Not A Lie-baby!Liam part 2

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This will be part two, but not the final part, so keep reading!


It was 10 minutes before Zayn finished bathing Liam, the lad squirming and whimpering anytime something knocked his ankle, but Zayn was not buying it. There was no bruising, and he knew Liam just didn't want to go to the interview. And to tell you the truth, Zayn was truly annoyed by Liam, and if he so much as whined about his 'injury' one more time, Zayn was gonna go mad.

"Mmmm..." Liam let out as Zayn pulled his wet body from the tub, setting him on his feet a little harder that necessary. And that was the last straw for Zayn as he stood up to get a towel.

"Listen Liam, this has gone on far too long, and if you keep playing up this injury that you don't have, I am taking Bubbles and dummy for longer! You understand!?" Zayn roared at the younger lad, whose tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. Liam looked at the floor and nodded. His daddy was being awfully mean.

"Good." Zayn huffed out flatly as he put the towel around Liam and lifted him into his arms, carrying him to the bunks and setting him on the lower bunk, going to the corner to rummage through Liam's bag for some sweatpants and a tee shirt. Finding a pair of dark gray sweatpants and a blue tee shirt, Zayn returned to Liam, who he couldn't help but smile at the boy as fought to keep his thumb from his mouth, occasionally bringing it up before catching himself, sighing and returning his hand to his lap. Zayn watched for a few minutes before coming over to Liam. The lad looked up as Zayn began to speak. "Lets get you dressed babe." It was nice to hear the calming voice as Liam listened to Zayn speak.

"Otay." Liam said gently. Zayn picked him up again, returning to the bathroom to get a nappy on the lad. Zayn unwrapped the towel after he placed Liam on the floor, grabbing a nappy and powder from the cupboard.

Zayn lifted Liam's legs, not noticing the slight bruising on Liam's ankle where he had grabbed. Liam's face scrunched up in pain, avoiding at all costs to make a noise. He didn't want his stuffed animal and dummy to be taken away any longer than they could be. Liam barely noticed the nappy being pushed under his bum and the powder being sprinkled on his private parts, too busy making sure Zayn's would not do what he had threatened to. Liam was only brought from hus trance by Zayn saying, "Alright, up on your feet."

Liam immediately did what was asked of him, allowing Zayn to slip the blue tee over his head, and biting the inside of his cheek hard when the elastic of the bottoms of the pants was snapped painfully on his ankle as well as when Zayn put his socks on.

When the painful process was finished, Zayn, much to Liam's happiness, lifted the lad up on his hip once more, carrying him to the cramped kitchen of the bus for a quick breakfast around the table. As Zayn set him down in a chair with a bowl of coco puffs, he motioned for Louis to come with him to the living room for a private talk between the two of them. Louis looked confused as Zayn pulled him by the wrist, but went with it anyway.

When they were alone, Zayn let go of louis' wrist and looked him dead in the eye. "Liam does not want to go to this interview at all." Zayn stated.

"Why is that babe?" Louis asked, taking a seat on the couch.

"He is faking an injury Lou! I left him for a couple minutes alone on his bed and when I came back he was in the same place, but told me he hurt his ankle." Zayn sighed out, frustrated with their youngest.

"Did you check to see of it was true?" Louis asked, making sure it was not just Zayn who was being mean here.

"His ankle wasn't swollen in the bath. He is fine, just watch out for him today, and if he even so much whines about it to you, spank him and take away bubbles and his dummy." Louis just nodded as the two retreated to the kitchen where Liam sat alone on one side of the table, chewing mindlessly on his cheerios while Harry and Niall giggled across the table.

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