Baby's First Concert-baby!Zayn

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Hey guys! I just realized someone gave me this prompt and it seemed short and cute so imma do it! BTW WARNING THIS IS REALLY SHORT Don't yell if its bad.


"Zaynie, babe, c'mon now, the concert starts in ten minutes love. No more baby Zayn." Harry cooed at Zayn who stood in front of him with his arms crossed.

"No!" Zayn screeched. There he was dressed in his concert outfit, hair styled perfectly, looking completely. There was one problem though, Zayn, did not want to leave his headspace of a 2 year old at all. For the last half an hour, each of the lads had taken turns trying to convince Zayn it was for the best, but Zayn was more stubborn than ever, throwing a fit each time. Harry was completely fed up at this point.

"Zayn Javaad! You do not say no to any of your daddies ever!" Harry scolded. "Now get back into big Zayn!" He tried more forcefully. Zayn jut shook his head in defiance.

"NO NO NO NO NO! NO!!!!" Zayn screeched stomping his foot and turning to run away. Unfortunately for the boy, He ran straight into Paul's wide chest instead of going anywhere. Paul grabbed the boy and turned him around, just as frustrate as the rest of them.

"Let me have a go Harry." Paul said, causing Harry to sigh deeply and trot over to where the other boys sat, defeated.

"He just wont do it. Its not like him at all." Niall mumbled to the other three. "It doesn't help he decided to do it now, AT A BLOODY CONCERT!!!" The blonde finished. The other boys sighed and watched quietly as Paul sternly talked to a continuously reveling Zayn who refused to give in.

"If we could I'd just drag him on stage like that, the fans already know but I doubt management would allow us." Liam piped up. It was true, this age play with Zayn had started a couple years in advance, and after one year, the boys decided it would be best if they outed it to the fans to make their lifestyle easier. In impact, the fandom added fans, much different than the thought that they would lose lots. The only problem now was that Zayn had not done a concert in his headspace. He wasn't able to sing correctly, and management was all against him not performing well.

Harry began to think deeply about this. Maybe they should let Zayn go on Like a baby. The fans would probably love him that way, and he wouldn't necessarily have to sing. Harry decided to ask Paul.

"Hey Paul! I have an idea!" Harry called from his seat, which caused Paul to look up from where he was scolding Zayn.

"Alright, what?" Paul huffed out.

"Lets just let him go on as a baby. Its obvious he is not letting up, and he really doesn't have to sing." Harry blurted quickly before he regretted it. Paul made a thinking face for a few seconds before shrugging and looking at his watch.

"2 minutes until show time, best option we have now so ho ahead." Paul replied, a little unhappily. Harry smiled brightly and jogged over to Zayn.

"Bubbs?" Harry said picking him up. Zayn looked at him innocently, not sure what was going on. "You can stay little on stage love." Zayn's frown fell from his face and quickly replaced with a wide grin. Zayn wiggled in his arms, clapped and squealed excitedly. Harry smiled and looked to the other boys, all of them grateful Zayn at least wanted to go on stage.

"Alright boys! Three of you on to let the crowd know whats going on, one of you stay with Zayn!" Paul shouted as they approached the stage, the screams becoming louder and louder.

"Ill stay lads, you go on." Louis said, taking a strong grip on Zayn's hand, who looked at him very excitedly, bouncing a bit. The other 3 boys waited for Paul's signal and then bounded onto the stage, the screams louder than ever.

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