Slifer Red Part 1 (Jaden x Reader)

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   "Oh my gosh I am so late. First my alarm doesn't go off, then my breakfast gets burned, my clothes are all wrinkly, I look like a mess, and now I'm going to be late on my first day at school," I complained as I ran to the Duel Academy as my h/c hair ran behind me in the wind.
   I was so excited for today I couldn't sleep. Which resulted in me oversleeping and being late. I had already been accepted into the Duel Academy and didn't have to take the entrance exam because my parents pulled some strings and got me in. I finally could attend my dream school.
  In my head I went through a list of everything I needed for today. I wasn't sure how the whole boarding school thing works because I was homeschooled for most of my life. I'm not very social so going to school and socializing wasn't my thing. I could socialize if I wanted to and I really did try to. But, I just was too socially awkward.
    I knew I was getting close so I sped up a bit even though I was probably already late at least I could pull off the "fashionably late" thing. I was almost there when I bumped into someone and accidentally knocking them over. I mentally slapped myself and got up while offering to help the boy I ran into up. I could at least have paid attention while I was running because it shouldn't be difficult to run and look straight ahead at the same time.
  "Sorry, I wasn't really watching where I was going," I apologized as I help the boy up.
  "It's fine I wasn't paying attention to where I was going either," the boy admitted as he brushed some dust of his shirt.
  It looked like he was wearing a Duel Academy uniform. Maybe he was going to the entrance exams today. I noticed we had started to walk together towards the Duel Academy in silence. I wonder what dorm he's in, I thought silently.
   "Hey what dorm are you in?" I asked out of the blue and breaking the silence.
   "I'm Jaden and I'm in the Slifer Red dorm," Jaden stated proudly.
   "Cool. I'm y/n," I commented as we approached the last road before the long driveway to the Academy.
    "What dorm are you in? I can't tell from that uniform," Jaden asked as we drew closer and closer to the Academy.
    "Jaden, this isn't a uniform and I don't know what dorm I'm in. I have to go to the Chancellor's office and get all the details sorted out," I replied as we went through the gates.
    "Well I've got to get the entrance exams. Are you coming y/n?" Jaden inquired as he sped up a bit.
   "No, I have already been accepted because my parents pulled some strings and got me in," I answered as I sped up to match his pace.
   "See ya," Jaden yelled as he ran off somewhere on the campus.
  "Bye," I whispered to nobody as I jogged to the Chancellor's office.
   Jaden seemed nice and he reminds me of my favorite duel monster, Kuriboh. I hope I'm in the same dorm he's in. I would love to be his friend. I was so excited to be here and make new friends. I carried my hopes, dreams, and wishes with me as I entered the Chancellor's office.

Shoutout to @Tsundere_devil who requested this. Part two will come out sometime next week in case you were wondering because I wanted to get something uploaded since I had started working on it but wasn't able to finish all of it. Also, I know that some of this may not be completely accurate but, I haven't actually watched much of Yugioh GX.
Cue angry Yugioh fan mob. Author-san runs away and hides.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed :)!

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