Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Clove's POV

Reflexively, I begin to move towards the smoke, before remembering I'm not fully armed. I race back to the center of camp to grab my gear as Cato and Marvel begin to argue about whether or not to bring “Chip” along. Marvel can be so stupid. If we're not going to call the kid by his name, couldn't we just call him “Three” and be done with it?

I ignore their banter as I rearrange my knives in my jacket so that my favorites are easily accessible. This kill is going to be mine. I haven't killed since the first day. Of course, neither has Cato, and if that fire is from Katniss, he'll want the kill. I grit my teeth at that thought and send a silent wish heavenward that it's not her.

Once I've stalled as long as I can, I stroll over to where the three boys are standing. Marvel and Cato have stopped shouting at each other and Cato is shoving a spear into Three's surprised hands. “What?” I shout as I watch them. “He's coming with us?”

“He's done here,” Cato growls. I open my mouth to object, he'll just slow us down, but Cato cuts me off. “No. He's coming with us. End of discussion.” Marvel looks at me and shrugs. I shoot him a glare, wanting nothing to do with him, and follow Cato into the forest.

What the hell? I could have sworn the argument had been going the exact opposite way, with Marvel opting for bringing Three and Cato fighting against it. Never in a million years would I have dreamed of Cato wanting to bring along this extra baggage. But I can't dwell on his idiocy, because he's picking up the pace, so I have to spend most of my concentration on not tripping over the vines and roots that try to trip me.

“A little more north,” I say just loud enough for Cato to hear me. Marvel and Three are a few yards behind us, and Cato will want both of them thinking he's in complete control. He nods slightly and breaks to the right slightly.

We haven't been away from camp ten minutes when another column of smoke appears to the right. Marvel's the first to see it, and he lets out a shout that pulls us all to a halt.

“What?” Cato growls, frustrated at the pause in progress.

“Smoke, over there,” Marvel says between deep breaths. We've been going at a decent run for nearly a mile, and in this terrain, it's taking its toll – especially on Three. He's crouched over and gasping for air.

“Told you we shouldn't have brought him,” I mutter to Cato as he strains to see the column of smoke I've already located. Cato glances over at the boy from three disdainfully and shrugs. “We could kill him now,” I venture, already drawing a knife. Cato stops my hand.

“No. Too much time,” he spits. “Go check out that fire,” he orders, turning to Marvel. “It's over near your traps anyway, so check all of those, too, while you're over there.” Marvel shrugs, not really looking as though he cares about where he goes, as long as he doesn't have to sit at camp.

“It could be a trap, so be-” Three is cut off by harsh glares from both Cato and myself. Why does he think Cato's sending Marvel over there? If there is a trap, we want him to fall into it, not one of us. One less idiot to worry about.

“I agree.” Marvel argues, his voice ringing with defiance. “What if another fire appears? Then what? They could be trying to split us up.”

Three nods in agreement, and Cato looks at the boy like he's stupid – before advancing on Marvel. “What was that?” he growls, not pleased at the idea of his authority being challenged. But Marvel doesn't back down.

“We'd be doing exactly what they want.”

“What who wants, exactly?” Cato challenges through grit teeth.

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