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Alright, this is the first one of the five short one shots I will he writing. THESE ARE MEANT TO BE VERY SHORT SO DONT YELL! These will be cute short one shots I am doing sp I can update more quickly for y'alls. Thanks!


"NO!!! Need Baba!" Niall screeched as Harry tried to pick him up off of the couch. It was 10:00 at night, Niall's set bedtime for when he was a baby, but Zayn, Niall's baba had yet to return home from his outing to the studio yet. Harry thought carefully before making a decision.

"Alright, fine. But you have to at least let me change you into your clothes bub." Harry said with a stern look. Niall nodded furiously and made grabby hands at Harry, no accepting the circumstances.

Harry steadily made his way to and up the stairs, going immediately for the lads nursery.

Inside, the room was a masterpiece. The walls were painted a shade of light green and all the toys were in dark green boxes. To say the least, Harry was proud o his work.

Harry took the shorter lad over to enlarged sized changing table and set him down gently, careful to make sure the boy didn't hit his head and was unable to fall off.

"Do you want your dummy babe?" Harry asked, spotting the small rubber object before starting the change. Niall's eyes lit up and and he reached out his hands. Harry smiled proudly and wet the blue dummy with his own lips before shoving the rubber into Niall's mouth. Niall took the object happily and sucked away as Harry started the change.

Harry pulled at the side tabs of the nappy and pushed the front of the smelly nappy down.

"Whew! You are a very stinky boy!" Harry exclaimed making a face and coaxing Niall into a fit of giggles.

By then, Harry had managed to wipe down the young lads area and take the dirty nappy off and was reaching for a fresh nappy. Harry quickly pushed the white material under Niall's bum and added some powder before retaping the nappy.

"All done silly!" Harry smiled at the blonde with a goofy look. "Im going to get you a nice pair of footie pajamas." Harry finished, taking off towards the dresser and picking the red one right up. Niall giggled cutely as he saw this, it being his favorite one.

"Rewd!" Niall squealed as Harry helped the lads pale flailing limbs into the sleeves and feet of the pajamas.

"Yeah baby, it is red." Harry agreed, smiling at his baby boy as he finished and zipped up the front of the onesie. Harry picked the shorter lad up and quickly traveled down stairs and carefully setting Niall on the living room couch.

"As soo-" Harry tried to say with a stern look, but was cut off by the sound of the door open and Niall bouncing and squealing next to him. Harry sighed and picked Niall up.

"I suppose he is home isn't he?" Harry said under his breath.

Together, the pair made it to the door where Zayn was stripping of his coat and boots.

"BABA!" Niall nearly screamed, squirming from Harry's arms and pouncing onto Zayn. Zayn caught to lad in a hug and forced a smile on his face. Harry could tell that someone had a bad day.

"Hi Ni..." Zayn trailed off, rubbing Niall's back and kissing his forehead. "Shouldn't you be in bed?" Zayn asked calmly, trying not to let his anger out in the poor innocent boy in his arms, so giggly an happy.

"Wait fo you!" Niall exclaimed, giggling a bit.

"While lets go then." Zayn said as unenthusiastically as it gets, forgetting to smiled and letting a frown fall onto his face as he lifted Niall and started towards and up the stairs.

On the way up, Niall started to sense the bad mood Zayn had. Normally his baba would make him laugh and giggle as they spent time together, bit right now, the man was grimacing and silent as he stomped up the stairs. Niall had to restrain himself from whimpering.

Finally, the pair made it into Niall's room. Zayn immediately went for the crib, not bothering to unlatch the side, but just setting Niall in with a huff. The blonde was glad his daddy had already changed him because Zayn surly wouldn't in all his haste.

"Nite." Zayn grumbled as he walked the door, opening it and closing it leaving Niall in pitch blackness. And thats where Zayn went wrong. There are a couple of problem with the way Zayn had put Niall to bed. First, not only did completely forget give Niall his dummy and stuffed penguin, but he failed to remember Niall's night light. That was the most important one. Niall was simply deathly afraid of the dark and this, this was not helping at all.

Niall sat up as he let out a couple sad whimpers and looked around nervously. His eye caught on his dresser, which looked like a monster in the dark and his breath hitched. This is exactly why he had a night light, so he could see what everything was and not get scared.

More whimpers, were followed by some soft crying on Niall's part as his chest clenched when he heard a squeaking noise. And that was it for him. He started to sob, loud heart breaking sobs and called for his daddies, hoping they would come and help him.

"B-BAB-BA!!!! DA-DADDY!!!!!" Niall nearly screamed.

Down stairs where Harry was rubbing the knots out of Zayn's back and quietly listening to the story of Zayn's awful day the sobs could be heard, and suddenly Zayn's face fell.

"I forgot to turn the light on!" He squeaked him self and burst to his feet making for the stairs and nearly breaking the door as he pushed into Niall's room.

"Ohh baby!" Zayn said rushing to unlatch the crib and pull him out softly. Zayn's eyes spotted the dummy on the table next to it and realized his second mistake. He quickly grabbed it and pushed it into the sobbing Niall's lips as he bounced the boy in his arms.

"Im sorry baby, I know I forgot the night light and I should not have taken my anger out on you love." Zayn whispered into Niall's ear as his cries slowed. Niall looked up and pressed a frail kiss to Zayn's lips; his own still wobbling in sadness.

"It otay baba. Me loves you still." Niall assured as Zayn rubbed at his back and left kisses all around the blondes face. Niall let out a soft giggle before becoming completely serious.

"Sleep wif you?" He asked gently, eyes wide.

"Of course darling." Zayn whispered and kissed his cheek gently.


That night, Niall slept better than ever in the safety of both his daddies arms. He forgave his baba and everything was good.


Okay; that sucked crap. Im sorry. It really honestly didn't turn out the way I thought it would. Anyway, read up and VOTE AND COMMENT PEOPLE!!!!!



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