Bad Day-baby!Liam pt. 2

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Liam woke from his nap slowly, opening his eyes a little at first before yawning and opening them the rest of the way.

As he opened his eyes the rest of the way, the stomach ache and headache came flooding back to his body, except this time his tummy didn't just hurt, he felt unbearably nauseous. Liam rolled onto his side and clutched his hurting tummy, starting to cry loudly, hopefully catching Niall's attention.

Liam didn't care how mean Niall had ben earlier, he just wanted his Dada and Baba, and he wanted them now.

Meanwhile in Harry and Niall's room, the pair were sleeping peacefully wrapped in each others arms, sleeping without a care in the world, not realizing that in the other room their baby Liam was bawling his eyes out and was about to be sick.


Two minutes passed and Liam had managed to peel off his white t-shirt which had been making him extremely uncomfortably hot, not to mention making him need to puke even more from the collar choking him.

He had cried the whole two minutes, no, absolutely sobbed his eyes out. The ickiness in his stomach was worse than he had ever felt and he just needed some comfort, that hadn't come yet.

Normally, one of his daddies would be immediately by his side if they even heard a noise in the baby monitor. Obviously, that was not the case today. No one had come at all, although, it was just in the pattern of the day, his two daddies at home treating him rather poorly.

And that was when Liam felt the need to mess his nappy. He didn't want to mess it, seeing as it was only going to add to his discomfort, but he knew this time it wasn't staying put. The slow burn was a reminder of similar experiences of the past, he was going to have diarrhea right there in his nappy, all alone in his room.

He was able to stave off the disgusting substance for about a minute before he couldn't hold it a minute longer.

The brown liquid substance poured into his nappy quickly and made its home around his sensitive parts. Only to add to the discomfort of the situation, Liam wet himself as well.

If possible, Liam's cries increased, nearly loud enough to wake the neighbors. A full nappy with diarrhea, a sore stomach, nauseousness, and a headache alone did not mix well, not at all.


Ten minutes of sobbing later with Niall and Harry still asleep in their cozy bed, Liam's stomach lurched, the nausea kicking it up a notch. Liam moaned through his cries, grasping at the comforter with one hand and pressing the other hand over his mouth hard.

A gag escaped his lips as Liam pressed harder over his mouth. He needed one of his daddies now, and when he said needed, he meant it.

"DADA!" Liam screamed as he sat up and retched, letting out some puke into his hand. The round of sick just kept coming as Liam removed his hand and soaked his bare chest and sweatpants with the disgusting substance.

Finally, Liam finished with the round of sick and leaned back into his pillow, sobbing lightly and willing for it all to be over.

After sobbing for 10 more minutes, Liam slowly surrendered to sleep, just wishing for someone to comfort him.


It was nearly 1:30 when Zayn and Louis arrived home on their car from there double lunch date with Perrie and Eleanor. Both had a great time hanging with their friends, but they were ready just to be home with their boyfriends and especially there baby Lili who they hadn't seen all day.

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