Slifer Red Part 2(Jaden x Reader)

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Your Pov

        "Ah. Good morning y/n. I'm pleased to see you did decide to come here after all since I know you practically have schools begging you to come there," the Chancellor greeted me as I walked into his office.

        "It's a pleasure to be accepted here. I have heard great things about this place," I replied with a small smile.

        "Please sit down and we get started," he offered as he gestured to the two chairs that faced him and sat in front of his cherry wood desk.

        "So what dorm am I in?" I asked with wide eyes filled with wonder and excitement.

        "Since your parents have made many generous contributions to the school and I owe them a few favors, you will have many exclusive rights that have been agreed upon by your parents and I just for you for as long as you're. This includes any minimizing cost for anything that would need to paid for to a low price or eliminating it all together, a later curfew, access to special things, and just about anything you can think of. Also you can pick whichever dorm you want and move dorms if you please," the Chancellor answered as I nodded my head in understanding.

        "Anything else I should know?" I inquired because benefits like that always come with a catch and even a few owed favors and many generous contributions can't be worth that much.

        "Yes, there are some rules. I can only offer you so much and if you break the rules on a large scale or too frequently you will be expelled. I'd hate for that to happen because I think you'll be a great example to the other students," the Chancellor explained as I thought about he just wanted my parents money, influence, and advertisement rather than my happiness or anything of the like.

        "So, can I be in the Slifer Red dorms?" I requested as I held my breath a bit as hope flickered like a fiery flame in my eyes and my voice became sweet like honey while I remembered Jaden who was apparently in those dorms.

        "Normally we don't let girls in those dorms, but we'll make an exception for you. Are you sure that you want to be in those dorms? With your background and skill set I thought you would prefer our nicer dorms that have the more talented duelists," he frowned a bit in curiosity and a tone with a hint of disgust as I grinned from ear to ear.

        "Nope, I feel like the Slifer Red dorms are the right dorms for me," I smiled as I got out of the chair and started to leave.

        "Alright then if you're sure. I'll have your stuff sent to the Slifer Red dorm area. Goodbye y/n. It was a pleasure meeting you," the Chancellor waved as I left.

         I probably should have said "thank you" as I was taught to do, but I was too excited to are about being polite. I ran to the Slifer Red dorms. I knew where their were because I saw a familiar Kuriboh head running towards them. I felt my heart raced as I saw Jaden again.

        "Hey Jaden," I called out as I caught up to him.

        "Hey y/n. So, did you find out which dorm your in?" Jaden asked remembering our prior conversation.

        "Yeah. I'm in the Slifer Red dorms. I don't know which one yet, but I was planning to be in the same on as you since I get to pick," I answered as I found my stuff and started dragging it with me as Jaden walked beside me.

        "I'm in that one. Come on I'll show you my room," Jaden yelled as I chased him and carried my stuff over the dorm he just pointed to.

        Jaden showed me his room and I claimed the room next to him. I knew that there was something special about him. He seemed different from the other people I knew. I was glad I had him as my friend and even happier that we had rooms right next to each other. I knew right then and there that I was going to a Slifer Red always and forever.

Sorry I haven't been able to update this story in awhile I have been super busy and kind of had a bit of writer's block. I'm back though and still taking requests.

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