uh sorry for all the author's notes lmao

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Okay, so this note is serious.

I'm really iffy on continuing this story. I obviously stole the plot from Mystic Messenger, or to be more specific, 707's route. I'm not really proud of this story anymore, and I'm not sure if I even want to keep writing "x reader"'s or writing in general.

I also said I'm writing an Oliver x Reader and another Len x Reader, but I might scrap the Len story and put the Oliver one on hold as well.

I'm really sorry. I'm not as focused on writing now like I was a few months ago. This account will most likely be on a hiatus as well, so if you want to follow me on my other social media, then go ahead.

Thank you for reading.


Wow, my motivation for everything dies very quick. This story probably lasted as long as my other one...

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