Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

 I don't even have time to shout. It happens so fast. And yet, everything feels like it's in slow motion. I see Peeta turn to watch me fall, his eyes widening in horror as he realizes what he's done. I hear the Mutts growing excited as they're thrown fresh meat. I feel the air rushing by me.

As I fall through twenty feet of nothingness, one thought dominates over all others, commanding my attention. This is it. It's twenty against one. I'll never make it out alive. But that doesn't mean I won't go out fighting.

When I hit the ground, I roll onto my feet, immediately going into combat mode. The first Mutt launches itself at me without hesitation. I unsheathe my sword and slay the monster in one swift motion, the adrenaline coursing through my veins granting me extra strength. The thing yelps in pain and falls to the ground beside me.

The rest of the Muttations growl in irritation and anticipation. I watch them warily, wondering why they don't just all attack at once. But I don't suppose that would be theatrical enough. Instead, two of them approach me, each taking one side. I focus on the larger of the two, hoping my armor will protect against the smaller one's attack. The Mutt hesitates though, and I realize only too late that I focused on the decoy. The real attack comes from behind as the Mutt I chose to ignore rips at my arm, pulling me away from the other dog. As I begin to fall backwards, the larger Mutt lunges forward, teeth bared.

I let out an aggressive roar and swing out at the monster leaping for my throat. I catch it's muzzle with my blade. It returns the favor, giant claws raking down my face. I let out a roar of pain and turn around to stab at the other Muttation that still has its jaw clamped down around my left arm. My sword slices through its powerful muscles like butter, and the thing releases its grip on me, yelping in pain. I jerk the blade free roughly and stab at its heart, finishing it off.

By the time I turn to face the rest of the pack, three more of the vicious creatures are running at me. This is it, I think again. All my preparation, all my training, it comes down to this moment. I'm going to die, but I can still bring honor to my District. That's all I know how to do.

Even as I brace myself for the oncoming attacks, I see Clove's Muttation pacing back and forth, watching me with keen eyes. At the sight of her, I'm reminded of just how much time I've spent manipulating Clove, and just how much of my life I've wasted. Honor has been all that's ever mattered to me, and now I've let Clove pay for it with her life. If it hadn't mattered so much to me, maybe I could have talked her out of entering the arena. She could have been happy. And now she's dead. We both are. And I can't help but feel that somehow it's all my fault.

As this is running through my head, two of the Muttations decide to attack. Spurred on by anger with myself and a strong survival instinct, I face them with rock-hard determination. I will not fall like a second-rate fighter. My opponents will fall with me. I will slaughter them.

The first Mutt gives a loud yelp and warm blood sprays onto my face as I deflect its attack with a swing of my sword. Ducking to avoid the other lunging Muttation, I thrust my blade up into its exposed underside. I let out a satisfied shout of victory as the dying Mutt falls to the ground, writhing in pain.

Seeing their comrades fall, the rest of the pack becomes infuriated and joins the third Muttation, already heading for me, in the fight against me with new aggression. Readying myself for the challenge, I clench my teeth and tighten my grip on the hilt of my sword, eying the pack for the first attack.

I'm completely caught off-guard by the strong, bloody jaws that clamp down on me from behind. I give a shout of surprise and am immediately angered by my own stupidity. I had completely forgotten about the vile creature behind me.

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