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Robin's POV


"Stop playing with my hair you creep" Kristen mumbled with her eyes closed as I absentmindedly played with the ends of her dark brown curls.

I laughed and a small smile edged on to her face. "Good morning to you too sunshine" I chuckled and Kristen covered her face with her hands. "It's too early to be that attractive and cheerful you poop" Kristen groaned and I nuzzled my head into her neck. "We are doing a charity gig tonight, will you come?" I asked softly and she nodded with a smile "Of course" she mumbled sleepily. I kissed her neck and she giggled.

"I love your laugh" I grinned.

"I love your smile" I poked her side.

"I love your eyes" I kissed her cheek.

"I love your voice" I peeked up from her neck to see her grinning with her hands over her eyes to sheild herself from the light pouring in from the curtains.

"I love your face when you get all frustrated and mad" I said and she raised her hands to roll her eyes at me. "Yeah just like that" I laughed and I heard a mumbled laugh come from under her delicate hands.

"I love you. I love everything about you." I mumbled placing a small kiss on her uncovered lips.

"It's impossible to sleep with you being so cute" Kristen groaned and I laughed "That's the point" I winked, moving her hands from her face gently. "For what it's worth I am so hopelessly in love with everything about you. I love you" Kristen mumbled kissing me softly. "I knew I could get you to wake up" I laughed and she rolled her eyes slapping my hands from her waist.

She pushed my arms from around her and stood up, walking out of the room. I noticed she was wearing plaid girl boxers and one of my white v neck shirts. I loved it when she wore my clothes. "Hurry up Robbie or I will eat your breakfast!" Kristen teased and I laughed following her.

"Good morning" She greeted my brothers and her cousin who were watching Kristen's adventure time box set, they were still watching season 1.

I watched in amusement as Kristen's eyes lit up and a small excited squeal left her lips. She ran towards the TV and plopped herself down straight in front of it with her legs crossed with one over the other, one of her many quirks that I loved so much about her.

"After we all dressed and all I'm going to call Marshall, Ebony and Tahlia and maybe meet them somewhere? and they can come to the charity gig tonight. I'm sick of only being at home or in college." Kristen sighed as one episode ended. we all agreed and I watched at Kristen absentmindedly mouthed the lyrics to the beginning theme song.

I decided on making Kristen and I breakfast as it looked like they had already eaten theirs.

"What do you want for breakfast baby?" I asked softly and Kristen smiled at me, tearing her eyes away from the screen.

"Porridge with banana and blueberries please" she grinned tiredly and I nodded, grinning to myself.

I left the lounge room and the comfort of my girlfriends arms to make breakfast in the kitchen.

I ripped open a packet of uncle toby's oats and tipped the contents into a bowl. I poured some milk in and put the bowl in the microwave for 90 seconds, I put some toast in the toaster for me and cut up a banana.

By the time I was done the porridge was ready so I took it out of the microwave, added extra milk and stirred. One it was all a smooth consistency I placed the pieces of banana and a few blueberries on top.

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