Stormy Waters (Shark X Reader)

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Your PoV

"Shark!" I shrieked as I opened the door to our house and saw one of my worst nightmares.

"Y/n it's not what it looks like," Shark gasped in an apologetic tone trying to cover up what he had done wishing for a chance that was already gone.

" I mean yeah, it totally doesn't look like you're cheating on me with my best friend," I spoke in the most sarcastic tone that I could possibly speak in as I made grand gestures with my arms and hands.

"I'm just going to leave now," F/n whispered in embarrassment and shame as she left making sure to shut the door behind her.

"Shark how could you?" I questioned my ex's actions as I started to choked back sobs and the tears forming at the corners of my eyes.

"It wasn't me. I was just sitting on the couch watching tv waiting for you to come home when f/n came in and started invading my personal space," Shark argued as he turned off the tv.

"Oh yeah then why were you kissing her back? You know what I'd rather not know," I chuckled despite my emotional suffering.

"I wasn't. I was trying to push her away from me, but she overpowered me," Shark explained holding up his wrists that were slightly red meaning his claim could be true.

However, I didn't believe that it is was though. I know what I saw since the image was seared into my mind. I thought that he loved me and only me. I guess that three years together means nothing to him. I assumed things that I shouldn't have and it cost me dearly.

I had yet another emotional scar etched into my heart and soul. I can't believe that I thought Shark could help me overcome my past. I had run away from home about five years ago and I had know Shark for almost all five of them. It hurt that the one person I thought I could rely on lied to me. I started to plan my escape from what I knew would be a torturous few years.

I realised that during my thoughts I had started to subconsciously touch some of my physical scars from my abusive parents. It wasn't that they didn't have any love in their hearts, but rather that there just wasn't any for me. I still remember my life then. I kept thinking one day it would all stop and that they would finally love me. Just like I am now, I was wrong. I eventually gave up and ran away.

I flinched as memories of pain came flooding back into my mind. I hated the way I was treated. I barely had enough to live on. I sometimes could still feel the strings from the slaps or the deep cuts from broken beer bottles or occasionally a champagne flute. The sensation of blood dripping down from the fresh, open wounds that would stain my clothes making them having a faint smell of iron.

I came to Heartland for a better life. I would keep moving from city to city until I could have one. I know that you shouldn't run away from your problems because that won't solve them, but staying would always making them worse. I didn't want to leave a place I had grown so fond of, but if I didn't I would only be more miserable than I already am which seems impossible due to the state of utter despair I was currently in. I would soon severe all my ties to this place and move on as quickly as possible. The sooner I desensitize myself the better off I'll be because the problem never was that they didn't care, but that I did.

"Shark just don't talk to me for a while okay. I just need some time to collect my thoughts by myself," I sighed emphasising the last few words as I ran past him to my room.

"Y/n wait. Come back," Shark called out as I locked myself in my room while he came running after me.

I started to desensitize myself as I packed a bag so that I can run away again. I started to dispose of the emotions in my memories so that my memories meant nothing to me like just about everything else. I still remember the day Shark's family took me in when they found out what had happened to me. I was much happier then and probably the happiest that I will ever be. The only moment that might be just as happy is when Shark and I told each other that we loved each other, of course that's not true now.

I finished packing my bag and slung it over my shoulder before making sure it was secure on my back. After that I carefully opened the window making sure that Shark wouldn't know what I was doing. It was time to leave with no regrets. I started to move towards the window silently as I listened to Shark outside my door. It was nice that somebody other that me was suffering or at least that is what I assumed was happening, but I could be wrong.

"Y/n you don't understand. I'm sorry. I love you," Shark sobbed from outside my door as I climbed out of the window.

I spoke in a voice loud enough for Shark to hear before I closed the window sealing off another part of my past,"The worst thing is I loved you too."

I just felt like writing some angst this time since I don't think I've ever written any for this book.

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