Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Clove's POV

Claudius's words echo through my head. Two tributes can become victors...from the same District. It's obviously meant to help the “star-crossed lovers”, but Cato and I could use it. Couldn't we? I'm not really sure. Something doesn't feel right. It's not like the Capitol to change they're mind on anything – much less be merciful. No doubt everyone watching from the luxurious city has bought into this one hundred percent, but I'm not quite so brainwashed by their propaganda.

Even if they do intend to let two of us out alive, they mean for it to be Peeta and Katniss. Everyone's rooting for them and their assumed love. No one cares about us anymore. The strong, dangerous Careers that almost always take home the prize. The people want something different. Careers win the Games through sheer strength, Twelve is winning with charm. If Cato and I are the last two standing, will they despise us for killing the “lovers” and cry out for our deaths? Wouldn't we just be forced to kill each other, in the end? I'm not sure. This doesn't make sense.

I shift uncomfortably on the hard ground beneath me. I feel like I've been sitting here for an eternity, but there's no sign of dawn on the horizon. Maybe I should try to find Cato. No doubt he's already at the lake, waiting for me to return so we can create a new plan. I just don't feel like moving, or facing him. He's no doubt bought into this entirely – he's always supported the Capitol – and he won't want to hear about my doubts. Of course, neither will the viewers. I'll just have to keep my opinions to myself.

If the last two tributes are from the same District, the words echo through my head again. I see Cato standing there, waiting for me to come back. No doubt he's completely forgotten his anger over our fight yesterday. He'll go into a blind rage over the smallest things, but he never holds it against me. I'm the one that holds grudges.

They will both be crowned victors and return home. Home. I close my eyes and see the giant oak tree that stands beside the river, its branches stretching out over the running water, leaves blowing in a gentle breeze. I can remember the view perfectly. With Cato sitting next to me on that hot August afternoon, the problems of my world had melted away. My mother, only dead that morning, had faded away to the back of my mind. It had been just me, the river, and Cato. With the sunlight streaming down in between the leaves-

Sunlight. Sunlight! My eyes flash open and I see the first beams of morning breaking over the horizon. I must have dozed off. No, not even dozed off. I legitimately fell asleep. I have been unconscious for hours. Cursing myself, I push away from the rough bark I've been leaning against. I can feel the patterns its rough texture has left on my back.

I stayed up all through my first night alone, just as I had planned, and all of yesterday was spent in search of food. My pack is now stuffed full of edible berries, roots, and other plants that I was lucky enough to stumble across. This hadn't solved the problem of shelter. Where could I sleep? Nowhere was safe. I had meant to stay up all night again, but that, apparently, hadn't worked out too well.

Scooping up my pack, I stand in one swift motion. This turns out to be a really bad idea. Black spots appear across my vision as I stand too quickly, only having just pulled myself out of unconsciousness. I steady myself against the tree and realize just how sore I am. The night in the woods has made nearly every muscle in my body tense.

I gingerly begin to stretch out, starting with my calves and working my way up, until it doesn't hurt quite so much to move. I then take the time to refill my canteen with water. After adding purifiers to the warm liquid, I begin my hike back to the lake. At some point between the announcement and this morning, I decided to join Cato. I have no idea when I made this decision or why, it just feels like what I should do. Even if they do change the rules again, he provides me with an easy way to eliminate the other tributes at least.

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