Learn Again-baby!Niall

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WARNING:THIS IS SHORT:WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!So this was a prompt from someone, baby Niall basically needs to relearn how to crawl. Enjoy loves!!!


It had been nearly four months since Niall Horan had become the age play baby of the rest of one direction. Over that four months, Niall had found a good headspace for himself, 6 months, just about the time a baby might learn to crawl. Only problem was, in his headspace, crawling was much harder to accomplish and he had yet to do it. His daddies very much desired the for the young lad to accommodate this skill.

So they worked on him, trying as best they could, and that was what they were up to this lovely sunday in their large hotel suite.

Niall laid on the carpeted floor of the large living area, sprawled out on his stomach giggling happily as he grasped a pink block sitting in front of him. Louis cooed from the dark gray sofa despite himself. The boy was just so completely adorable it was hard to hold in your feelings.

All of the other boys sat on one of the two couches besides Harry, who sat on the floor looking at Niall. Louis knew what was on his mind.

"C'mon Niall. Come to Papa!" Harry encouraged. Louis had guessed right. Once again, Harry was attempting to get Niall to crawl. It had been the youngest boy's goal for some three weeks now and it honestly didn't look like he was giving up now. Niall just looked at his Papa and gurgled giddily. Harry wasn't satisfied. "Please Ni!?" Harry tried again, tugging at the blondes sides to try and move him. Niall just giggled even more. It tickled his sensitive sides. Harry gave up and Niall went back to inspecting the block in his grasp.

"You know Harry," Liam piped up from his spot on the couch, "You should really try a new tactic on the lad. He seems set on ignoring your pleas." Harry looked at the now whining blonde in the center of the living room. Maybe Liam had a good point. It really didn't seem like Niall was all that interested in crawling over to his Papa at all.

"You could take the block away and put it a few feet away. He may want it enough to crawl over and get it." Zayn recommended, shrugging. He honestly didn't mind Niall just staying still. Once he learned to crawl in his headspace it was going to be a thousand times more chaotic.

Harry thought a moment, before sliding over to Niall from his spot on the floor. Niall smiled around his dummy and said something in baby talk that no one could understand. Harry smiled.

"I know." He said quietly, trying to respond to the little noises Niall squeaked out around his adorable little blue dummy. With that, Harry began to gently pry the pink block from Niall's sticky fingers. That only made the boy scowl cutely and grip it harder. Harry smiled.

"C'mon bug, let me have it." He said easily removing the block from the strongest grip Niall had. Now the little boy just looked sad and ready to burst into tear at any second. His red rimmed eyes watered and he reached out for Harry just wanting his toy back.

"M'sorry baby. You have to come get it if you want it though." Harry said, placing the block on the carpet a fee feet in front of Niall.

Niall let out a teary huff before getting a determined look on his face. He tried to lift himself up on his wobbly arms, but almost immediately gave up and lowered himself back to the ground, quickly reoccupying himself with flipping on his back and playing with his toes. Harry sat back and huffed in disappointment.

"I don't really think he wanted that block back enough. Maybe we need to get something he loves more." Louis suggested. He was secretly just as eager as Harry, but he didn't want to show it. Suddenly, Liam let out an excited yelp.

"What was that Li?" Zayn scoffed, a chuckle following.

"I have a brilliant intelligent idea!" He nearly yelled, looking for enthusiasm in the other boys.

"Go on." Louis said, just wanting to know.

"We should use a cookie! Niall loves food, especially cookies." Liam finished. He was quite proud that he thought up that one first.

"That just might work..." Zayn trailed off as Harry bolted towards the small kitchen. After several loud clunking noises erupting from that room, Harry finally returned with a soft chocolate chip cookie in his hands. He ran over and placed himself a few feet in front of Niall and held the cookie proudly in front of him. As soon as Niall registered what the object was in Harry's hands, he rolled back onto his stomach. Making puppy eyes and a humungous pouty lip, Niall let out a whine and made grabby hand towards the cookie. Harry shook his head solemnly.

"No babe, you have to come and get it." Harry said gently. Niall whimpered. He just wanted the cookie. Harry shook his head once more.

It was a minute or so of more grabby hands and pouty faces before Niall gave up and finally took the situation into his own hands. The same determined look came across his features and he began to push himself up into a crawling stance. It took nearly a minute of hard work, but finally Niall was on his hands and needs. Niall looked shocked at himself for a moment before smiling adorably behind the dummy and beginning on his way.

Niall's movements were shaking and unsure as he slid his knees and hands uncertainly across the floor. He went slowly and worked hard to not fall over and make hi way over to the cookie he so desperately desired. All he daddies clapped and cheered as he moved along.

After a long minute, Niall finally collapsed onto his bum at Harry's legs. He smiled and reached out for the cookie.

"Good boy!" Harry cheered, ruffling his hair and placing the precious cookie into Nialls open hands. The lad squealed in delight and took a small bite from the outer edge.

"Is it nummy?" Harry asked as he stood and reached down to pick the blonde up. Niall nodded enthusiastically.

Harry brought the boy back to the couch and sat down heavily next to Louis.

"Cant believe that all it took was a cookie." Louis said shaking his arm.

"Well Niall is a weird little fella, aren't you munchkin?" Harry said tickling the boy's side. Niall giggled and nodded, taking a big bite of cookie.

Harry shook his head, life was good.


This really was not my favorite at all, but who cares. If you liked it, COMMENT AND VOTE!! I KNOW YOU LIKE BABY NIALL SO! Anyway, I am trying to update a bit more often but, yeah. Anyway, thanks for reading loves!



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