Sapphires and Suprises (Sharkxreader)

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Shoutout to: yugiohzexal who requested this one. Well here you go.

Your PoV
It had been almost two years since Shark and I started dating. I remember when he first asked me out. That was the best day of my life so far. I couldn't believe it when didn't take it back either.
"Hey, are you doing anything tomorrow since it's the weekend?" Shark asked me as I walked home.
"No, why?" I answered as I turned onto the street my house was on.
"I wanted to know if you wanted to hangout at the mall or duel tomorrow afternoon," Shark replied as we continued to walk.
"Dueling sounds like fun. Could we do that?" I inquired as I arrived at my house.
"Sure," Shark responded as I tried hold on my excitement.
"See you tomorrow," I said as I only need the door and stepped inside my house.
"I'll pick you up at one in the afternoon tomorrow," Shark added as I sat my bag down inside and turned around.
"Sounds good. Bye," I sighed as I closed the door.
I sank down behind the door and smiled. Shark had just asked me out on an actual date and didn't take it back. I think he even was blushing a bit. I had liked him ever since I saw him in class when I started college here a few months ago. I didn't think he liked me but I hoped.
Maybe he didn't though. It might have been a dare his friends challenged him to do. Anyways I moved to the couch and texted my best friend Tori about the supposed date. She was very excited and wished me luck.
*end flashback*
He didn't ditch me anywhere or cancel any of our future dates. He was the perfect boyfriend, well most of the time. Lately, Rio had been texting me that he had been going out in the afternoon and evenings. I don't know what he was doing or where he went but I knew he was with. Rio had also texted me that he had been with my best friend Tori.
At first I was okay with it. I thought he might be a coincidence or something. But when it became more frequent I became concerned. I didn't want to say anything to anyone because I could have it all wrong but, the more it happens the more concerned I become. As much as I hate to admit it, he probably was cheating on me.
I guess two years together means nothing to him. I went upstairs to my bedroom and changed clothes. Then I brushed my teeth and went to sleep. I had a hard time sleeping because I couldn't help but think what Shark was doing with Tori.
Shark's PoV
"Reginald, where have you been?" Rio demanded as I walked in the to door to my house.
"Somewhere," I answered not wanting to give away what I was doing yet.
"Were you with Tori again," Rio asked as sat down in the couch.
"No," I lied as I turned in the tv.
"I know you were and I have proof," Rio told me as she showed me pictures of Tori and I walking down the street.
"Fine I was with Tori. But please don't tell y/n," I replied as she put away her D-pad.
"Oh really. I have right to tell y/n you're cheating on her," Rio gasped.
"But, I'm not cheating on her. You know how it's almost been two years since we've started dating right?" I started to explain my disappearances.
"Yeah. So?" Rio complained as she sat down next to me on the couch.
"Well the reason I was with Tori is because she is helping pick out a ring for y/n," I finished as I reached into my pocket to pull out a small, blue velvet box.
"Are you going to-" Rio started to asked as I showed her the ring inside the box.
"Yep. I hope she accepts. It has taken me almost a month before I had found what I wanted and gotten it," I replied cutting her off and shutting the box before putting it back in my pocket.
"When are you going to ask her?" Rio asked with excitement in her eyes.
"Tomorrow first thing," I replied as I turned off the tv and went upstairs.
I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and then went to bed. I had placed the box on top of my alarm clock so I could be sure not to forget. I was tired so I quickly fell asleep. I just hope that y/n wasn't angry at me for not spending hardly any time with her lately.
I woke up when my alarm clock went off at seven in the morning. I raced to get ready. Once I was ready I put the ring box in my pocket and ran out of the door. Y/n didn't live that far away so I decided to run there. I was at her front door soon and stopped for a minute before ringing the doorbell to catch my breath.
I had managed to text her that I was going to pick her up in at seven forty-five to take her for breakfast and a walk in the park since it had been two years today since we started dating. I was very relieved when she agreed. What she didn't know was that I was going to propose to her. She opened the door and let me in before shutting the door. Now she was in for a huge surprise.
Your PoV
I heard the doorbell ring. Shark must be here. It was perfect timing because I had just gotten ready. I had worn a f/c shirt and jeans with a f/a (favorite accessory). It was like what I wore on my first date with Shark.
I didn't know if I wanted to bring up his suspicious behavior or not. I wouldn't want to ruin my relationship with him. I love him so much that it's a bit difficult to explain how much. I don't know how I would take it if we broke up, even if it was because he was cheating.
I walked downstairs to open the door for Shark. I invited him in for a minute and turned to close the door behind him. Shark walked behind me and I shut the door. Once I turned around I saw that Shark hadn't gone to sit on the couch or something. Maybe he actually came here to break up with me and just wanted to me near anything I might need in order to calm me down from that hurricane of emotions that would bring.
"Hey, I'm sorry I haven't spent a lot I time with you lately. I hope you're not mad or anything," Shark whispered as he gave me a hug.
"It's okay. I'm not upset or anything," I convincingly lied as he broke the embrace.
What he did next surprised me. He took both of my hands and brought them together before bending down in one knee. I felt my eyes well with tears joy. I sniffled a little and silent gave a look that told him to continue what he was doing.
"From the first moment I laid eyes on you I knew that you were the one. I spent weeks looking for the right ring for you. I needed one that was special and unique like you. I had to get some help from Tori so I could have know what you would like without asking you so I could surprise you," Shark started as tears started to run down my face.
"Really Shark?" I asked unsure if this was even real as he let go of my hands.
"I love you so much y/n. Would you make me the happiest Shark on the planet and marry me?" Shark proposed as he pulled out a small, blue velvet box out of his jacket pocket and opened it.
"Yes. Of course I would," I smiled as he slid the ring on my ring finger on my left hand and kissed my lips gently.
I didn't hesitate to kiss back. A few seconds later we broke the kiss and I looked at my ring. The ring was a white gold band and had a medium sized sapphire in the middle with a small sapphire on each side. Also the sapphires surrounded by tiny diamonds. It was beautiful.
"Do you like it?"Shark asked hopefully as I grinned.
I stood on my tip toes and whispered in his ear as I gave him a hug, "I love it but I love you even more."

I hope this wasn't too cheesy or too short. I hope you all enjoyed this oneshot. Request if you want more.

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