Sick Day Disaster-baby!Liam part 1

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"Liam..." A distant voice cooed, sounding far away as he awoke from his sleepy haze. Liam was just bringing a fist up to wipe at his eyes when he felt an awful hurt in his stomach and a blinding pain in his forehead. "Liam!" The voice said more insistently and loudly, piercing through Liam's skull. He couldn't handle the noise, no not at all and he began to cry, hoping it would stop.

Louis, on the other hand, standing above Liam in his crib, was really confused. Liam had slept nearly two hours longer than he normally did, and Louis had decided to get him up at nine. Although, now, the lad was just crying his eyes out, not even opening them first. Louis sighed. He didn't know how to calm the boy, so he would call Zayn in to sort the lad out.

"ZAYN!! Will you come here please!?" Louis yelled out, only instigating more sobs to erupt from his youngest' mouth. "Shh shh babe." Louis tried, reaching down and softly running a hand through Liam's fuzzy hair. Suddenly, Louis heard footsteps at the door and looked up to see Zayn with a still sleeping Harry in his arms and a sleepy Niall right behind. "Switch?" Louis asked. Zayn nodded and met Louis in the middle, handing off a sleeping Harry and whispering to Niall to follow his daddy down the stairs. Niall nodded and left behind Louis.

"Just to let you know," Louis started, "i don't really know why he started crying I me-" Louis was cut off before he could finish.

"Its fine Lou its not your fault." Zayn said. "Now go on." Louis smiled and led Niall out of the room. With that, Zayn turned back to the crib. "Aww babe..." Zayn sighed, reaching to unlatch the side and pulling it down to get a better look at the lad.

Carefully, Zayn pulled back the blankets and pulled Liam into his arms. Still crying and unhappy to be in the cold, Liam whimpered and squirmed about in Zayn's arms as he was carried to the changing table at the other side of the room. Zayn sighed and looked at the boy as he set him on the small table. He felt warm and clammy and looked wrecked with his pretty brown eyes all red and puffy and skin paler than ever. Liam was obviously sick, there was no doubt in his mind. Now it was just to get him to stop crying and get him to calm down.

"Hey, babe." Zayn lightly touched Liam's cheek trying to get his attention. Liam looked up with wobbly features and momentarily stopped squirming. "Do you feel icky?" Zayn asked him. Liam nodded slowly and brought his hands to clutch at his tummy. "So its your tummy then." Zayn said, removing Liam's hands from his stomach and replacing them with his own hand, rubbing slightly. Liam whined a bit as Zayn continued, but sighed in content after a bit, the slight pressure soothing the rolling in his belly. Zayn smiled sadly at Liam, knowing he had to stop to change his nappy before he got a rash.

Zayn took his hand from where it rested and reached to undo the tabs of the nappy. Liam squirmed a bit and whined, but at least he wasn't crying.

Zayn set to work on changing Liam, removing the first nappy before wiping Liam down and replacing the nappy, before picking Liam's sweating and pale, nearly asleep body up and walking towards the bathroom. He had decided to take Liam's temperature and give him a bath and some medicine to hopefully help him feel better.

Reason: Management had a local interview for them to do today at one, and Liam really needed to get better.

When the pair entered the bathroom, Liam suddenly felt the want to suck on his dummy. When your sick, a want automatically turns into a need, and Liam began to whimper and make grabby hands at the door. Zayn looked at the lad a bit confused. "Whats the matter darling?" He asked. Liam just looked at him, eyed watering and Lip wobbling. "You have to use words babe, I cant tell what you want." Liam only whimpered once more and looked at bit concentrated on what he wanted to say. Zayn just smiled and chuckled a bit to himself.

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