Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Cato's POV

I'm relieved when Clove stops fighting me. She had looked absolutely hysterical, and I wasn't going to let her run off and get herself hurt. We had stood there somewhat awkwardly for what seemed like an eternity before I finally had the sense to pick her up. She fell asleep almost as soon as I began walking. The features of her face are pulled into a slight frown and she keeps fidgeting in her sleep. She'll wake up any moment now.

I'm so busy trying to figure out how to respond to her when she wakes up that I don't even realize where I'm going. Somehow, though, my feet find their way to the small river that runs along the west side of District 2. As slowly and gently as possible, I sink to my knees and lay Clove down on the soft grass. She fidgets some more, and I can tell she's awake, but she just rolls onto her side and squeezes her eyes closed tighter, refusing to face the world yet.

I study her carefully as she drifts in and out of an uneasy sleep. I had been surprised by how strongly she had reacted to her mother's death. All I had ever heard her say about her mother had been completely negative. She seemed to genuinely hate her. It puzzles me slightly that she showed so much emotion back there. Perhaps it was because of her father. But it doesn't really matter. Whatever the reason, it proved that Clove could be impassioned, which would be extremely useful in the arena. If I could make her loyal to me, there's no telling what she could accomplish before her time was up.

I look out across the water, flowing rapidly at my feet. It's strong and demanding, showing no mercy and eliminating anything that gets in its way. I can't help but wonder if that's how people think of me. I think they do. All of the boys want to be on my side of every fight, not caring to know the bitter taste of defeat. Girls fawn over me, but are always apprehensive and timid when I pay them any attention. Of course, it doesn't really matter what District 2 thinks of me. The people of the Capitol are who I need to impress. District 2 is just practice, like a rehearsal before the actual performance.

And the rehearsal is going really well so far. I'm by far the most deadly male in my year, so I'm practically guaranteed the trip to the arena. I already know who my competition in the Games is going to be, she's lying three feet away from me. And not only do I know my competition, she knows me, and she's falling for me. She's slowly becoming more and more dependent on me without really realizing it. And if she does realize it, it doesn't seem to bother her, which would be even more to my advantage.

Clove stirs again and I glance over at her small frame. Her eyes open slowly, taking in their surroundings. When she meets my gaze, she holds it for a while, saying nothing. She just watches me, as if trying to understand why I've brought her here. Maybe she's not even sure that she's awake, and she's not sure if this is a dream or not.

Whatever it is, she finally gets tired of trying to figure it out. She looks away from me and rolls onto her back and then into a sitting position. She pulls her knees up to her chest and stares out at the water. I try to follow her gaze, but I can't tear my eyes away from her. So we just sit completely still, saying nothing; her looking at the running water, and me looking at her still figure.

“What time is it?” she asks, finally breaking the silence.

I glance up at the sun, since I don't have my watch with me.“A little after one, I guess.”

She nods, but doesn't say anything in response, just continues to watch the water. Her face has returned to its usual cold, calculating expression. I let her sit like this for a few more minutes, but then I begin to get restless. I hop to my feet and begin chucking stones into the river, refusing to return to school. I'll just stay here with her until three, when I'll leave for training.

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