Can't sleep-baby!Louis (short larry)

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K so this is a short one shot of LARRY!!!


Louis giggled as Harry drove the toy truck he was holding up one of his arms, across his chest and down the other.

The two were spending the night together while the other boys went out to the club, and it had been a great idea too. Harry missed just being around and playing with his baby Louis by himself and was savoring every last minute of the 5 before Louis' bedtime.

Harry placed the toy truck in Louis' palm and let the lad make the noises as he ran over his feet pretending they were mountains. Harry giggled at that. Little Louis was just so adorable.

"4 minutes until bed." Harry announced, pulling himself from the floor, kissing the top of Louis' head as he stood. Louis nodded blindly, not looking up from where he was playing, obviously not caring enough. Harry sighed and shook his head, traipsing into the kitchen to retrieve Louis' dummy and stuffed bear he left there earlier.

Louis' dummy was easily found on the floor under the table, soiled with dust and dirt. Harry sighed deeply and plucked it from a cobweb and carrying it between his thumb and forefinger to the sink, quickly rinsing it with warm water before pocketing it.

Next was the stuffed bear, found lathered in ketchup on the counter. There was no way Harry would have time to wash it, but he couldn't give it to the boy.

This was gonna be a tough one.

Carefully, with Lou's dummy in his pocket minus the bear, Harry returned to the living room. Louis looked up immediately and smiled up at him.

"Have beawy and dummy?" He asked with twinkling eyes. Harry curled his lips into a sad smile.

"Well babe, I have your dummy," Harry started, pulling the blue and purple dummy from his pocket, "but beary is too dirty and I don't have time to wash it." This was like news of a family death to Louis. His eyes watered tremendously and his lower lip wobbled.

"Need beawy!!" He cried, pounding the floor with an iron fist. Harry just knew it was not going to go over well. The lad look far too distraught for the not so severe situation and it was worrying Harry.

"I know that you like to sleep with beary babe," Harry said gently crouching next to Louis an gathering him in his arms, "but you are gonna have to do without tonight." Harry watched as Louis' face switched from its initial shock to sadness. Tears welled in the very corners of the lads eyes and a shaky frown appeared on his face. Harry just shook his head and stood, scooping Louis into his arms on the way up.

Together, the pair retreated up the stairs and into Louis' room. Harry first went to the changing table, lowering a lightly crying and sleepy Louis on to the mat. Before starting the change, he opened up the closet on the far side of the room and pulled out a blue onesie. With that, it was time to change a very grumpy Louis.

Harry started on the tabs of the nappy and easily wiped and replaced the nappy on Louis with surprisingly little to no fuss. He quickly helped his baby into he onesie and carried the lad over to his crib.

"Ready for be babe?" Harry asked Louis as he unlatched the front of the crib and let it down gently with one hand.

"No." Louis said nearly emotionlessly as Harry pulled back the sheets and duvet and set him down. Harry frowned.

"Haven't let that go yet have you?" Harry mumbled, pulling up the blankets and going to pick up Louis' fallen dummy from the floor. Louis just stared sadly at his daddy, hoping that maybe Harry would give in and let him stay up until his bear was washed. Harry just smiled at him shakily as he sat on the edge of the crib.

"You know I'm not purposely trying to keep beary from you sweetheart, right?" Harry asked gently, stroking a thumb over Louis' left tearstained cheek. The boy averted his eyes from contact with Harry's and nodded slightly. "Good." Harry replied to the nod. "Do you want to sleep with any of your other stuffed animals for the night?" Harry asked trying to think of a logical temporary solution.

"Uh uh." Louis said sighing. Harry let out a frustrated sigh himself.

"Well baby, your just gonna have to try and sleep without your bear ok?" Harry said with raised eyebrows.

"Mhmm." Louis said quietly and looked at Harry expectantly. All Harry did was lean down and peck the lad on his forehead, cheek, and lips gently.

"Well, goodnight then," Harry started, heading toward the door. "Love you Lou."

With that, Louis was left to fend for himself.


It was midnight. Now a total of 2 hours past his bedtime and Louis had yet to get a single wink of sleep. He longed to cuddle with his ever familiar stuffed bear and he simply psyched himself out, believing that he himself couldn't sleep, and then making it a reality. And he could say for himself that it was far worse than torturous.

Louis tossed and turned in his sheets once again as his drifting mind suddenly snapped back to his bear, waking him from his half asleep daze and putting him right back where he started, wide awake and in search of comfort. This time it was different though. Louis had endured enough. His body was achy and tired and he just wanted to sleep and he couldn't, and his dummy wasn't working and...he needed his daddy. Pure and simple. Thats all he needed.

So that was his final decision.

"DADDY!" Louis cried out loudly, blubbering and tears streaming dow.n his face in distress.

It the other room, Harry, still clad in boxers watching the tele on his bed heard the wail ring through the baby monitor next to his bed and immediately burst to his feet. He thought that Louis had been asleep hours ago, not hearing a noise at all since he put the lad to bed.

Harry quickly ripped some sweats and a tee from the floor, pulling them on in record time and sprinting into his baby's room.

There, Harry was met by a sobbing Louis sitting upright in his crib, obviously waiting for Harry. "Oohhh babes!" Harry exclaimed moving swiftly to the edge of the crib and unlatching the side, pulling his large baby into his arms.

Louis immediately clung to his daddy's shirt, reminding himself to never let go.

After 5 minutes of rocking and shushing, Harry managed to get Lou calmed down enough to speak.

"Why are you up so late baby boy?" Harry asked gently as Louis let out a hiccup.

"No beawy no sleep." Louis said simply, gripping Harry tighter.

"Ohhh babe, I know. How long have you been awake?" Harry said soothingly.

"Bedtime." Louis responded weakly ad listening to Harry gasp after.

"Well that is most definitely a problem we need to fix! Would you like to come sleep with me pumpkin?" Harry suggested. Louis nodded furiously as Harry stood and was already leading them towards his room.

Inside, Harry pulled back the covers quickly and set Louis' warm body on the covering sheet and re-blanketed him before moving to the other side and getting in himself. Harry sighed and flick off the tele and lights from the remote and held Louis close.

"Love you honey, now go to sleep." Harry encouraged stroking through Louis' brown locks.

As Louis dozed off, he finally realized he didn't need a stuffed animal to sleep, just a little love.





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