Head space probs-Baby Zayn

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Ok so I wrote this really quick and it is SUPER short. This is basically about Zayn having problems getting into his headspace, so the boys help him a bit. I tried to make this original but, yeah, I probably failed. Hope you like it! Enjoy loves



"You can go into your headspace now babe." Niall said as the boys shut the door to the van taking them back to the house after their last interview.

"It's ok Niall, I can wait. It's not that far off really." Zayn responded, turning to look out of the S.U.V.'s window. Lately he had been having a problem getting into his headspace. He had no issue going from little to big, but big to little was proving to be very difficult. It took some encouragement from the boys and a little pushing usually, but today he was having an extra hard time.

"Zee, I don't think you want to wait 45 minutes. C'mon babe, just let go!" Niall urged the slouching boy.

"Really Niall, it's fine. I'll just listen to music or something." Zayn stated quickly in an annoyed tone. Niall sighed deeply. Why does he have to be so stubborn?

Louis sat in the front seats with Harry thinking of what they could do to help. Usually one of them begging would do the trick, but today that was definently not happening. Louis' mind raced for another thing he could try. He settled on offering the younger his sippy cup. "Here Zee, you want some juice?" Louis said pulling the sippy cup with some juice left in it from earlier from his bag. He held it out to the somewhat sulking boy. Zayn turned to louis when he heard his name being called. He nodded a little and reached for the cup. He took a few sips and felt him self slip a bit, but his body instantly stopped him. He sighed placing the plastic cup into his lap. Liam mentally groaned.

Zayn was so tense and Liam wanted him to just let go. He could not stand another minute seeing Zayn like that. Zayn was so calm and relaxed in his headspace, and Liam, he felt more relaxed when Zayn was relaxed. He brainstormed silently, allowing his mind to wander. He tried to think up physical things they could give him. His dummy! He was a complete genius. He brought the bag on the floor closer to him and peered inside, searching for the small purple object. After a few moments, he finally grasped the childish dummy and rubbed Zayn's thigh softly in attempt to grab his attention.

Zayn looked to the right slowly. "Want your dummy babe?" Liam said in a calm, low voice, holding the object out to him.

"I guess." Zayn mumbled. Today, he really was having a hard time. Liam carefully prodded the dummy between his lips. Zayn took it immediately and began to suck, the dummy bobbing cutely between his pink lips. He tried hard. Each time he felt himself slipping more into the headspace, when his body would catch him. He was desperate really. Liam noticed his struggle and perched his hand on the lad's stomach, rubbing slowly, knowing it soothed him and helped him calm down. Zayn was just frustrated. "It can't!" He lisped around the dummy burying his face in Liam's shoulder.

"It's alright Zee! Not your fault. You can take as long as you want babe." Liam offered up his words of encouragement to the struggling boy. He continued to rub small circles on the boy's stomach. He always did this to Zayn at night when he was in his headspace trying to fall asleep. He saw the younger boy slipping deeper and then stopping himself as each minute ticked by. And that's when a thought hit him. What if he did something that he did to Zayn when he was in his little two year old headspace? Tickles! Liam smiled to himself. He removed his hand from Zayn's stomach, earning him a groan from the boy still suckling lazily on the dummy. He placed his hand at Zayn's side and began to tickle him lightly.

Zayn smiled as soon as the action began. "Stop it Li!" He complained through giggles. He was trying to sound serious. Zayn batted Liam's hands away. Liam just brought his other hand over, and smiling deviously, attacked his other side with his fingers.

"Papa has turned into the tickle monster and he is gonna get you!" Liam smiled at Zayn continuing to tickle the boy's sides relentlessly. Zayn was full on laughing by then. He a attempted feebly to push away Liam's hands, but did not try to hard. He found that this familiar action from his headspace was making him let go. He laughed uncontrollably as he felt the tickle monster move to his front, going for his ribs.

Liam smiled at the boy as he scaled over Zayn's ribs, he knew it was one of his worst spots. Zayn pushed at the boy and was red faced and gasping as the tickling continued. "Should papa go for the arm pits? I know little Zaynie is pretty ticklish there!" Liam said moving for his armpits, which were another ticklish spot. Suddenly he heard a gasp from the boy.

"No papa! No tickles! No armpits!" Zayn squealed through his laughter as Liam tickled his arm pits ferociously. Liam immediately stopped when he heard "Papa" leave Zayn's mouth.

"Looks like we got our baby back!" Liam announced picking up Zayn's dummy which had fallen in the commotion.

"Looks like Zaynikins it back!" Louis gasped. Zayn giggled, sucking gently on his dummy which Liam had returned to him.

Liam sighed. He was glad all his hard work paid off. Now he could relax too.


Ok so uhhh, there you are Loves! I know this was really short but I really did not have much time to write. Thanks to all the readers out there who vote and comment on my work. If you don't already VOTE and COMMENT please do because that helps me get some feed back on how I am doing. Also comment your prompts. I will be writing a second part to Because I Love You pretty soon so sit tight! Again, thanks for reading an I hope you enjoyed it! Thanks loves!



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