Chapter Four

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I guess I was so tired of Len's bullcrap, I slept on the couch. My clothes were from yesterday's dinner, which went wonderfully.

Assuming that Len was still asleep or whatever, my body slowly got up from the couch and went to my room to change. I decided to throw on a black character tee of my favorite anime and some red sweatpants. Pulling my hair up into a low ponytail, I thought I didn't look half bad.

Okay, now breakfast.

As I took my first step into the kitchen, I saw Len sitting against a cabinet on the floor while on his phone.

"Oh, (Y/N). You're awake." He smiled as he put his phone into his back pocket.

"How long have you been in here?" I asked, opening a cupboard to grab some cereal.

"Two hours, I think. I woke up on the couch to find you cuddling up on me~ Aww, that was so sweet of you~!" Len purred.

"No way! I'm not a cuddler." I retorted. Accidentally pouring my cereal on the counter instead of the bowl, Len shook his head.

"Clumsy, (Y/N). Watch what you're doing next time." The blond then stood up and started to clean up the fallen cereal on the counter and floor.

"Well, next time you shouldn't shock me! You liked about me hugging you and all that jazz."

"It's true! I swear; See? I even took a pic." He threw away the bad cereal, took out his phone and shoved it into my face. It was true, I was cuddling him! And he even took a picture without me noticing! Ugh, what a perv.

"The hell? Delete it! Delete it now!!" I commanded as Len puffed up his cheeks.

"Aw, but (Y/N)~, I want to cherish this forever! What if you leave and I start missing you? What will remind me of you?" He was such a child.

"I'll never leave this place, I'm the one that rented this place first. I want you to delete it now!!"

"Ughh, fineee. (Y/N) is a big meanie..." Len then deleted it, hopefully, and sighed. "Such a party pooper."

"I'm not! I just don't want other people to think we're together, okay?!"


"Oh, hey, Rin. What's up?"

"Um, Yuuma, some other friends, and I are going to hang if you want to come."

"Okay, where?"

"Who are you talking to?" Len asked, tossing a chip into his mouth.

"None of your business, you chip! Ah, sorry, Rin. It's just Len." I stated as I shot Len a death glare.

"Len? Sorry, but, if you're coming, could you not bring him? I - mmm, sorry, if I sound kind of rude, but we have some personal issues between us." Rin inquired with a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"No, it's okay! I won't. Where did you say it was?"

Len stood behind me as I continued to chat with his sister on the phone. Thank goodness he didn't find out who I was talking to, or else he would've snatched the phone out of my hand and do whatever the hell he would've done.

"Okay, I'll be there soon. Later!" I said as I hung up.

"I know you were talking to Rin." The blond stated bluntly, which startled me.

"So what? I'm going out for a bit; take care of the house for me."


"Rin! Over here!" I shouted to the blonde as she and her friends turned around. Recognizing Yuuma and a few other familiar faces, I waved.

My Mysterious Roommate~Len x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now