Love, Bakura (Ryou X Reader X Yami Bakura X Bandit King Bakura)

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 "Oh Y/n," Yami Bakura called out into the park as I ran away from him being careful not to be spotted.

"Can't let them see me. Must hide from Bakura," I mumbled in between pants as I climbed a nearby tree that would prevent Bakura from discovering my location.

I was in the newspaper for winning some duel tournaments and they talked about how amazing of a duelist I was on tv several times. I also was known for my vast knowledge on ancient Egypt and history in general. This caused my popularity to grow and I even got a whole bunch of fans, including Bakura and all three of his personalities or whatever you want to call them. I didn't know them very well, but we were friends for the short time we attended the same school.

I knew I liked them the instant I met them. Then when I transferred to a different school so I could study history more, I realized that I had fallen in love with them. I would daydream in class occasionally that they would confess to me, but I didn't think it would ever happen since we had only known each other for a few months. That all changed when I became popular. One day I decided to go through the pile of mail my fans leave on my doorstep and discovered an interesting letter. It was from Bakura.

I rushed inside my house and immediately opened the letter because I think secretly was hoping any of the Bakuras were going to finally work up the courage to send me a letter since he could get it to me without being strange. I quickly read the letter and was overjoyed by its contents. Bakura confessed how much he loved me and how he wants to meet me for f/d (favorite drink) sometime. He had even signed it Love, Bakura. Below that was his number and of course I texted him since I would probably wouldn't be able speak to him without messing up the conversation. He instantly replied and we agreed to meet later in the week.

Then he asked me which Bakura I liked the most and then I panicked. I loved them all equally. He kept bothering me about him and the more he did the more I panicked because I couldn't answer his question. That brings us to today. We were supposed to meet up today, but I knew he was going to ask which Bakura I love more and so I had been running from him all day. I had been trying to figure out which one I love more and then I realized I didn't even know which Bakura I was meeting.

"We found you," Bandit King Bakura smirked as I climbed down the tree.

"I uh-" I started as I felt my cheeks flush a bright red.

"We know that you can't decide which of us you like more," Ryou whispered as they all inched towards me.

"Y-you d-do," I stuttered as they stopped just inches from me.

"We love you y/n," all the Baukras spoke in unison as they leaned towards me.

"I love you guys too," I smiled as the Bakuras kissed me on both cheeks and my forehead.

I hope you guys liked this and please keep on requesting.

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