|20| the man next door.

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"CHLOE!" you yelled as you chased after your dog. A man stomped on his brakes. "Sorry" you said as you grabbed her from in front of the car "I'm so sorry mr powers it'll never happen again" you jogged back into the yard. "It's fine sweetheart look both ways next time." You ran inside from embarrassment as he pulled in his driveway "MOM IM SO TIRED OF THIS DOG SHE WONT STAY ON THE LEASH" as you stomped to the kitchen in anger "well you wanted her y/n now you have her. Your responsibility but not mines." She said as she cooked dinner. "Get that dog out my kitchen y/n" you rolled your eyes as you went upstairs to change into your bathing suit.

You went out the sliding door as you laid in the chair with your shades on letting the sun admire you golden tan body. You massaged Chloe as you heard a deep voice say "I don't care how you do it just get it done." You looked through the white fence that was between you and him as you saw Keith with an unbuttoned shirt as he looked a bit frustrated. It was something that attracted you about him you bit your lip as you admired his body. You grabbed Chloe and rushed quickly into the house upstairs. You changed as you called your best friend "if it's about your neighbor I don't wanna hear it." She said as she picked up she knew you like the back of her hand. "He almost ran me over today along with Chloe" "how child how" "Chloe ran into the road so I'm running beh-" "pause you don't run honey you jog I never seen you run before." "HUSH but as I was saying before i got rudely interrupted I JOGGED to go get her and he obviously was distracted by something else and slammed on brakes he was inches away from hitting me" "your fine stop being dramatic but you just had to have chloe bad ass." "Girl bye" you said hanging up.

You took a shower and got ready for bed. You grabbed your journal from the side of your bed. "Maybe it's the thrill of the rush. I think I love him. Maybe I love him just a little too much." You wrote as your mom came in "bed time lights off" you laid down as you but your journal back in it's place you had a smirk on your face. Your thoughts were on him the fantasies you had about him were just outrageous but you wanted it to happen.

The next day you woke up you noticed Chloe wasn't in her bed. You jumped up and looked out the window Chloe was in Keith's yard chasing a butterfly. You quickly jumped up sliding on your unicorn slippers and grabbing your phone running down stairs. The fact you still had on your night outfit was embarrassing knocking on the door in a over sized white tee with Black Nike race shorts to match. "I'm sorry to bother you mr powers but my dog is in your back yard. May I go get her." You sighed "come in she's been out there for a couple of hours I thought she'd go home when she's ready."

You were unfocused on his words but the fact he came to the door shirtless. You walked in and sat on the bench he had in the entrance. "I'll go get her for you. Would you like a cup of coffee?" He replied "yes sir thank you." "Call me Keith you make me feel old" as he went into kitchen you thought to yourself this might be my chance to accomplish my fantasies go for it y/n.

He handed you the cup as you drunk it quickly. "Watch out it's ho-" he said before you spit on him. "I'm so sorry it's just uh I'm having a bad morning. This is just not my week." You went to the kitchen to wipe his chest off. "It's fine I can relate." He said as he slowly laughed. "Uh you have a beautiful daughter" you pointed out in nervousness. "That's not my daughter that's my sister." He said as put napkins in the the trash "you live here all alone doesn't get lonely?" "Well Chloe visits me now so not at all." "Again I'm sorry it's just she's outta control." He patted his knee as she came running to him "not at all" you took Chloe as you hugged him gripping on to his back. "Uh I'm uh thank you." No problem he said glancing into your eyes. He stood over you as you looked up at him. He bent down and kissed your lips gently. You were shook thinking out of all people you would make the first move. You kissed back as you rubbed down his chest.

"I've been wanting this for so long." You said as sat on the counter top. "Well now your getting it." He untied his pants. You've been waiting for this your whole. Your mom knocked on the door. He quickly tied theme back up as he grabbed a shirt. "Hello Keith how are you." "Good what about yourself" "well I seen my daughters dog back on your lawn and I just hated to disturb you." "Well y/n came to get her its fine she looks in need for a play date. I was thinking my sister brings her dog over all of the time I'm sure she's coming this afternoon. Chloe and her would be good friends." "Sounds like a play date." Your mom said. You were so embarrassed you quickly grabbed Chloe and waited at the gate for your mom. "Y/n your really letting yourself go look how your dressed." Your mom patted you on the back as she waved goodbye to Keith. "Well mother some of us wouldn't wake up as perfect and flawless as you." You turned to her fake smiling.

You sat around most of the day as usual. Your mom walked "y/n dress decent tonight we're having dinner at Keith's tonight." You turned back from the tv looking at her "why" "I thought it would be nice if we did plus Chloe shits in the man hard and he doesn't complain." At this moment you were so over it but your body wasn't deep down your were happy but again you were so embarrassed.

Part 2 later tonight because I'm too lazy to finish it now.

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