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"I don't have enough apartments for everyone, so you'll have to share one with a roommate, is that fine?" My landlord, Leon, asked, pointed a pen at me.

His arms hugged a clipboard to his chest as I nodded, giving a fake smile.

"Great. Expect a roommate in a few weeks." And with that, the blond man walked away from the front of my door into his office, which was on the bottom floor.

Closing the door, I realized what I had done. Am I truly going to share a small, two bedroom apartment with someone I barely know?! I mean, I didn't want to seem rude and decline, so I guess I had no choice.


Two weeks later, they arrived. It was a blond boy with blue electric eyes, and he wore a simple white tee with black shorts. He held only one box strangely, which looked like it had barely anything in it. His expression was bare as he first stepped in.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you!" I smiled as I extended my hand for a hand shake.

He just nodded back in response.

"I can show you your room, if you'd like." I offered. He nodded again.

I led him to the bedroom on the opposite side from my room, which had the door closed since it was a huge mess. His room was clean, though a few spiderwebs emerged since nobody used the room for a while. Heck, I didn't even use it.

"Well, here's your new home! Uh, you're free to look around some more, but just not in my room, 'kay?" I plastered a fake smile across my face. He nodded for the third time.

Is that all he does? Just shakes his head up and down? I'd rather have someone who actually talks for a roommate. Or communicates with ASL, both are fine.

I walked out of his room as he slammed the door behind me. Jeez, he was rude. He didn't even introduce himself! But I quickly shook it off by flopping onto my small loveseat couch and watching some good ol' tv.

I bet he'll talk soon. And if he doesn't, I'll just have to roll with that.

My Mysterious Roommate~Len x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now