|23| Maneater.

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"My heart scares you and a gun doesn't?"
-Harley Quinn

"Come on let me play." You said as you looked up at Keith taking the gun from him. "You hear that she wants to play." He smirked as he looked at the man in the chair tied up. He sat there in fear as he had the shakes slightly. One thing you didn't want to do is cross Keith. He hustled for everything he had and he wasn't going to take being taken for granted ever. "Come on man I said I'll have the money." The man yelled in fear closing his eyes. You shot the man in the knee as you laughed. "I feel bad for you." You shrugged as you gave the gun back to Keith. "She won't be that nice next time. I'll give you a couple of days to have my money."

You skipped out in front of Keith as both of you walked out leaving the room full of men. "Wrap this up." He yelled to the men. "Well that made me hungry." You said putting on shades getting into car. "Lunch sounds good to me." He smiled at you as he drove off. Y/n was deeply in love with Keith. She saw things in him that other people didn't she knew made him tick in all the good ways. They usually say love slows you but it was different for y/n. Sadly the love you gave to him you never got in return. Whatever both of you had was toxic and was bound for destruction.

You were a "good girl" that was instantly turned bad by his charm. At least that's what everyone else all thought. Deep down you were always bad but never showed it until you meet him. You'd do anything for Keith and you obviously showed and it made it clear. "Lunch is pushed back and of course I need my beautiful girl by my side for this." He held your chin kissing your lips. "This better be good." You kissed back popping gum. "All you need to do is work your charm and I'll hand the rest." You got out the car fixing your hair as you walked to the beautiful mansion. You knocked on the door as you were met by a average height man. "Algee? They didn't say you would be the handsome." You walked in as he guided you to a all white room. He sat down as you stood in front of him.

You noticed most of the pictures were turned down. "I'm definitely not dolled up so let me fix up." You walked to the bathroom. You sat on the sink and texted Keith "make your way in from the kitchen sliding door." As you walked out of the bathroom you stood up one of the pictures. It revealed he had a beautiful wife with two daughters that looked around 13 and 3. You went back into the room with him and stood behind him leaning over. "Are you ready from me." You whispered in his ear. "Sure is." He kissed up your arms pulling you around.

You started off slowly with an lap dance as you sat on top of him. "Are you sure you can handle a bad girl like me?" Algee was just amazed by you for some reason he felt he had a connection. "The question is can you handle me baby girl." You kissed down his neck as you noticed Keith a couple inches away. You gave him a wink with a smirk as you sat up slowly pulling up your shirt. Keith pulled the trigger as Algee slumped over in the chair. "Be careful next time." You got up pulling shirt down. You bent down and touched his neck. "Still a pulse. He has kids spare the guy he got the point."

He was losing blood rapidly. "I asked you could you handle me." You picked up Algee's Phone and called 911 "somebody help please I just found my neighbor shot and I'm scared just please hurry." As Keith honked for you to hurry you hung up the phone and walked out. "Don't rush me." Y/n didn't mind getting her hands dirty when it was time. Long as she knew it was something in it for her. Keith usually ignored that and knew that was your downfall. You killed most of everyone who got in your way.

You unlocked the door to your home which you had alone. You'd think all of the things you didn't together that you would stay together. "I'm bored come play with me." You pulled Keith in as you closed the door. "I think I have a couple of hours I could spare." He replied picking you up tossing you over his shoulder. You bit your lip. He opened the door as he tossed you on the bed slightly.

He ripped of your shirt as he kissed slowly down your chest. "No safe words I'm in control which means shut the fuck up." You nodded and whispered in his ear "you don't own me." "For now I do." He took of your pants with a force along with your panties. Keith was not really passionate in bed and you never expected him to be. He sucked on nipples as he pinched the other. As you tried to flip over you were instantly stopped by him. He opened your legs tossing them over his shoulders going in for the kill.

He licked slowly playing with your pearl for entertainment. You were already so moist just from him teasing. "I'm a big girl I can handle it." You let out softly. Keith made you feel like no other man had ever did before. He in fact was getting what everybody fantasized about. You climbed on top of him and kisses down his body to let him know you were in control.

You slowly started to put every inch of him inside of you.
This is just a snippet of it. I just wanted to post stating that today is Keith birthday. Also I haven't updated in months.

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