Time out-baby liam

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Liam currently was sat in the corner of the living room on the hated naughty chair that only Harry and Niall had ever had to sit on. The chair that he hated, dreaded, and had never sat in. He had 37 minutes left of his hour long time out which he had earned himself through a morning made of a domino reaction. He really had not meant to be naughty, he just made on simple mistake that just caused more and more problems for the poor lad.

It had all started that morning...

"NO PAPA! M' dry!" Liam yelled back to Louis after he had accused the lad of having a wet nappy.

"Babe, can I at least check? I know that sometimes you are wet but you don't tell me." Louis asked calmly to his unhappy baby. He thought that Liam was wet and was just not telling him.

"I right! NO WET!" Liam fought Louis' hands that were trying to grab him. Louis sighed and fought back just enough to slip his fingers in the leg of the nappy to check. He frowned finding it dry like Liam had said.

"I'm sorry honey, I guess your right." Louis sighed letting go of a very distraught Liam.

"Liam right!" Liam yelled, showing his anger with the whole situation. Louis decided it would be easiest to surrender to Liam than to fight him with the proof he had.

"Your right babe. I need to trust you more." Liam still was not happy. "Now let's get you into to bed munchkin." Louis continued scooping up the younger boy and setting him on his hip. Liam huffed angrily. He was not just gonna let Louis give in that easy! Louis marched up the stairs and brought Liam into his shared room with the other two lads. Niall and harry were both in head spaces of four your olds, while Liam was more like two year old. (His speaking was much more developed than a two your old though.) Niall and Harry got big boy beds while Liam still had a crib.

Louis placed Liam on his feet and began to undress him. He peeled off the unhappy boy's shirt and stripped him of his pants. Louis let him step into his sweat pants and helped him pull on a new top before Zayn walked in. He went over to the other boys and kissed them good night well Louis picked Liam up under his armpits and opened the cribs side, setting Liam down in it gently. Zayn wandered over to Liam's crib. He sat down on the edge well Louis went and talked to Niall and Harry.

"Ready for bed baby?" Zayn asked pulling the covers up a little bit and stroking his cheek.

"Mhmm." Liam pouted.

"Well then grumpy pants," Zayn tickled at his sides. Liam giggled a bit pushing at his hands. "I still love you, even if you are being moody mister." Zayn finished kissing his cheek gently and placing the dummy in his mouth. With that, Zayn stood and walked out the room along side Louis.

"Night loves!" Louis cooed and the two exited the room.

Liam laid awake for at least a half an hour pouting. He was not happy about the situation with Louis. He wanted Louis to see that he could do things himself and his was not completely a liar. Really, he honestly didn't know what he wanted to prove, but he was gonna prove it. That was when an idea popped into his head.

Liam threw off the covers, pulled off his sweatpants, and ripped off his nappy. He smiled slyly, happy to rebel in some way. He knew that he might get yelled at, but it was nothing THAT serious. He slipped under the covers, and shoved his nappy and pants through the bars and onto the floor before he realized he made a mistake. He had forgotten to put his pants back on. He internally groaned, before finding it not a big deal and settling in to sleep.

This was where it was supposed to end, but of course, it proved that it was not taking a turn for the better.

It was 2 in the morning when Liam woke up to some unknown cause. He opened his eyes and made a small groaning noise before becoming aware of what the problem had been. He felt a wetness under his bare bum and immediately realized what had happened. His eyes instinctually began to well up and he was about to call for his daddies when he realized that he would get in even more trouble. He would have to fix it himself.

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