Chapter Five

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Cracking a yawn and stretching for a few seconds, I awoke in my precious bed, where the chirping of birds was heard outside of my window. The window was fogged up, presumably from the cold weather outside.

Perking up from my bed, I took a quick glance outside to see rain falling down my window, and staining the concrete with water.

"Weird, it was one hundred degrees a few days ago." I mumbled, walking over to my wardrobe.

Pulling out grey sweatpants and a navy blue sweater, I hummed a song so familiar to me. And yes, I didn't wear anything under the sweater, so what?

As I finished changing out, I near towards the door to hear faint rustling coming from the living room. I opened the door to hear the thumping growing louder.

"WHERE THE FRESH HECK IS THE MILK" I hear, instantly knowing it was Len. Sighing, I walk through the hallway, then into the kitchen to see Len digging through the fridge, almost tossing everything out of it.

"Len, what the hell are you doing?! All the food's gonna go bad!!" I yell, rushing over to push Len aside and putting all the food back into the fridge.

"I...I wanted to make you breakfast, as an apology for the other day." He said under his breath, fiddling with his fingers.

"What were you gonna make?"

I take a quick look on the counter to see a box of cereal and a bowl. Sighing, I hold his right shoulder and say, "Len, everyone can make cereal. You didn't have to make me a bowl."

He blushes.

"Well, I never really learned how to cook, 'ya know... Sorry, (Y/N)..." The blond states, looking down.

A silence occurs until guilt overwhelmed me. "But," I finally said, as Len perked up, still with a sad expression plastered on his face, "it's okay. I'd love anything made by you."

A smile then grew on his face as he began working on making my bowl of cereal. Gracefully pouring the cereal and the milk into the bowl, Len's grand reveal was to twirl around with the bowl in his hands, then hold it out to me in the end. Chuckling, I grab a spoon from the drawer and hold the bowl in my other hand. I scooped out a spoonful of cereal, ate it, then realized that this was my favorite cereal brand.

"You like cereal, don't 'cha, (Y/N)?" Len smiled with a smug look on his face.

I laughed as I take another spoonful of cereal into my mouth. After chewing for a bit, I realize that it tasted sweeter than usual. Looking at the cereal box, I see that it was normal, and not some knockoff brand.

"Hey, Len, this cereal tastes...different." I say with a full mouth.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it tastes really sweet..."

I then look at the milk carton to see that it wasn't actually milk! It was sweetener cream, you know, the one that people use for coffee?!

"Len, what the hell?! This is creamer, not milk!!" I scream, placing down the bowl of cereal.

"Well, the milk carton and that carton look the same!" He whined.

I shook my head in dismissal as I poured the "milk" in the sink and threw away the cereal into the trash. Len stood next to me in shame, eyeing me as I started to wash my dishes.

"," he finally mumbled, looking off into the distance, "I thought maybe we could hang out at that boba cafe we went to two weeks ago? I'll pay again."

"Uh, sure, why though?" I ask.

The boy shrugged and showed off a goofy smile, chuckling a bit.

My Mysterious Roommate~Len x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now