The Galaxy in Her Eyes (Kite Tenjo X Reader)

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Kite's PoV

  I was the type of guy where I just don't fall in love. I was the guy girls fell in love with. But when it came to y/n, my "I don't fall in love rule" didn't apply. She was different than all the other girls. She was kind and gentle but if you got her angry she would get an adorable fiery temper.

I sat down and reclined spreading out my arms while doing so on a bench in the park and watched the wind sway the trees subtly on the warm spring day. I checked the time on my watch. It was 8:20. She would be here soon. Y/n and I had been secretly meeting since we had conversed for awhile at a party on Christmas Eve.

I had only gone because Yuma and Heart had dragged me there. Later y/n had told me she came because she and Yuma had persuaded Shark to come since he needed to have fun. The conversation had been forced to start when Yuma and Tori had introduced the us and then left us alone in a lowly populated area. I had created small talk not wanting to anger Yuma and Tori who I could hear snickering behind me. Soon Y/n and I were talking and dancing the night away.

Y/n looked beautiful in her elegant, f/c dress that stopped just below her knees and her s/f/c shoes. Her best friend, Shark, kept shooting nasty looks at me that were full of disgust. I didn't want the night to end. But, sadly it had to. I could have spent forever with her without complaint. I had a great time at the party because of her and it got even better when she slipped me a piece of paper.

Her smile and sparkling eyes were unforgettable. She somehow broke my ice cold personality and we connected. I felt something I had never felt before. Something she gave me that night. I remembered the piece of folded paper and opened it. (768) 576-1120 Call me

sometime, Y/n.

I had called her. I asked her if we could get dinner sometime later that week and she agreed. We had grown close over the few months we had been dating. Shark didn't like y/n dating because just like with Rio, none of the guys were "good enough" for her. But in reality Shark didn't like y/n spending time with other guys that weren't him. He probably likes her more than he will ever admit and since I was one of his rivals, having y/n as my girlfriend was going to be a bit of a challenge with him.

"Sorry," I heard a familiar voice call out as a figure ran down the sidewalk that winded through the park.

Y/n appeared in my line of sight as I turned my head towards her voice. Her hair that was h/c flowed behind her as she ran towards the bench I was sitting at. She stopped before she passed me bowing with her hands folded. Her hair covered her face as she bowed in front of me as I sat up.

"S-sorry Kite please forget me. I had to sneak out before Shark caught me which is extremely difficult since we are neighbors and that allows him to keep an eye on me. I don't know what his problem is but, the few times I tried to sneak out to hang out with some of my guy friends he caught me and even though I explained that it was with people he considered to be "okay" he still force me to stay home or hang out at his house. I was not going to let Shark dictate my life so I managed to sneak out with some help from Rio to see you," Y/n explained panting a little from her sprint from her house to the park as she stood up and looked at me.

"I'll forgive you if you watch the sunset with me," I replied moving over to make room for her to sit.

"Deal," She chirped happily and sat down next to me leaning her body into mine.

The sun started to set and it painted the sky in beautiful shades of orange, pink, yellow, and red. The sight was beautiful to see but it pales in comparison to the girl sitting next to me. She moved closer to me and laid her head on my shoulder. I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine as I put my arm around her and pulled her even closer. She blushed a little bit and I smiled at her.

"I love you," Y/n whispered as her eyes shone as bright as the stars that were starting to appear in the night sky.

"I love you too y/n," I whispered in her ear and watched as I drew back looking at the small tears sneakily starting to appear in her shining eyes.

It was then I saw something I had never seen before. I had never noticed it but it was beautiful. I could see a future together with y/n in her eyes.There was something even deeper in her eyes that astounded me. It was more important our future together because I could see the galaxy, our galaxy in her eyes.

The number is not mine. I just made it up by owing random numbers together to make a phone number. I haven't any requests in a while so, I decided to write a oneshot for you guys to read since I haven't updated this book in several weeks since there haven't been any requests. Don't be afraid to request in compliance with the rules. So, please request so I can keep writing stuff you guys enjoy. 

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