Mysterious Motorcyclist Part 2 (Yusei X Reader)

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I hope you guys enjoyed this. I might edit this one at a later date, but I wanted to finish this story.

Yusei's PoV

I had been out with Crow and Jack doing our regular nightly shenanigans, when we came across a woman passed out on the side of the highway with a duel runner, that I assumed to be hers, a few yards away. I knew I had to act swiftly if I wanted to save her from death, at least if she has even a small chance of survival. I signaled Jack and Crow stop. We investigated the scene and formed a plan of action. I was going to transport her to the hospital while Jack and Crow were going to gather all the pieces of the broken duel runner and take everything back to my garage.
  They wouldn't let me in at first since I was just a friend, but after she was stable I was permitted to visit. She was asleep. It was the most beautiful sight I had ever beheld. Her locks of h/l h/c fell almost perfectly around her head. The room was dark, but she somehow still shone in an invisible light. I didn't want to be a creep or anything so I didn't stay for too long.
   I kept coming back. I don't know why, but I found myself falling for her. It was a few days after the accident when I came in for my morning visit, and she was gone. I internally panicked. She couldn't have gotten far. It was petrifying not knowing where she was, what happened, and if she was okay.
    "Umm. The girl in that room is gone. I don't know where she went but she's gone!" I informed a nurse outside of the mysterious girl's room.
    "Thanks for telling me. We'll track her down, but for now just go back to your usual activities," the nurse replied calling in a code yellow over her pager.
    I rushed to my duel runner and took off to take a peek around town for the girl. I called Jack and Crow to tell them what was going on when I got an alert that someone had broken in my garage. I told Jack and Crow to meet me at the garage as I was approaching the street on which I lived. I slowed down and went to check out the garage, quietly entering and making sure to step softly.

Your POV

    I was almost finished repairing my duel runner when I heard the door creek and soft footsteps. I slipped my hand into my bag and told a hold of my boomerang in case I needed to knock someone out. I only needed a few more seconds before I was finished with my work. There was a loose screw that I needed to tighten. I attempted to tighten it, but it barely budged. I shrugged and guessed it was close enough.
    I gathered my stuff and hopped on my duel runner with my boomerang in hand. I had found a button to open the garage underneath the work bench and pressed it before I got on my duel runner. I turned on my duel runner and the engine came to life as the garage door opened.
    The garage down opened, a bit too slow if you asked me, and then I sped out onto the street en route to my next destination. I was cruising just fine when I noticed someone following me in my rearview mirror. It was that boy from the hospital.
    "What are you doing? You should be in the hospital recovering," the boy yelled at me concerned about my wellbeing.
    "I'm going to where I need to be, and I'm fine. Do you want to duel or something? If not you're wasting my time," I responded as I turned a corner.
    "Sure, we can duel. Wait. Aren't you y/n?" the boy called to me following my turn.
    "Depends. Who's asking?" I answered cautiously.
    "Yusei Fudo. That's my name by the way," Yusei replied to my question as I turned again so I was a few feet from a highway.
  "Then yes, I am y/n. Now let's duel," I sighed wanting to get the pleasantries over with.
  We dueled and I have to admit Yusei was a tougher opponent than I gave him credit for. In the end I won, but barely. I actually passed out afterwards and crashed again. I ended up having to back to the hospital for about a week. After I got outl, I decided to stay in New Domino for a bit. I had missed the tournament I was originally going to since I was unconscious or recovering.

*Timeskip to six year later*

  Today was our anniversary. After I decided to stick around New Dominio for a bit, I fell in love with the city and Yusei. I was shocked when Yusei proposed a year later on the day that he found me after I crashed on the side of the road. I immediately said yes and as crazy as it sounds, I was grateful I had crashed. Our wedding was the happiest day of my life and I will always remember it fondly.
   Some of our friends had threw us a surprise party for our five year anniversary. We told stories about how we met, our first date, and even our first kiss. It was a bit cheesy to do so, but everyone had always asked us about that stuff. We also played some games before everyone left leaving Yusei and I to clean up. It took a few minutes to clean up, but we got it done rather quickly.
  After we were done cleaning, Yusei gave me a kiss. I didn't see it coming at first, and I was definitely shocked. I eventually melted into it and kissed back. Then Yusei asked if I wanted to ride on his duel runner with him just to relax and enjoy the night air. I said yes, and he whisked me away to a quiet ride in the nighttime air. It brought back memories of when all we were to each other was a mysterious motorcyclist.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2019 ⏰

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