Mysterious Motorcyclist Part 1 (Yusei X Reader)

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Your PoV

"I can do this. I only need to get to the next city. Then I'll stop and rest for a bit. Rest, that sounds nice right now after a long day on the road," I thought as I sped on my duel runner to my next stop while the wind brushed against my body.

I loved riding my f/c and s/f/c duel runner and dueling. I personally thought that it was best at night though. The cool, crisp night air and relaxing darkness were two of things I loved about this time of day. Today I had participated in a duel competition in c/n (city name) and won. I was on my way to the next competition, which I was favored to win, in a city just past New Domino City. I felt bad for the people of New Domino City because of all they had suffered through.

Suddenly I lost control of my duel runner and I was thrown off of it as it slid along the asphalt. It slowed down and stopped a few feet behind me. I got up from the ground with a bit of difficulty because of all the pain I was in and started to stumble towards the nearest town to get help. Then I started to lose consciousness and I collapsed a few yards from my duel runner.

Jack's PoV

"Yusei! Crow!" I called out to my best friends as we approached a duel runner on the side of the road and a girl passed not far from it.

"I know, Jack. Let's stop and help her," Yusei replied as we slowed down our duel runners so we could get off and help the unconscious girl.

"We better act fast since we don't know how long she's been there and she's lost a lot of blood," Crow spoke as we started to move her onto Yusei's duel runner.

"I'll take her to the hospital and you guys take her duel runner to my garage so we can fix it for her," Yusei stated as he started to mount his duel runner.

"We'll come visit in awhile okay?" I asked as Yusei started to speed off in the distance towards a hospital in New Domino City.

"That's fine. I'll see you two in a little bit," Yusei responded as he headed to the city.

Yusei's PoV

I sped through the streets to get to the hospital because I didn't want the girl's condition to get any worse. I had checked to see if she had a pulse and was breathing which she was and had. Soon I had arrived at the hospital and got her medical attention. She was quickly transferred to a room in intensive care unit and I followed her not wanting to leave, but I was stopped by a doctor.

"What is your relation with the patient?" the doctor questioned while he wrote on papers attached to a clipboard.

"Friend I guess. I found her on the road with my friends when we were driving on the highway," I replied as the doctor finished filling out what I assumed was paperwork and handed to a nurse nearby.

"I'm sorry sir, but only family or a spouse can be with her right now. If you wait in our waiting room we will let you know when she is moved out of the ICU and into a regular room," the doctor stated as he moved towards the girl's room in the ICU.

"What is your name sir?" the nurse who had been given the paperwork asked me.

"Yusei Fudo," I answered as she led me to the waiting room which had bland beige walls and a flat screen tv on one of the walls.

"Well Yusei I'll let you know when she gets moved," the nurse spoke in a slightly bored tone and left me in the poorly decorated room.

Several hours later I was woken up by the same nurse that had led me to this room. She silently guided me to a room on the third floor of the hospital. I was left alone with the girl who wasn't conscious yet, but stable. I waited in the sterile hospital room for about an hour before deciding to go home since the girl didn't wake up. I had hoped she would so I could talk to her and tell her where her duel runner is.

I would come back later so I could leave her to rest and recover. As I stepped outside in the late May air it occured to me how I felt about this girl. I barely knew her and didn't even no her name since I didn't see it anywhere or was told who she was. Yet I was drawn in by her beauty and mysteriousness. After I get to know her a bit I think I'll ask her on a date sometime so I could get to know her even more. I liked her and it was almost like love at first sight.

Your PoV

I woke up in a hospital bed slightly confused, but grateful to be alive. I put things together and assumed that somebody found me, I was transported to a hospital, and was treated. I couldn't tell what time of day it was since the brown blinds and curtains completely covered the window and nothing else in the room specified what time of day it was, not even the clock hanging on the wall. To my astonishment I wasn't in as much pain as I thought probably because I was on some sort of pain medication.

My thoughts were interrupted when the nurse came in, asked me a couple questions, told me things I wanted to know, changed my iv bags, and gave me some more medicine. I hated hospitals and wanted to escape as quickly as possible. However I wasn't going to refuse help when I needed it the most. I had learned that it was early in the morning and that it was May 25th, two days after I had crashed.

I was going to wait until late at night to escape. It was perfect. I could slip out under the cover of night unnoticed. This would give me the opportunity to rest and gather supplies for my trip to the next city. I was on the second floor so getting to the main floor to exit wasn't going to be a problem. But what would be a problem was the boy who kept visiting me. I would pretend to sleep or make sure I wasn't in my room while he visited. It wasn't like I didn't like him, but rather that I just didn't want to talk to him. I hoped he visited me before it was time for my departure or better yet not at all.

I watched the clock show the hours of the day as they passed by. I secretly filled my bag that was with my personal belongings for my escape keeping it out of sight of anybody who might see it other than me. While I waited I also found my duel runner by tracking it using an app on my phone called Find My Duel Runner. It was very handy to have at times like this.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity I was ready to leave. I silently slipped out of bed and changed my clothes and put my bag on my back after making sure carefully removing the iv, bandaging my hand, and keeping the leads running but on a program I had created on my phone which made sure my vitals appeared "normal" to the hospital staff. It would stop working after a few hours when they would come to check on me tomorrow morning only to find me missing leaving only a note to explain my sudden, unforeseen absence.

I tracked my duel runner to a garage a several blocks from the hospital, so it was easy to get there on foot especially under the cover of night. I eventually arrived at the garage where my duel runner apparently was and searched for a way to get in. There was no way to get in through the garage door because it was shut and there was no way to get it open. However, there was a door on the ride side of the garage that lead in there and although it was locked it wasn't a problem for me. I removed a bobby pin from my hair and inserted it into the lock.

I moved the pin around the lock pushing all the tumblers up in the correct way as I contorted my face into an expression of concentration. After a minute that seemed like an eternity I heard a soft click. I placed my pin back in its original position and entered into the garage. The garage was more spacious then I had expected.

There were various tools and parts scattered across the room. There was a table here and there with a chair or two by it. In one corner there was a sort of lounge where one could relax after a long day of work. It was nice. It wasn't the whole apartment, but it was a large portion of it.

I spotted my duel runner on the far side of the garage almost completely obscured by all the tools, parts, and furniture. I made my way over to it and place my bag down by it. It had been brutally damaged, but who ever found it had started to fix it. They were finished yet since the materials needed to fix it surrounded it. I started to work on it using what I could find to fix my best friend and as I worked a single thought filled my mind while I mindlessly worked. I could only think about that boy who would visit me everyday and why he seemed to care so much for me.

Sorry I took so long to update. I have been really busy so I haven't had a lot of time to write. I will get part two out as soon as possible. 

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