Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Cato's POV

 I let out a small moan of relief as the hot water runs across my stiff, tired muscles. Two full days of intense training and showing off have had a rather negative effect, wearing me out before I even enter the arena. Maybe if I didn't try to show off so much, I wouldn't be so sore. The only good thing that has come out of it is the progress I've made with Clove. She actually seems to be slowly coming around, but this only consists of her and Amber having officially joined me and my pack and abandoning Eamon. And I'm still not entirely sure this isn't just because Clove wants a better shot at killing Glimmer.

After fifteen full minutes spent in a steaming hot shower, I cut off the water and step out onto the cold, tile floor. I've forgotten to drape the tower over the handrail nearest me, and so I begin to cross the bathroom to fetch the towel. I haven't taken two steps, however, before my sopping wet feet slip on the smooth tile and I crash to the floor. There's a loud thud and a string of profanity spews from my mouth as I get up off the freezing floor. I take the remaining steps to the towel and realize in that short distance that I have done more damage than I would have guessed. Walking is a pain in the ass. Literally. I dry off quickly, wrap the towel around my waste, and exit my private quarters.

I glance around the dark apartment. There has to be an Avox around here somewhere. I don't feel like playing hide-and-seek for the next ten minutes though, so call out as quietly as possible. “Hey,” I half-whisper into the darkness. There's no response. “Hey!” I call a little louder, “anyone out here?”

The dim light of a lamp flickers on several yards to my left. An Avox is standing next to it, watching me expectantly. “Hey, you,” I say, even though I already have her full attention. “You have some ice or something? I fell getting out of the shower,” I explain. I glare at her when I see the flicker of amusement that flashes across her features. Seeing my annoyance, she composes herself and leaves to fetch me something. I hear the door to the apartment close and hear the faint ding of the elevator and know I might be waiting for a while.

I stroll over to the dining room, hoping there's some remnant of dinner left out. I flip on a dim light and scan the room. Nothing. The Avoxes have done much too good of a job cleaning up. I let out a sigh and am about to return to my room to await my medicine when I hear raised voices coming from my right. My head snaps up and my eyes dart over in the direction the noise came from. My eyes land on Clove's door. Unable to rein in my curiosity, I glance over at the hallway to make sure no one's coming, and quietly make my way to the outside of Clove's room.

“-before it's too late!” I hear Enobaria hiss as I press my ear against the thin wall.

“You think I don't know that?” Clove snaps back, not making any effort to keep her voice low. “I told you, it's all worked out. Everything is going to be fine.”

I hear Enobaria give a loud groan of frustration and there's the sound of breaking glass. “Be quite, Enobaria,” Clove says mockingly, “you might wake up Cato. And I don't think Snow will be too happy about all the property damage you've been doing this week.”

I snort in disbelief, as if the president would care about a broken vase. I can't believe Clove is being this rude to her mentor. Clove's life is going to be in her hands in a couple of days and she's making no effort to cooperate with her. In fact, she hasn't put much effort into that department since we boarded the train. Combine her antics from our first night here and all the crap she pulled yesterday, along with this fight, Clove is totally setting herself up for failure. Enobaria hisses loudly in frustration, “Look, Clove, you have two options. You either do this my way, or you tell me what the hell you're doing!”

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