Good bye

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Kristen's POV

Saying good bye has never been my strong suite.

I never thought it would be easy, but I didn't think it would be this hard.

"I know you're awake baby" Robin's sleepy voice mumbled and I kept my eyes shut, I figured the longer I could stay 'asleep' in Robin's arms, the more time I'll have with him. Because I know when I open my eyes and look into his I'll know that I will have to say good bye and I don't know if I can handle that.

I felt his lips against mine and his damp cheeks could not be ignored, I broke away and looked in his tear filled eye's.

"Please don't cry" I mumbled with my palm cupping his cheek. "I can't say good bye to you" Robin sniffled and I bit my lip. "You don't have to, not yet at least." I smiled weakly pecking his lips.

I managed to unwrap myself from Robin and sat up with my head in my hand's, trying to come to terms with everything.

"We'll stay together right? and make it work?" Robin asked and I smiled "Of course we'll make it work" I replied and he smiled weakly "I'm going to miss you so much princess" Robin frowned wrapping his arms around my waist. "I'll miss you more" I smiled sadly and he laughed shaking his head.

Someone knocked at the door and we called out for them to come in "Honey our flight leaves in two hours, hurry up so we can get to the airport" My mother said and I felt my heart drop.

I felt Robin's tears drip on to my shirt and had to hold back my own tears.

"Hey, what did I say about crying" I frowned wiping away his tears, he caught my hands and pulled me in to a kiss.

Nothing was said as I gathered all my bags, nothing was needed to be said.

Once I had made sure I hadn't forgotten anything I went to the bathroom and changed into a pair of leggings and my galaxy sweater with a cat on it.

I put on my make up and brushed my teeth before leaving the bathroom for the last time. I closed the bathroom door behind me and gasped when I saw Robin on one knee.


He must have seen my facial expression because he laughed "Before you say anything this is not me proposing to you so calm down, you can stop thinking of ways to tell me no without hurting my feelings, It's a promise ring. A promise that we will always be faithful and we will always care about each other. I have completely fallen for you. Everything you do, everything you say, everything you are. You're my first thought in the morning, you're my last thought before I fall asleep and you're almost every thought in between. I am in love with you Kristen." Robin spoke and I completely forgot about holding back my tears as they freely fell down my cheeks.

This was the first time he had ever said he loves me, and honestly I haven't said it yet either, but I know I love Robin. He makes me happier than I have ever been, he gives me butterflies and my heart beats ten times faster when I'm around him, I find myself smiling when ever I think about him and I'm scared to say good bye to him because I am in love with him.

I am in love with everything about him, his secret love for Justin Bieber and cartoon's, the way he holds me when he sleeps, or when I have a nightmare and he plays with my hair to calm me down.

I'm in love with Robin Alex Lundback.

"I love you" I responded kissing him immedietly, feeling him slip the simple silver ring on to my finger. I looked down and saw that it had 'okay.' engraved in it. I looked at Robin confused and he showed me his matching one that had 'okay?' engraved in it.

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