Kuriboh (Jadenxreader)

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Your PoV
"Hey y/n what's your favorite duel monster?" Jaden asked as I climbed the tall oak tree.
"Hmm tough one it's between f/m (favorite duel monster) and Kuriboh," I yelled my answer from high up in the tree.
"I know why you might pick f/m but why Kuriboh?" Jaden practically screamed at me from the ground as I sat on a sturdy branch in the tree.
"Well I think Kuribohs are cute and adorable little balls of fur. Plus they remind me of you," I replied as I swung my legs back and forth from my seat in the tree while playing with some of the smaller branches.
"So you think I'm cute?" Jaden teased as I snapped up the question immediately grabbing my attention from wherever it had been.
"What? No," I screeched as I slowly began to take in what was starting to happen.
I lost my balance and fell from my seat up high in the tree. It was terrifying falling from so high. It felt never ending. I closed my eyes tightly waiting to die. I didn't want to die and if I by some miracle survived I was going to blame this all on that idiot, Kuriboh-like Jaden.
"Jaden!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I fell.
"Y/n!" Jaden called out running towards my falling figure in hopes to catch me.
I tensed up and waited for the rough impact. But the impact was soft and quite gentle. I opened my eyes slowly to see Jaden looking at me. I realized he had managed to catch me. He was going to pay for what just happened.
"You owe me now," I spat as I got out of his arms and slapped him across the face in a manner that was not at all gentle or friendly.
"Falling for me already are you Y/n?" Jaden smirked as I started to walk off.
"No. I wouldn't have fallen if you hadn't said what you did," I replied as I felt him grab my wrist not letting me leave.
"A thanks for saving you would be nice," he muttered as I turned around and shoved his hand off of my left wrist.
"I wouldn't have needed to be saved if it weren't for you," I spat as I threw a pretty powerful right hook to his stomach.
The punch caught him off guard and knocked him backwards. I took this opportunity to leave without him bothering me as I heard him groan from the pain. He'll be fine. Sore but fine, I told myself. I remembered the F/p/a (favorite pastime activity) I had been wanting to finish and decided to finish it. Maybe I could finish it under the tree if there's nobody there after I grab my unfinished F/p/a, I thought.
As much as I probably shouldn't want to be near that tree after the traumatizing experience I had just gone through I wasn't as paranoid or scarred as I though I should be. I walked back to my dorm, grabbed my unfinished F/p/a, and walked back to the unoccupied space around the tree. Jaden must have left after I did, I thought. I wasn't really sure how I felt about that because after becoming his friend on the first day of Duel Academy I started crushing on the little Kuriboh a bit that had grown into sting feelings for him but he had almost caused my death so that befuddle me a bit. Wonder what he's doing now? Probably talking to his friends in his dorm room with an ice pack in his stomach, I thought to myself as I started to work in the incomplete F/p/a.
Jaden's PoV
"What happened this time?" Syrus asked with a tone in his voice that was asking what I done to Y/n to make her do this.
"I kind of only made her almost die but then I saved her so it's not like it's a big deal or anything," I explained shrugging as I rubbed my sore
"Oh okay. Wait what? You almost killed Y/n?" Syrus leaped out of the chair he was sitting in.
"I might have distracted her and made her lose her balance," I smiled sheepishly.
"You almost killed your girlfriend you idiot," Aster Phoenix scolded me as he punched my shoulder.
"Hey, she's not my girlfriend. Well at least not yet," I countered with a smug tone in my voice.
"I knew it I knew you liked her," Alexis grinned wickedly.
"Yeah, she has beautiful h/c (hair color) and big sparkling e/c (eye color)," I confessed as I daydreamed a little bit.
I had met Y/n on the first day at Duel Academy. She had gotten lost and I showed her to the Academy. I knew then that Y/n was different than the others girls. A little while later I had fallen for the wild and rebellious female. I just hoped she liked me back.
"So when are going to confess you undying love for her," Syrus snickered as I glared at him silencing his laughter.
"I don't know," I winced as I laid in my bed my resting my stomach and shoulder.
"I think there's an end of the semester party tonight. Why don't you invite her to go with you?" Alexis suggested as I thought about it.
"Sure. What could possibly go wrong? I'll ask her in about an hour or so because, I'm exhausted," I shrugged lying in the bed.
"Alright see you later Jaden," Aster whispered as everyone left the room, turned off the lights, and shut the door letting me recover from my injuries.
Your PoV
A little over an hour past the incident than had happened. I had worked on F/p/a under the tree. I just finished and began to gather my things when I heard someone calling my name. It was the one person I didn't expect.
"Y/n!" Jaden called out as he ran towards me from the Slifer Dorms.
"Yes Kuriboh?" I replied as he stopped in front of me.
"Hey in do you know about the end of semester party tonight?" Jaden asked but looking me in the eyes but having a staring contest with the ground.
"Yeah of course that's all I've been hearing about besides the typical rants about homework and the usual gossip that goes around," I shrugged as I starting making my way to the dorms.
"Wait Y/n, I wanted to know if you would go with me to the party? You know together," he asked me as I giggled about it inside my head as I planned my response.
"Sure Kuriboh. Just as friends right?" I inquired as Jaden frowned slightly.
"Of course. I'll come by a few minutes before 7 o'clock and I'll walk you to the beach," Jaden murmured as I continued to the dorms.
"See you then," I winked playfully making a shade of pink form on Jaden's cheeks and laughing about what I had just done.
I arrived back at my dorm room and put away the things I had used to complete my F/p/a. Then I looked at the clock on my dresser. It was only 5:45 so the party wasn't for a while. I decided to go ahead and change out of my Slifer uniform and put on some more comfortable clothes.
I was glad to be in the Slifer Dormitories. I had originally been in the Obelisk ones but I convinced Chancellor Sheppard to let me stay in the Slifer Dorms. It took half of the year but finally I convinced him. Someone had to look after all those boys when the head of the dorm wasn't around. I was so excited when I found out that I could be in the same dorm as my friends. That was one of the best days of my life at the school.
Now to pick out and outfit. After pondering what to wear for a few minutes I decided to go with a f/c (favorite color) tank top, f/b (favorite bottoms), f/s (favorite shoes), and a choker to finish the look. I didn't have many non-uniform clothes in my closet in my room at Duel Academy but I always kept this one just in case I needed a break from uniforms. I looked at the clock again and it showed it was only 6:03. Time wasn't moving very quickly and that annoyed me.
Jaden's PoV
Finally it was time to go get Y/n. I was nervous because tonight was the night I was going to confess. I walked down the hall to Y/n's room and knocked on the door. She opened it and smiled. I smiled back and she came out of her room before I shut the door behind her.
"You look beautiful Y/n," I smiled as we exited the dorm and headed for the beach.
"Thanks Kuriboh. Now hurry up or we're going to be late," she complained.
"I am not a Kuriboh. So please stop calling me that," I sighed as we got closer to the beach.
"Could've fooled me," she shrugged as we started passing the tree where Y/n had been climbing earlier.
"Hey Y/n," I said as I stopped in front of the tree.
"What's up?" she asked as she stopped and turned around to face me.
"I have to tell you something that I've been wanting to say for awhile," I replied as I looked deep in her sparkling e/c eyes.
"What is it?" she asked with curiosity.
"IreallylikeyouandIdon'twanttoruinourfrienshipbutIwanttobemorethanjustfriends," I blurted out my confession and raised my arms in defense in case she decided to attack me.
"Could you please repeat that I didn't catch what you said and I-" she spoke before I cut her off by giving her a short but sweet and gentle kiss in her soft lips.
"I like you, no love you and I want to be more than just friends," I repeated as I felt my cheeks heat up and I saw in the dim moonlight hers were doing the same.
"Jaden I love you too," she spoke in a voice that I could barely hear as I pulled her into a tight hug.
"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?" I whispered into her ear.
"Of course. But let's get to that party I don't want to be any later than we already are," she laughed as she broke the embrace and started running towards the beach.

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