Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Cato's POV

As I walk into the training facility, I'm greeted by a face of pure fury. A tall, blonde girl bumps into me as she storms out of the building. Her trainer is a few yards behind her, yelling at the top of his lungs for her to stop. Needless to say, she pays him no attention. “Girls,” I say as he passes me. “You gotta love them.”

He rolls his eyes and sighs in exasperation. “If she was just half as good as she thinks she is, I'd be out of my fucking job.” He then follows her out the exit and resumes shouting at her. I chuckle quietly to myself. This is why girls hardly ever win the Games, in my opinion. They're far to emotional. Even Clove, who is one of the most emotionless girls I've met, is a totally impulsive hot-head.

Speaking of Clove, she runs straight into me as I enter our training room. I'm actually beginning to apologize when she look up at me with the most disgusted expression, likes it my fault we collided. “So it's going to be one of those days, Clover,” I growl, forgetting any thoughts of civility.

She doesn't respond, simply turns away from me and calls out to an unseen person, “He's here.”

“Finally!” Fabrizio calls from some unknown location. “I though I told you to show up early today,” he complains as he appears on the balcony that wraps around the entire room.

“Forgive me, Your Majesty,” I reply sarcastically. “I suppose I forgot your request somewhere between social studies and trigonometry.” I even throw in a mini-bow to add to the effect. When I raise my head to see their reactions, I find Fabrizio looking down at me, clearly unimpressed. Clove is scowling. The smirk immediately disappears from my face. So it really is going to be one of those days.

“Just get to work, Cato,” Fabrizio orders.

Clove isn't speaking to me. Even when I utterly fail at hitting the target with my practice knives, she doesn't say a single thing to mock me. She doesn't even laugh. My jeers seem to have no effect on her either. Nothing I say or do bothers her, and it's pissing me off. I feel practically invisible, which is not a sensation I'm used to. I'm used to being the center of attention, even when I'd rather not be.

It isn't until we're wrapping up for the day that I realize what's bothering her so much. Fabrizio has just walked over to us, swords in hand, when it all begins to fit together in my brain. “I would have you two spar again today, as you both have a lot of room for improvement, based on yesterday.” He pauses. “But then,” he continues, looking from me, to Clove, then back to me, “I had to wonder how much good it would do.” Then it clicks. I let Clove win yesterday. She'll never forgive me for it. That's why she isn't speaking to me today.

I look over at Clove as this thought hits me, and I know I'm right. She looking at me like I just crawled out of a pile of shit. Why does it bother her so much? She's just being a prideful bitch.

As Fabrizio hands me one the weapons and prepares himself for our practice spar, Clove walks over to the bleachers, where a camera is lying, ready to record my every movement. Oh sure, give her the easy job. I'm the one who actually put effort forth yesterday and fought like I'd actually held a sword before, yet I'm the one who has to duel with the master. Go figure.

“Whenever you're ready, Clove,” Fabrizio calls to her, not wanting to be missing any of the action when he replays it to find my flaws. She nods once, looking rather bored. Smart ass bitch.

We begin the duel immediately. Because it's not a student-on-student spar, Fabrizio doesn't treat this duel formally. Instead, we will continue until there is a sure victor. I don't fully understand why he doesn't let Clove and me go at it like normal combatants, maybe he figures she'll actually try to knife me in the process. Whatever his reasoning, it doesn't apply with trainer-on-student spars. This is somewhat to his disadvantage, since he's so much older than I am. However, as good as I am, he still surpasses me greatly in skill, so it's a fairly even match. In the end though, I outlast him and get in a death blow.

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