Chapter Eight

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I awoke in morning, to the sound of a sweet chirping bird outside. It was really quiet downstairs, so I decided to go check on Len. But before I did, I eyed Rin's wardrobe, wondering if I could fit her clothes. Opening one drawer, I saw a whole lot of neatly folded shirts and one caught my eye. It was a red plaid crop top long sleeve shirt, with white buttons and a collar. I take off my dirty shirt and pull on the other shirt. Closing the shirt drawer, I look in the one below to see shorts and pants. My eyes caught a black skirt and some shorts to wear underneath them. So I also put those on.

I walk out of Rin's room and down the stairs to see Len passed out on the couch, with his head and arm laying on the couch's arm. His laptop was shut down, probably automatically, and an empty cup of coffee sat on the coffee table. A blanket sat on the other couch's arm, so I decided to take it and pull it over Len.

'Now, time to get to work on breakfast. I need to pay my debt to Len.' I thought to myself as I walked into the kitchen.

Looking in the fridge, I find the same carton of eggs Len had used last night and some breakfast sausages. I carefully took both of the items out and placed them on the counter. Then I started the hunt for a pan of some sort. 

After two minutes of scavenging through multiple cabinets, I finally found a medium size pan and set it on the stove. I began to make some sunny side up eggs and sausages. Not long after that, I saw Len walk into the kitchen from the corner of my eye. He rubs his eyes and yawns, still fixing himself up.

"Morning, sleepy head." I smile, continuing to make breakfast.

"Mmmorennnn'" The blond murmurs, yawning a second time. He sat down at the dining table.

"How long did you even sleep for?"


I stop and look at him with a worried look.

"Only three hours?" I ask. My eyes wander over to the clock on the stove, reading the time. It read eight fifteen. He fell asleep at five in the morning?

"Aw, you must be really tired. You should probably take it cool today."

"B - But, (Y/N), you'll be in serious danger if I chill today..." He perks up.

"It's okay, Len. I'm gonna be fine." I finish making breakfast. Taking out plates from the cabinet next to the stove, I place the finished eggs on one plate. I begin to cook the sausages when Len sighed.

"(Y/N), I really want to protect you. After what you've done, I have to repay you back somehow." He said.

I stand in front of the stove in thought. But before I could say anything, I felt something wrapping around my waist, making me jump a bit. My eyes dart behind me to see a familiar shade of blond hair resting on my shoulder.

"I don't want to let you go, (Y/N). I don't want you to get hurt, or anything..." Len softly says. His hands squeeze me harder as I continue to stare down at the cooking food.

"(Y/N), this is why we're here. We're here so I could protect you. You probably already know this but," Len hesitates, but manages to say it, "I love you."

Ah. Hypocritical.

I turn around and get met with a warm press against my lips, as Len's hands continue to clasp around my waist. My mind went blank, but as if on auto-pilot, my lips played along. I lift my arms up to meet his shoulders, as his hands became slightly loose. Not minding the food, we continue to fight our lips together, as I playfully mess up his hair.

He pulls away suddenly.

"(Y/N), the food's burning."

I turn around quickly and see the sausages almost burnt to a crisp. On first instinct, I turn off the stove and move the pan off the hot area. My eyes stared at the burnt food in pain and embarrassment, as Len smiles and chuckles a bit.

"It's okay, (Y/N). It's still edible, right?"

Blushing, I respond through a toothy grin; "Yeah. Well, at least I hope so."


Len had to continue his work on erasing any known info on me, so I decided to explore the house a bit.

I first start upstairs, where all the bedrooms are. There was a door next to Rin's room, and I assumed it was Len's. He wouldn't mind, would he?

My hand carefully opens the door, and to my surprise, his room was the total opposite of his sister's. The walls were black, with a yellow border, and a vivid yellow bed lay horizontal to the window that stood in the middle of the back wall. A desk was also in his room, but it was a complete mess. Papers, both crumpled and clean, were sitting on his desk, with a small calendar with no theme hung above it. Pencils, pens, and highlighters were scrambled all across his desk, with one textbook on coding sat in the middle of everything.

'Coding?' I ask myself as my hand brushed the cover of the book.

Whenever I hear the word "coding", I always remember clicking "inspect element" on my web browser and messing around with the codes. But this coding was real. Maybe Len knows how to code.

I flip open the book to a random page to see that it was covered in side notes and highlights. His handwriting was literal chicken scratch, so I didn't bother trying to decide whatever the notes said. But the highlighted text contained a lot of stuff about viruses. I flip to another random page, still curious about it. This section was untouched, so I decided to read a chunk of it. It was mostly about debugging, so I stopped reading. Closing the book, I decided to take a peek in his closet.

As I opened one of the drawers, a note fell out from underneath and it landed on the floor. My hands automatically picked it up and unfolded it. It read, "Dear Rin, you're lucky you found this note. When you find this though, it may be too late. Now, I am far from home, trying to make a living. I left half of our parent's money so you could move out. Hopefully it's enough. One more thing, I love you. I hope we can meet each other soon."

'Rin probably found this note and stuck it back on the drawer...' I thought as I did the same as Rin.

"Hey, (Y/N), I finally finished clearing the database." I hear from the hallway. I scrambled to close any open drawers and get out of his room before he suspects anything.

As I ran back out into the hallway in a panting mess, I saw Len with a very concerned face. I try to laugh it off, but Len wasn't laughing.

"What were you doing in my room..?" He asked as he approached me.

"Don't worry, I didn't go through your hentai stash." I joke.

"...wh-what." the boy's face went close to pale.

"I'm joking, dude. Wait, do you actually..."

"N-no. It just...caught me off guard. Anyways...I finished clearing the database. It's fine to go back to your apartment, now. So," he looks dead straight into my eyes, "pack up your stuff."


((big scream so sorry I haven't updated in months!! I got caught up in alot of stuff, and I didn't have the motivation,,also this chapter is insanely short sorry for that as well))
((I try to work on my other stories as well, so stay tuned ✨✨))

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