not do anything without Liam by his side.

Harry walked in distracting everyones attention from the sad little Zayn in front them. "I have got the medicine!" Harry says proudly carrying the bottle over to the group congregated by the couch. Now was the challenge: trying to get Zayn to take the medicine. Although another challenge followed that: they had to give it to him with a spoon, and Liam was afraid of spoons, and of course he was daddy that Zayn wanted.

"Liam, babe, can you try?" Harry asked looking at Liam questioningly Liam looked uneasily at the spoon in Harry's hand. He really had started to hate spoons a lot, no matter if it was someone else's or his, he didn't even want to touch it. Liam was about to say no.

Instead he said, "Umm, ill try." Uneasily looking at the spoon. He picked up Zayn carefully who looked resentfully at the spoon.

"Zee, you know I don't like spoons, and you need to cooperate with me, just this once can you take the medicine for papa?" Zayn peered at the spoon still in Harry's hands, then surprisingly, nodded.

Liam took the spoon shakily and ordered Zayn to open his mouth. He did, and Liam put the spoon it his mouth. Once Zayn had sufficiently gotten all of the mwdicine off the spoon, Liam carefully took it from his mouth, but then chucked it to Harry imediatly following that.

Zayn looked up at Liam and said, "Papa, i love ooo."

Liam smiled as the others cooed. "Me too baby, i love you too."

That Afternoon there were lots of cuddles exchanged between the five, an in a couple days, Zayn was back to being the cutest baby ever.


Hey so this was really bad, comment your thoughts,


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