Chapter 2

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Daniel's POV
I walked away from the door and towards my room . When I get to the room and sit on my bed, I get a text from Abby.
Abby- I had a good time . Thanks for getting coffee with me :)
Daniel- I did too.
Daniel- get some sleep, it's almost 1
Daniel - talk tomorrow and I'm always awake if u wanna talk kk?
Abby- lol ok seavey ;)
Daniel- gn abbyy
Abby- Goodnight
I put my phone on my nightstand and lay down on my bed.
It's Jack , holding a glass of water.
"How was your date?" he asks.
I sit up and roll my eyes.
"It wasn't a date. And it was fine."
"You were out for over an hour. I'd like to assume that it went decently well." Jack says sipping the water.
"We had a good time. Talking."I say.
"Did you kiss?" he asks me.
"F*ck no! "
He raises an eyebrow.
"You're in love with her , right?"
I look down.
Jack gasps.
"You do! "
I look up at him and laugh.
"GUYS!!DANIEL IS IN LOVE WITH THAT GIRL !" he shouts in all the members's rooms.
"No way!" Jonah shouts as he gets out of bed.
"I don't know yet! Stop !" I shout .
"Oh come on!" Jack says.
"You can't fall in love with someone you just met!" I say.
"Oh god. Who are you? Elsa? " Jonah says.
"Dude , I'm sure she doesn't even like me either." I say.
Jack turns and heads for the door. I follow him.
"Where is her room?" He asks.
" Its this one . Why?"
I point to the one right in front of us. Jack knocks on the door.
"Jack ! "
Carly opens the door.
"Oh hey. You looking for Abby?" she asks.
"Hi , I'm jack . Can we borrow you for a second? Come to our room. " he says.
"I was heading out anyways. "
"Follow me." Jack says .
We lead her to the hotel room and as we open the door we reveal Jonah holding a glass of water.
"Would you like some water?" he asks Carly shakes her head.
"You sure? You might be here for a while." he says.
Carly takes the glass.
"So, what's Abby's type ?" Jack asks Carly , sitting down next to her.
"Why are you asking me ?" She asks , and turns to me.
"I think Daniel has a thing for her." Jack says.
"It's not a thing ! I-"
"Well, she likes anyone who can tell a good joke,be nice to her,  and likes Taco Bell ." Carly replies as she takes another sip of water.
"That's it?" Jack asks.
"She doesn't really have a type. "
I nod.
"Interesting." I say.
"Can I leave now?Im tired." Carly asks .
"Yeah. Sorry." I say as I open the door for her.
She walks out and I close the door behind her.
Abby's POV
When I walk out of the bathroom I see Carly is gone. How? She has nowhere to go!
I grab my room key and leave the bigger room. I'm walking down the hall and I see her leaving a hotel room.She catches my eye.
"Oh...hey." she says to me.
"Where were you? I was worried sick!"
"Nothing. Let's go back to the room. " Carly says and walks past me.
"Are we not going to talk about where you where?!"
"Nope." She says as she opens the door to the room .
I roll my eyes and follow her into the room.
"Well I want to know!"
Carly turns to me and tilts her head.
"You don't just wander off like that without telling me! I got scared!"
I can see the rage in Carly's eyes.
"Why are you pissed? You went off on a date with Daniel and you didn't tell me !" Carly shouted .
"Well maybe I wouldn't have gone if you didn't give Zach my number without walking me!"
"I was doing you a favor ok!? You've been single for as long as I can remember and you're in love with Daniel ! You should be thanking me instead of screaming at me!" Carly screams as she grabs her room key.
"Where are you going?" I ask.
"Anywhere besides here ! You're impossible to talk to !" She shouts as she slams the door.
I grab my hair and clench my teeth.
Carly opens the door again and pokes her head out.
"And by the way, Jack stopped by to ask about you because Daniel has a thing for you! So , I was right , mother fucker! "
She slams the door behind her.
I sit down on my bed and just start sobbing. Carly has been my friend through thick and thin. How could I do this to her? How do I apologize?
I grab my key again and head out the door.
I'm heading back to Starbucks . This could be a long night.
Daniel's POV
I hear a knock on our door and Jack gets startled.
"Who could that be right now?" He says rubbing his eyes.
I open he door and reveal Carly standing there with red and puffy eyes. She steps inside and walks up to Jack.
"Thanks a lot! Now Abby is mad as hell at me that I left her in the room and I was with you! You should be proud that you split up a pair of friends of 15 years!" She shouts at Jack. He turns to me .
"Daniel . Go find Abby."
I nod and leave the room to text Abby.
Daniel- where are u ?
Daniel- I heard
Abby- Starbucks
Daniel- I'll be down.
Daniel- wait for me
Abby- k
Daniel's POV
I head towards the elevator and press the button for the lobby. Abby is waiting for me downstairs at Starbucks , so I hope I get there in time.
The elevator lands and I run towards Starbucks and see Abby sitting at a table with a Unicorn Frappuchino and crying .
I sit down across from her.
"I know , I look like shit right now. You already heard about what happened , right?" she sniffs.
"I did. And I hope you don't think I'm an idiot. " I say.
She looks up at me and raises an eyebrow.
"Why would I think that if you , Seavey?"
"Carly told you about what I said. About me having a thing for you?"
"She did. Is it true?" She asks , and sips her drink.
I sigh and scratch my ear.
"You're gonna think I'm insane when I say this." I say.
"I love your personality . You're so funny and beautiful , and I'm sorry about what's gone down in you're life . But I do really like you. You're everything I've been looking for in a girl." I say.
Abby looks up at me and laughs.
"What?" I say.
"Kiss me already." She says.
I lean in and hold her cheek and lower my hand to her chin. My lips touch hers and motion around. I press my tongue against her teeth and she does the same to me.
We separate and she smiles at me.
-5 hours later-
(7:18 AM)
Abby's POV
I wake up and check my phone on the nightstand.
Carly- Abby!
Carly- abby we need to talk
Carly- I'll be over at 7:25
Carly-I'm sorry
Carly- abby come on
Carly- I'll be there in 5 minutes
Carly- jack is getting worried about Daniel
Carly- r u with him
Oh shit.
I sit up and wake Daniel up.
No, it's not what you think. He came upstairs after coffee and fell asleep.
"Wake up! " I whisper.
"Carly is gonna-"
"She's gonna what?!" He asks.
Its too late and Jack walks in and reveals Daniel.
His jaw drops.
"Where's Carly? " I ask.
"That's what I'm trying to figure out." He says, stepping into the room.
"Wait what?" I ask.
"I don't know where she went." He says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Weren't you with her?" Daniel asks .
"I was, until she went to look for Abby." He says while turning to me.
"I don't know where to look." Jack says.
I get up , and put on a pair of sandals.
"Where are you going ?"
"I'm going to find Carly. " I say
I head out the door wearing the same clothes from yesterday , and a gum
wrapper in my hair. My hair isn't messed up as much as I thought it would . It's not that bad , but I'm just concentrating on finding Carly at this point.
I walk down to the main lobby and see Carly in Starbucks....
with Jonah?

Something Different // Daniel Seavey Where stories live. Discover now