Chapter Six

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"(Y/N)," Len mumbled, "I - I..."

My phone rang from inside my purse. I tell him to hold that thought as I reached inside to answer the phone. It was Yuuma.

"Hey, Yuuma." I answer, putting the phone up to my ear.

"How's the situation? Is Len okay? I haven't heard from Rin for a while, now." The boy said all at once.

"Um, I don't think the situation has settled at all. And yeah, he's okay. He's been doing better."

"Okay, but what about Rin?" He asked again.

"Uh, she's..." I glance at Len, who was staring at the dashboard with no emotion, "She's fine, I think. Though, she texted me this morning about the situation and said she was mad at me? I was just trying to help."

"Oh, I see. I tried texting her myself, but she left me on read. What a fucking bitch." Yuuma scowled. "Well, anyways, I gotta go now...Mizki isn't feeling well today, so yeah. I'll see you tomorrow at work."

He hung up on me first, as I looked at Len and gave him a nervous smile.

"What was it you were gonna say?" I inquire, putting away my phone in the process.

He shakes his head and half-heartedly gives a toothy grin.

"Ah, nothing. I forgot."

"Well, okay, I guess. Are we gonna go now?" I tried to ask nicely, but it came out as sassy.

He nodded as he turned on the engine and started to drive off.


I pushed open the cafe doors and was greeted by a cool breeze from the AC. Luckily, it stopped raining on the way here, so we weren't drenched in rain water as we exited the car. Len followed behind me, but in silence.

He hasn't said anything since Yuuma called, and I've been pretty suspicious of him. So far, he's only been responding with head nods or shakes. And sometimes, he would nod to a question that couldn't be answered by "yes" or "no".

We stood in line, waiting for our turn to order our drinks. The line was unusually longer today.

"Len, are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Len, please say something..."

"Something." He muttered under his breath faintly.

"Please. I'm worried. Was it something about Yuuma?"

The blond paused, then shook his head slowly.

"Not at's just," Len hesitated, as if he was going to explode, "I feel dumb for forgetting what I was gonna say."

"Are you serious?" I ask in an annoyed tone. All of that silent treatment just for forgetting something?

"Yeah," He nodded, "so what are you gonna order?"


Even though Len had told me what was bothering him, I still had a pinch of suspicion inside of me.

While Len was out of the apartment for God knows what, I decided to take a peek in his room again. The last time I looked in there, I got some valuable information.

Creaking open the door slowly, I revealed his surprisingly clean room. His bed was made, no dirty clothes on the floor, and no empty bags of chips! The only thing that caught my attention was his laptop. It was still powered on, with it's screen lighting up the room. I guess he forgot to shut it down.

My curiousity got the best of me, and before I knew it, I was going through his laptop. There was not much on the desktop, so I opened his libraries. The recently opened was just a bunch of notepad files with names that consisted of scrambled letters and symbols. Double clicking on one, the note file had read, "f/12/et. I'm not sure what she thinks of me anymore. She must be mad. Very mad. I've seen her absolutely livid before, and those times didn't really scare me. But now, I'm horrified."

I open another note.


' That's today...' I thought to myself. I continue reading.

"I took (Y/N) out to a boba cafe today. She asked me what was wrong. I of course lied to her. I didn't know how to say that I meant to say something really important to her. I guess today isn't the day to say it."

He...lied to me? What did he want to say? I open another note that was last opened five days ago.

"f/8/et. Rin and I got into a fight. A bad one. In public, too. Thank goodness it didn't get too much attention. (Y/N) backed me up against Rin...(Y/N) was really brave, especially for facing her friend.

"I love her. She's brave, beautiful, and has a great sense of humor. She likes the same chips I like. I'm going to confess to her. I just don't know when."

I then came to the realization that these are Len's journal entries. But, one thing still didn't come to me: who is the girl he's talking about? Is it

At that moment, the door opened.


((tysm for hanging with me!! I know it's been quite a while since the last chapter. School and other busy work has been on my schedule for the longest time now!!))
((Also, I'm sorry that this chap. is so short!! :'-) I had no idea how to add on to this chapter so))

My Mysterious Roommate~Len x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now