Chapter One

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First day with him living in the same apartment as me. He didn't even talk to me once. The boy was locked in his room the whole entire time, and the only time that he actually went out of the room was to either take a piss or grab something to eat.

Suspicion grew over me as I continued with my daily routine. Work for me started at one, but it was only nine, so I had some time to spare.

I started to play some rhythm games on my phone, but just I had started playing, he finally came out of his room. He peeked at me from the hallway which led to the rooms with a blank expression.

"Ah, can I help you?" I asked dully.

He shook his head. "I'm Len. I forgot to introduce myself yesterday, and I am very sorry about that."

"No, no, it's fine! Nice to meet you, Len!"


He covered his stomach region and blushed.

"S-sorry. I live off chips, and it's very common of my stomach to growl at the most inappropriate times." Len said in a hushed tone and I chuckled.

"Don't worry, I can whip up some food for you." I smiled.

Quickly walking to the kitchen, I scouted the fridge for something to cook.

"Do you like eggs?"

"...Yes, Sunny side up, please."


I stood in front of the door with a thin jacket covering my work uniform. Looking inside my purse, I looked for anything I was missing, then I glanced at the hallway. Len was back in his room doing whatever, while I had to work...I mean, could he at least get a job too?

"Len? I'm gonna be at work for a while, I probably won't be back until five."

No response.

I continued to unlock the door without Len's reply. You don't need to tell your roommate that you're going out for a bit, right?


Working at a fast food restaurant is hell. It's over crowded, loud, messy and stressful. Especially for being a cashier. Keeping track of an order in a place where it's loud can throw you off track. Believe me, I've messed up lots of orders and got lots of backlash for it. But I've basically grown immune to them now.

"Hello, (Y/N)! Ready for another stressful shift at this hell hole?" Rin, my co-worker, asked with a cheery tone. Despite her happy appearance, she likes to tell dark jokes to a lot of people.

"Heck yeah." I replied with a sneer.

"Wassup?" Another co-worker of mine, Yuuma, asked, brushing his pink hair back into place.

"Nothin' much. Though I did get a new roommate."

"Really? Who are they?" Rin questioned, practically jumping up and down in excitement.

"He said his name was Len. That's all he told me."

Rin stared back at me with a blank expression, mumbled something under her breath, and started her shift.

Yuuma and I exchanged glances, then soon started work as well. We took our places at the registers and waited for people to roll in.

My first customer was a couple, one with brown hair and a red dress and the other with blue hair, a scarf, and a white petticoat. I swear I've seen them before somewhere else, but it may just be a coincidence.

They both walked up to my register and smiled in unison.

"We got married!"

Ohhh, rigghhhtt. They came in here a few weeks ago saying that they got engaged. Fast wedding planners, they are.

"Congrats! What would you like to celebrate your marriage?" I cheerfully asked with my customer service voice.

They ordered their things, paid and got what they wanted. That's usually how it works.

A few hours passed, and soon I was working like a robot, programmed to do the same repetitive things for ages. Until I saw a familiar figure walk in through the door. It was Len! But, I've never seen him out of the house before?

He walked up to my register and slyly smiled.

"Hey, (Y/N). Is Rin here?" Len asked nonchalantly.

"Uh, yeah, she's working at the drive through window. Why?"

"Just wondering. I also wanted to say hi." He smiled as leaned onto the counter.

"Is that all? You're holding up the line." I pointed out the inpatient customers behind him.

"Oh, yeah, sorry 'bout that. I'll see you later." He walked away towards the exit as Yuuma looked at me in concern.

"Who was that?" The pink haired boy asked.

"Len. I've never seen him out of the house before. Okay, now shut up I have a job to do."

My Mysterious Roommate~Len x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now