Chapter Three

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"Mornin'." I was greeted by Len, who was relaxing on the couch with his phone in hand. He was surprisingly up earlier than usual; Len usually wakes up around nine, but today he was in the living room at seven.

"Hey," I waved. "Why are you up so early?"

"I thought maybe we could get to know each other by going somewhere." He shrugged and smiled. "Maybe a cafe?"

"Um, why and when did you become so friendly towards me? Are you okay? Did you need a psychiatrist?" My body sat down next to him, though not that close.

"What the hell? No, I just thought it'd be better for the both of us."

"Hmmm, seems suspicious to me." I smirked, giving him a teasing glare.

"I promise you, there's nothing wrong with me! Are we going to go or what?" Ah, so impatient.

I nodded as he sighed a breath of relief.

"Okay, let's go then. We're taking my car." Wow, his car. Such a gentleman~

After we had gotten ready and locked up the apartment, he led me to his car, which unbelievably, was a yellow Camaro.

"How did you afford this? Aren't you a college student?!" I exclaimed as I excitedly got into the passenger seat.

"Every student has their ways." Len winked.


We arrived at a small cafe that had very little amount of customers, which was good, I guess. The good thing was that this was a boba cafe, so I could get all the boba I could possibly get! Maybe I could...guilt trip Len into paying the bill?

"Get whatever you want, I'll pay." He smiled as he shoved his hands into his side pockets. Huh, guess I don't have to.

I guess I wasn't really attentive, because I hadn't realized Len was wearing a yellow tie with a white tee button up. But, he was wearing the same shorts he wore when he first moved in. Believe it or not, that was only two days ago.

Once we had ordered our things, we sat down at the couch with our drinks and food placed on the coffee table placed in front of us. Len let out a satisfied sigh as he grabbed his drink and took a small sip.

"Boba is so refreshing, isn't it? Hahhh," The blond smiled at me as a distraction from his arm slithering around me to pull me closer.

"Mmhmm, wait - hey! What are you doing?!" I pushed his arm back down in disgust; His reaction was just a smirk.

"Can't I just lay my arm on the couch? I'm not trying to get you, you know." Len narrowed his eyes at me. "Getting together with your roommate is kinda weird, don't 'cha think?"


"So, how old are you?" Len inquired as he placed his drink back on the table.

"Twenty. You?"


"My turn to ask, and I know this is a lame one: favorite color?"


"Mine's (F/c)."

"Nice. Okay, this might be a bit personal, you like me?" Len showed off his smoulder and chuckled a bit. "You don't have to answer that one."

"You can't tell me what to do. Like as a roommate? Or..?" Innocently cocking my head to one side made him laugh.

"You know what I mean."

Blushing, I scoffed and put on a 'I-don't-need-a-man-for-I-am-a-strong-independent-individual' face.

"No. Why would I? You just said, 'getting together with your roommate is kinda weird' just a few seconds ago, right? Plus, you're weird." I smirked as I took a sip of my drink.

My Mysterious Roommate~Len x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now