Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Clove's POV

We arrive back at the cornucopia just as the sun begins to make its appearance on the horizon. Cato breaks through the edge of the woods, sunlight glinting in his blond hair. Amber and I emerge right behind him, with Peeta trailing along behind. Glimmer is hanging all over Cato up in front of us. Marvel turns his head at the sound of our approach.

“About time,” he says, sounding irritable. “And only one cannon.”

“Back off, One,” Cato says just as irritably. “I don't see you doing anything useful.”

Marvel frowns, and I'm surprised when he opens his mouth to confront Cato. He's usually so mellow. “At least I didn't even leave all the real work to my District partner,” he snaps, referencing my assignment as guide last night. “But then again, I suppose she was too busy whoring,” he adds, looking pointedly at Glimmer's close proximity to Cato. If I was Glimmer, I would have been outraged by such a comment. But, if I was Glimmer, I wouldn't be hanging all over Cato. It's Cato, however, who's enraged by the comment. Just as Marvel intended.

“Fine. You're in charge tonight. You lead the pack. But if we don't get a kill, it's on you,” he seethes.

“Cato,” I warn. He's getting worked up again.

“Fine,” Marvel agrees.

“No!” Amber suddenly interjects. “This is stupid.” Cato and Marvel both glare down at her. She may be tall for a girl, but both of them are well over six foot and tower over her. She doesn't seem the least bit phased. “We're not in a group to fight over masculinity,” she says, looking meaningfully at Cato. “We're in a group to hunt down the other tributes and kill them. Am I wrong?” No one answers her. I think we're all surprised at her confronting him at all.

When I first met Amber, I couldn't believe she was a Career. Her personality seemed far too friendly. She was eager to meet me, learn my name, and form a “friendship” - if that's what you'd call this. I thought at first I was going to hate her, she just seemed too fluffy. But she turned out to be a fierce competitor. She felt that anything the boys could do, we should be able to do just as well, if not better. In addition, she loathed Glimmer just as much as I did. Neither one of us believe it's fair for a girl to walk into the arena believing she can win this like it's some kind of beauty contest. But, in spite of her talkative, somewhat giddy personality, she tends to avoid confrontation. In training, she basically went along with whatever I wanted to do. She'd just simply try to upstage me the whole time. She always went along with the popular vote when it came to making decisions, not really wanting to stir up drama. But now, out of nowhere, she's suddenly lecturing Cato. And about what? Teamwork? This is going to be utterly futile.

“No, you're right,” Glimmer finally pipes up. We all look at her like she's stupid – which I firmly believe she is. No one was talking to her. No one wanted her input. Thankfully, this draws the attention away from Amber, and Cato begins to try to work out how we're going to protect all the stuff without having to be on look-out twenty-four seven.

“We could use it as a lure,” Peeta suggests.

“Oh, and I suppose you'll be the one monitoring it?” Cato retorts. Marvel then decides he agrees with Peeta and begins a dangerous match of wills with Cato. I take the opportunity to pull Amber aside.

“What was that?” I hiss where only she can here me.

“He's being stupid,” she hisses back, knowing exactly what I'm talking about.

“He's being Cato,” I state bluntly, my expression blank. “And besides, what are you? A motivational speaker?” I give her a look of complete and total disdain.

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