Chapter 00110111

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I stared at the figure in the doorway with an expression that looked like I had been shot dead in the brain. My hands trembled, my legs were shaking, and my mind went blank.

"(Y/N)," He said with no emotion, "you went through my computer."

"I - I'm...sorry, Len..." I try to open my mouth again to add on, but it refused to cooperate with me. He cut me off.

"I told you not to look. They're gonna come after you, (Y/N)...they're gonna..." Len started to stutter, but managed to get it out, "This is all my fault. I put you in danger..."

"Len, what the hell are you talking abo-"

"(Y/N), we have to go. I can't let them find you, they'll kill you." The blond deathly stated as he reached under his bed, pulling out a dusty and most likely outdated laptop.

"Who? Wait, Len, what's going on?" I ask.

He shoved the laptop in his bag, which lay on top of his neatly done bed. "My agency. They told me if anyone were to find out about my job, they'll fucking kill them. My job is top secret, that's why I hid my occupation from Rin."

I stared at him in confusion. Who was he working with? And why are they so protective of Len?

The blond abruptly grasped my wrist and pulled me out of the room, and led me into the living room.

"Get your stuff, especially your phone. I need to make sure that they aren't tracing your phone." He said, as he swiped his keys from the kitchen counter.

"My phone? Um, okay..." I grab my phone off the coffee table, then my purse that hung next to the door.

"Come on," He ushered me towards the door, just as I slipped on my shoes sloppily.

We rush towards the elevators and quickly pressed the down button, and as if on cue, it came two seconds later. Piling in, Len clutches his bag in fear and I awkwardly look down at the floor.

The ride down was silent.

The elevator arrived at the garage, and as soon as the doors opened, Len bolted out and towards his car. I, of course, followed him, but at a slower pace. When I got to the car, he was already inside, waiting for me. After I had gotten settled and seat-belted, Len starts the car and drives off.

I had no idea where he was taking me. Hopefully nowhere sketchy.

The ride was long, especially since there was a painful silence sitting right between us. I finally attempt to break the quietness.

"Len," I start, "are you...mad at me?"

He doesn't even glance at me, but I could tell his blue eyes shone a kind expression.

"No, (Y/N), why would I ever be mad at you?" Len replies.

"'Cause I looked through your things?"

"(Y/N)," He places his hand on mine, which laid on my thigh, "I'll never be mad at you. After all, you never got mad at me."

His hand clutches on mine in reassurance. I look over at him, to see that he was looking right back at me.

"So, where are you taking me?" I ask, slightly cocking my head to one side.

"Somewhere safe. Somewhere they won't find you."

He gives a small, kind smile.

"(Y/N), the ride's gonna be a long one. You can sleep if you want."

I nod a bit, then start to close my eyes.


My eyes slowly start to flutter open to an unfamiliar environment. Len was still driving, but I had no idea where we were. A plain grassland surrounded the road we were driving on, but there were no buildings of any sort. But, there were the few occasional farms and windmills, but nothing else.

My Mysterious Roommate~Len x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now